I'll tell ya what's madness, it's that March is almost over! FLOWN by. In short, I update:
I saw P sitting like this and said, "DON'T MOVE!" as I left to get the camera. He is sitting in the EXACT pose his father always sits in. Hilarious. I loved it. But I especially love that sweet little smile on his face. What a handsome man...I do love him. (note: he is all sweaty after bball here)
I have 2 handsome men around these parts. Note the yellow crayon bandaid. Wade is extremely skinny (still.) and had to have some tests to make sure there ain't nothin' askew in his bod. But he's good. You should have seen the nurse stick him...directly into his TINY vein! She was good.
The other morning after I nursed Wade, Per and I laid in bed and put Wade on the floor. A few minutes later it sounded like he bonked his head on the bed and was fussing, so Per leans down to get him and he was completely UNDER the bed!! I jumped up to try and get a picture, but he was already out...but still distressed about the situation!
-Wade now knows how to throw a good tantrum. It is not awesome. But he also now knows how to do a lot of other really good and cute things like clicking his tongue, clapping, making weird/hilarious noises, and just be a big TEASE. Can you imagine??
-Perris is mere weeks away from receiving his Bachelor's degree. That is just the BEST news! The. BEST. We are sooo close to becoming real adults!
-We are looking forward to our many planned adventures in May and August...to include Wade's 1st bday, camping, Montana, Yellowstone...cannot wait!
-We can, however, wait for Perris to be gone for June and July. Ew. But really glad it's for an internship and potential future job. Yay for income!
-My summer project is the farmer's market with Jamian and Natalie. I am excited for that.
-We got a bike trailer for Wadester. I shall be biking to Provo each Saturday for the day-long farmer's market. Bring it on.
-Perris has a very large mustache currently. This is much bigger than any previous mustache, for it has lasted much longer and is in the plans to stay. I don't really mind it, although the first words out of any woman's mouth we see recently is "Really?? You are really keeping that thing? I thought it was just a joke!" They are disgusted. I think that is funny.
-Perry and I are both in the scouting program. He is thrilled (understatement) to be the scout MASTER (to include 1 camping trip a month. Talk about a dream come true for him), and I am the Bear den leader. I have no idea it is completely FOREIGN to me all of the lingo, etc. But those 9 year old Bears...it's like a birthday party every week. Wade is completely entertained the entire time we are with them!
-Life is just going forward. I feel like days are too busy and want to slow down a bit. Simplicity is for me!