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March [madness]

I'll tell ya what's madness, it's that March is almost over!  FLOWN by.  In short, I update: 
I saw P sitting like this and said, "DON'T MOVE!" as I left to get the camera.  He is sitting in the EXACT pose his father always sits in.  Hilarious.  I loved it.  But I especially love that sweet little smile on his face.  What a handsome man...I do love him.  (note: he is all sweaty after bball here)
 I have 2 handsome men around these parts.  Note the yellow crayon bandaid.  Wade is extremely skinny (still.) and had to have some tests to make sure there ain't nothin' askew in his bod.  But he's good.  You should have seen the nurse stick him...directly into his TINY vein!  She was good.
The other morning after I nursed Wade, Per and I laid in bed and put Wade on the floor.  A few minutes later it sounded like he bonked his head on the bed and was fussing, so Per leans down to get him and he was completely UNDER the bed!!  I jumped up to try and get a picture, but he was already out...but still distressed about the situation!

-Wade now knows how to throw a good tantrum.  It is not awesome.  But he also now knows how to do a lot of other really good and cute things like clicking his tongue, clapping, making weird/hilarious noises, and just be a big TEASE.  Can you imagine??
-Perris is mere weeks away from receiving his Bachelor's degree.  That is just the BEST news!  The. BEST.  We are sooo close to becoming real adults!
-We are looking forward to our many planned adventures in May and August...to include Wade's 1st bday, camping, Montana, Yellowstone...cannot wait!
-We can, however, wait for Perris to be gone for June and July.  Ew.  But really glad it's for an internship and potential future job.  Yay for income!
-My summer project is the farmer's market with Jamian and Natalie.  I am excited for that.
-We got a bike trailer for Wadester.  I shall be biking to Provo each Saturday for the day-long farmer's market.  Bring it on.
-Perris has a very large mustache currently.  This is much bigger than any previous mustache, for it has lasted much longer and is in the plans to stay.  I don't really mind it, although the first words out of any woman's mouth we see recently is "Really??  You are really keeping that thing?  I thought it was just a joke!"  They are disgusted.  I think that is funny.
-Perry and I are both in the scouting program.  He is thrilled (understatement) to be the scout MASTER (to include 1 camping trip a month.  Talk about a dream come true for him), and I am the Bear den leader.  I have no idea it is completely FOREIGN to me all of the lingo, etc.  But those 9 year old Bears...it's like a birthday party every week.  Wade is completely entertained the entire time we are with them!
-Life is just going forward.  I feel like days are too busy and want to slow down a bit.  Simplicity is for me!

Around the neighborhood

PerBear is the Scout master.  What a happy camper.  Literally.
You may also enjoy the documentation of his month+ mustache growth.  He is really proud.  I'm tired of only feeling his bottom lip when we kiss, but it's fine with me, whatever (okay maybe not whatever, but mostly) floats your boat!  His goal is to make it to GRADUATION!  (20th of April) (like 2 weeks from tomorrow) (Do I seem excited?!?!)  He is really, really cute.  And sexy.

 I dare to speak for all when I say that our familial gathering last Saturday (Lynds is 21!) was excellent.  We'll have to look to Lynds for the face mask pictures... and seriously our Mother is, in a word, hilarious.  She was giving us all the giggles, all night.

 Here is what I was referring to when titling this "Around the Neighborhood".  We live in a beautiful place.  If life takes us elsewhere, which I feel it will, I shall miss the glorious mountains.  Truly GLORIOUS.  What else can you describe as glorious on this earth?  It's not a word I use lightly.  They are incredible.

 WR and I go on walks daily (I even starting running.  Okay so today was the first time, but I did it and I will shout congratulations for me because I cannot say I love to run) and here is our regular route scenery.
 Wade had his first taste of dirt the other day.  He really didn't seem to enjoy it, but there was something about it because he just kept going back for more.  Luckily there were aerated pellets everywhere for his eating convenience.  Then the lovely 3 year old downstairs came and kindly dumped a pile of dirt upon Wade's head.  No reaction from Wade whatsoever!                                                          
Besides screaming/shrieking, our favorite pastime right now is spitting.  Can you tell Mom is thrilled about these things?? Yes. 
He sure is cute, though...
 In the 2 photos below, you may be able to spy a slight darker hair color.  This would be the post-dirt dumping.
(p.s. thanks for the jacket, Lynette!! Love it.)
 Another thing about this neighborhood.  I have sighted THREE nyquil or robitussin bottles in gutters on our walks this week.  Either people are having some serious problems losing their cough medicine or I am sensing a neighborhood cough medicine buzz problem.  I have been shocked.  I mean obviously I know that people actually do that, but it's so interesting to me (I guess there are a lot of interesting things girls did where I worked the past few years...).  I imagined myself today as I saw the 3rd (which within a few block radius seems like a whole lot of not-so-random-sightings!) bottle as a teenager and maybe if a friend had suggested we chug some cough medicine for fun I might have thought that was okay.  But upon further thought, it would have felt wrong, so I know I wouldn't have done it.  I can't say i never did anything stupid in younger years, but with "stupid" I'd also define that as "embarrassing"...like walking by a table in the cafeteria and quickly asking, "um can I have one?" while taking a french fry off of their plate (it was a dare), or loading up the back of my little Ranger with friends and doing donuts in a parking lot (I hate thinking what could have happened.  Will I ever let my children do these things!?!?) 
Anyway.  Let's all make good choices is what I'm trying to say.  And learn from the bad ones.

Perris' B.S.

I just looked up the reason why university degrees are "Bachelor" degrees.  It's too long to explain so you'll have to look it up yourself.  Interesting, though!  But who cares because Perris is DONESKY at BYU.  My sweet mother came up to help celebrate and represent the family, thank you Momma.  This is exciting business.  We are waiting to hear from the University of Utah about a 1 year Master degree (after which Perris would like to request all to greet him as "Master Perris."  You can imagine how I feel about that), which would start in the fall.  Life is moving forward.  School life, I mean.  I feel like I've been pretty patient (as in not feeling too rushed as P continued through schooling our entire married life so far), considering I got my degree 6 years ago.  It's just all a different process for everyone!
 This shows all the graduates coming in and filling up.  6,000 of them!
I was wondering the average number of graduates per university each year?  Anyone know?  Seems like 6,000 is a lot, but I have no idea.

Wadester is approaching his 1 year birthday.  It's pretty exciting!  He is so fun.  We are down to nursing 3 times a day, and really the morning feed is the only one that lasts more than 2 seconds.  So weird.  It took us forever to get nursing down, and now we're almost done!  The latest thing he's started is holding hands and walking.  He loves it and only started to let us do it a week ago.  Today he was RUNNING toward Perris with me.  Gotta get a video of that one!
I am helping Maddy finish the last preps for her wedding on May 11th.  She is staying with us until then.  She may have been regretting that decision this morning at 7am when the 3 of us came out to feed Wade breakfast, bathe, etc.  Sorry about that, we have a real, real small house!  I am excited for this spring weather to get more active and a bit more in shape.

In closing I leave you with a nice tale.  One evening while Mom was here we were perusing the 4 TV channels that we have, and stopped on Friends.  Joey and Chandler are having a conversation where Joey is asking why it's such a big deal that he sometimes use Chandler's toothbrush.  Chandler is freaking out, and Joey says "well I don't understand why that's bad, we share the same bar of soap!"  And Chandler says, "Well....it's soap."  Joey: "Yeah, but if you think about the last thing I wash in the shower and the first thing you wash..."  
We are all giggling at this, and I realize: we use bar soap in the shower.  Immediately I ask Perris his method of using a bar of soap.  Let's just say we had to make some changes.  Thank you Friends for the surprising counsel! Hahaha!

364 Days of Motherhood

Actually today is only day 346.
But, this sweet little man is almost 1 year old.  So crazy he's already been with us for a whole year!
I started a project when he was born to include in my journal the number day since he was born and what it was like to be a mother that day.  I only got to 100 days (not everyday), so reviewing them is a great motivation to continue.  Day 48 and 100 are my favorites right now!  Wade is a sweet, energetic, fun-loving, sensitive boy!

Day 9 of Motherhood: So far it has felt natural and an easy transition--this is how its meant to be!  I love his wrinkled forehead and his almond eyes.  I love his slow blink...his tiny legs and arms.  Right above his knee my thumb connects over my 1st knuckle of my pointer finger, measuring the width of his thigh.  Perris calls him "little buddy" and I say "bug".

Day 40:  After Wade's feeding at 8:30am I decided to stay in bed a bit longer with him.  He continued sleeping on my chest and I admired him periodically.  How I love my sweet Wade.  I measured my hands around his middle and my left and right pointer fingers meet and my thumbs.  Little baber!  Sweet moment of motherhood.

Day 42:  A 4am wake up of lips and tongue smacking in a call of hunger from your 6 week (almost to the hour!) old isn't so bad!

Day 48:  Dreamt last night that I had bigger nipples and it was so easy to nurse!  Talk about dreaming of your hearts desire! HAH!

Day 54:  Until dinner I hadn't even thought about what day of the week it was.  I had no idea.  Perris helped me out.

Day 74:  I was pretend-eating Wade's chest tonight and he full on LAUGHED.  I pulled away and almost teared! I said, "Oh my gosh Wade you're going to make me cry!"  I felt JOY.

Day 77:  Wade got his tongue clipped today.  He did great.  He cried for 5 minutes.  But he CRIED for those 5 minutes.  When he busted out his seriously sad, pouty lip and cry, the Dr. burst into laughter.  I told him it gets me every time!  He called Wade tender hearted.  That resonated with me all day and I agree.  Wade is a most tender heart.

Day 100:  When putting Wade down for a nap he kept looking up at me and giving me this grin.  Like, "Hi Mom!  Thanks for being here.  This is fun!"  Over and over he looked up into my eyes and smiled with his mouth and twinkly eyes.  Oh to feel the love of a babe.

It's really the simple things that can paint a beautiful canvas of life, don't you think?
Thank you Wade, for introducing me to Motherhood and filling days with sweetness and love.
Love, Yo' Momma


(16 May) Usually to communicate his desire/need for something, Wade just screams.  It's very sassy.  Since he began eating solids at 5 and 1/2 months, we have been trying to teach him the sign language sign, "more."  7 months of this finally reaped it's reward last night when those two little fists clenched together and the pointers and thumbs stuck out and kissed each other to indicate "more"...immediately accompanied by more screams.  HEY we've got progress!!  I'll take it.


We have been enjoying all our time together since Perris graduated.  Since we have last met, we have:
 Gone on some hikes/camped.  Like this beautiful and extremely intense (for me!) hike to Squaw Peak.

 Madeline and Stuart were married.  Wade's job was to wear a bow tie and look really cute.
Perris' job was to speak for the ring ceremony after the temple sealing
My job was to decorate.
 Then we went to St George and watched a really cool solar eclipse
 Wade turned one and we had a raspberry buttermilk cake.  Yum.
 Wade also wore a party hat that, I realize, semi-resembles the
 Pope and a dunce cap.  Unintentional.
 We camped and explored around Escalante, UT with Lyndsey Binsey.
Slot canyon

Wade is growing up and doing the funniest things.  No walking yet, but he is a HOOT.  And a stinker, too.  (As i write he has stepped off my lap onto the counter...no no!!)  We have had a lovely month together!

Stuck in the head

I often get the Genovia Anthem stuck in my head.  You know, the one from The Princess Diaries.  I think that movie is hilarious, and the big man singing "Genovia, the land I call my own.  GEnooovia, GENNOOOOOVIIAAAAA forever may your anthem raise"  I admit I may be making up some words, but really.  So RANDOM.  Anyone else get the most random things stuck in your head??


I am seriously missing my man.  The past couple of days I have really been in a funk of laziness!  And ungrateful-ness.  I have thought all day about what I am NOT appreciating and really feeling remorseful.  So I am repenting.  Really.
 Isn't this the coolest picture?  This is from the eclipse on the 20th of May.  The shadows made through the trees was by far the highlight of the whole experience.  Amazing and breathtaking, truly.  What an awesome experience!

 I loooove this picture.  Wade was wearing Aunt Jami's girls' hat (with Ariel the mermaid), but kindly turned it inside out before placing it upon Wade's head.  He may have minded having a Disney princess on his head, he may have not!  But for the pictures' sake, I'm glad red-head, Ariel, wasn't stealing the show, because my little man can steal his own show.
 Hopefully P won't look at the blog before father's day but I got this picture printed for him.  Precious.
 Look at that face.  He has the funniest facial expressions!  It's like a smoulder/scowl.  He does another where he tips his chin toward his chest, and his eyes look up through his eyebrows as he stares at something/someone intently.  The best is when he does it to his cousin, Ella.

We are surviving, barely, without Perris.  Am I dramatic, or what?!  We have really kept busy and people are inviting us places and looking out for us, which I really appreciate (and am starting to see better, instead of complaining that no one wants to be my friend.  Seriously, Ali, open your eyes and see all of the hands reaching out to you.  Blind eyes.  To this I was referring to above as my ingratitude.)  Thus, I am stepping out of my funk.

Mr. Wade, in some exciting news, is taking steps all on his own!!  Sometimes I'll see him in the corner of my eye taking a few steps forward, then dropping to his knees and crawling quickly away.  If he's in a good mood he'll practice walking towards me...if he doesn't want to he'll make his body all jell-o like as I try to put him on his feet and melt onto the floor.  Talk about dramatic.  It is quite hilarious.

Here's to a busy and grateful and happy week to all!!

D. (Lyndsey)

It's really fun to call people just by 1 letter.  Like "P" for Perris, my friend, "B" or Bethany, and then sister Lyndsey, "D".  You would see that D doesn't match Lyndsey, but let me explain.  Sweet youngest sister, Katie, when a wee lass, would say something that sounded like "Dinsdee" for Lyndsey.  This soon turned into "DD" which has evolved into just "D".
 She (Lyndsey) is a really nice girl.  And she's a babe (see above and below).  In fact, "nice" isn't even close.  You see, she left to be a missionary in California last week, and we're all already missing her.  This tenderness has brought a load of memories and reminiscing about the D.  I wasn't the best older sister.  We are 6 years apart (although nowadays we are often asked if we are twins, and when we say there are 6 years between us the next question is always "Who's older?"  Oh well, I'll take being 6 years younger for the rest of my life), and I was, I must say, relentless in my teasing.  I have apologized repeatedly in recent years.

Example A:  We were home alone one day and I was probably 12 or 13, making Lynds about 6 or 7, and I (in my dramatics.) fell suddenly to the floor in front of Lyndsey.  I feigned I needed some water and was close to death.  Lyndsey tentatively doubted my claims, but soon I convinced her that I really was about to die and to "tell Mom and Dad I love them" in my best barely-whispering-about-to-die-voice.  Sweet, sweet, Lyndsey began to cry (and I CONTINUED!!!) and seconds later Mom and Dad walk in the front door, so I jump up, say "Just kidding!"  and walk away.  I am ashamed.  We often laugh about this now, but truly, I was not very nice sometimes.  Lyndsey never held a grudge or stopped loving me, however.

And this example leads me to the truth of the matter: Lyndsey has been the perfect child.  I stated this to my Mother a week or so ago and she did not argue.  In fact, she said that once (once.  once, people!!) she was surprised when Lyndsey got mad at Dad about something.  She said she thought "Oh, wow.  Lyndsey's got some fire in her!"  It's hard to measure up to such goodness and kindness.  In fact it's hard to measure up to all of my sisters, but I try not to measure for fear of such a gap.
So what I'm trying to conclude is that Lyndsey is a champion, a true lover of all, an excellent choice to represent Jesus Christ, and an all-around awesome sister.  She is going to do great things for good people.  I love her, and love that I get to be her sister.
And you must know that these glasses are true vintage glasses.  They were found in our mother's hope chest prior to our excursion in May to Escalante, UT.  She rocked those puppies, just like Mom did in 1990-1997. 
You can follow her personal account of life as an LDS missionary here

I can speak english

How many times I have learned I am saying a word incorrectly in the past year or so, I cannot say.
Example from 2 days ago:  I was drying my hair in my Mom's bathroom and looked down in her makeup bag to see this mascara:
Fancy that, it's "voluptuous"!  I always have imagined and said it "volumptuous".  No one has ever caught it (and told me), and I have never seen it written (or noticed!).  So funny.  I'm still learning  english!!  This one made sense though, I mean, "volumptuous" like "volume" like "a lot".


When my son looks most like his father.

Me and Wade

That's about it, these days!  Me and my little buddy, who runs amok (which means is to behave in a wild or unruly manner, as I just searched online.  Origins from a Malay word.  Whatever that is!  And also it's in the DSM (the big book of diagnosis that psychologists, etc use!  But just to clarify I use it for exaggeratory purposes only.  I have a rambunctious 1 year old is all the sister tryin to say. Yo.)
 Anyway, here we are in various stages of our summer adventures as Mom and child.  My Wonder Woman shirt and Wade's plaid overalls were sent to us from Wisconsin by our beloved as 4th of July gifts.  Dang that was nice, PerBear!  Then we can see Wade just being a cute as a button at my parents house in St. G.
 I am also seen wearing my Ao Dai, a traditional vietnamese dress for my dear friend, Angela's Vietnamese Engagement party/wedding celebration.  She invited me to be her special guest and wear the traditional dress!  I was so flattered, and it was a lovely night.  I especially like her Dad, he is so cute.  And also Elder Dallin H Oaks was there with his wife.  NBD.
 We recently returned home from a trip to my birth state- TEXAS!  Tara and Andy flew me out, and it was just lovely.  Humidity raging, hair out of control, we had an excellent 4th of July and celebrations for their daughter's baptism.  We also visited the NASA Space Center and Mission Control Center.  You know, "Houston, we have a problem"???  Yeah, we went into the control room.  So sweet.  Their goals are to be on Mars by 2035-2040.  That literally is incredible.

 T & A are a part of a gorgeous community, with several pools available for its residents.  Wade and I enjoyed the splash pad, particularly.
Alright.  Upon review of the pictures with Wade's mouth open as FAR as he possibly can get it, what would you supposed he is doing?
 Makes me giggle EVERY TIME.  He is merely waiting patiently for the spoonful of food to enter his mouth.  He does it basically EVERY BITE.  Can we say excited to eat some food???  YES, I think we can.  I just realized how much he wants to eat all the time the other day.  He wakes up and I start talking to him, or I have to go potty, etc, and he will put HIS hand to MY mouth to make the "eat" sign language sign with his "MMm?" noise.  When I pick him up and repeat "You want to eat?"  He will then hold the sign on his mouth until he has food going into his mouth. 
This (eating), coupled with violence (hitting, pulling hair, using the plastic bat on my head, not to mention on other children especially his littlest cousin Ruby (So so sorry!), etc), teasing endlessly, and huge messes(exhibit A being the pile of books-2 shelves worth-on the floor, with gigantic smile on face.  He is walking all the time now, ya know) is my day to day life.  And I dare say this may continue for the next 18 years!
But he is also just a happy, sweet boy!  I cannot WAIT to show Perris all of the new tricks!  2 weeks until reunion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Extreme excitement here!!!!!!!!  Life is great with Wade, but I never wish to be or wish anyone to have to be a single mother.  On to the sweetness of Husband/Wife/child family!!

Wicked, etc.

The much anticipated night arrived last tuesday, July 24th.  We finally got to see Wicked!  With my Pierre gone away, I invited Kimmie Sue Cowgill Ennor to be my date.  She was a great date!  I love her easily, so it was nice to spend an extra night together as dear friends.  We ate at the Cheesecake Factory (me and Jami's first time) and we enjoyed that!  We walked over to the Capitol Theater and arrived about 7:20pm for the 7:30 show.  We thought we'd visit the restroom, but it was a long line and they told us we didn't want to stay out and miss the first bit.  Well after the first song I couldn't wait and left.  I was gone for about 5 more songs and 15 minutes or so.  Death in the bathroom.  I kept thinking "really.  I am really going to be ill in the bathroom for the show?!?"  But luckily once I went back in I felt much better and could finish the remainder of the show.  The Glinda playing the show was hilarious.  She was cracking me up, and she was cracking herSELF up...at one point she couldn't say her next line because she was laughing!  I love me a girl who cracks herself up :)  I really liked Glinda, she was energetic and peppy about everything and I want to be more like that.  Some of the voices weren't the strongest, but it was a very enjoyable evening.  Thank you Mom and Dad for the long awaited fulfillment of your Christmas gift!

I visited a friend recently married on her new street "Wade Circle" right next to "Wade Lane".  Obviously Wade is famous, so we took his picture at the intersection.

Last night Jami & girls were over while James was in Park City doing the radio.  I set up the projector to watch Kung Fu Panda 2 in my room.  (Although it was a bit light out still, so they just turned and watched it on the laptop instead of the sheet hanging by the windows!)  Ella kept jumping off the bed onto my cedar chest and was warned if she continued she'd be off the bed for good.  Of course she tested the limits and was banned from the bed.  As she continued to run toward the bed, giggling and screeching as her mother chased after her I threatened, "Ella I am going to put you in Wade's carseat!"  to which immediately Jami replied, "I think that's a great idea."  So, kicking and screaming, we buckled her in!  Addie, not missing a beat, grabbed Wade's (smaller) carseat and wanted to sit in it.  These girls are one in a million.  After the movie when Ella was released, Addie immediately goes over to the bigger seat Ella was in and tries to buckle herself.  Well that just wasn't possible, much to Addie's dismay.  Haha Jami and I were giggling so much throughout this.  Great entertainment!
Our great separation summer is coming to a close!!!!  POR FINNNNNNNN (finally)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We have a shuttle coming to our house between 3:30 and 4am to take us to the airport for a 6am flight to St Paul (via Dallas).  Then we are with family until Saturday when I see my beloved.  It is HIGH TIME this internship be over.  We have a busy couple of days before thursday, so I know it will come quickly.  CANNOT WAIT.

The Kowalski's

The Kowalski's is what a woman at church called us today.  She is so sweet.  Once she called us the "Perris's"  HAHAHA.  We love her for her efforts.  We do not have the easiest name!  Gave us a good little giggle.  Well friends we have CERTAINLY had a wonderful month of August!  I have a goal to blog more, because there are so many things I need to write down that I just don't!  Plus I love reading people's blogs, it's really fun.  And a great way to stay in touch.  And it's entertaining.  So if you're looking for any of that, stay tuned because I'm about to turn on the major bloggage business.  This post will mostly include pictures from our adventures in August, of which I will elaborate this week.  We had a great time!!!  Got home a week ago Thursday, and Sunday had some unexpected, but very welcome, guests!  It was awesome to have the Ashley + Kevin Harrys here :)
 Wade LOVES Uncle B and Tia Maddy.  Cabin with Kusileks
 All showered and waiting for Perris' arrival... it was so so exciting!
 Our first hug.  I know.  Tender.  We were so cuddly, good thing we had to share a TWIN bed that night!  Oh my UNCOMFORTABLE.  But we loved it, let's be honest.
 Visiting the Minnesota gang!
 Saying goodbye to Dan the Man and Beau.  Then we were OFF to Montana via South Dakota and all the lovely and interesting stops along the way:
 Such as:  The Corn Palace in Mitchell, SD.  Very, very cool.
 2 trucker hats for $8.  Can't go too wrong with that!
 Mt RUSHMORE is so awesome.  Amazing, and beautiful.

 Here we are at the Great Falls, of GREAT FALLS, MONTANA.  New home to the dearies, Lynette and Esteban.  And I love this family picture of Wade flailing to be released, my hair goin a little crazy, and Perris giggling.

Great Falls is also home to the shortest river...I can't even remember what it is called now.  Dang it.  But look at this cutie patootie.  He is so hilarious.

 YELLOWSTONE was the next stop before returning to the homestead.  My favorite part of Yellowstone:  Yellowstone River Falls.  I don't even know if that's the official name but it is breathtaking and gorgeous and unreal.  The clear, blue/green river below contrasted with the yellow stone surrounding is impossible to capture with camera.

 A peek at our visitors of last week during family home evening....
Look at our beautiful mountains.  Oh how I will miss thee, majestic mountains!
Be back later!!!


As I drove Perris to work today (10:30am), he works on BYU Campus, we both noticed the insane amount of people wearing long pants.  We kept yelling out "pants!"  "Oh my gosh, PANTS!"  I mean the forecast was 90 degrees, and it actually got up to 95 degrees!  We are talking 85% of Men and Women seen were in PANTS.  Are we the weird ones?  Maybe we have extremely high body temperatures (which we do, I think, but we're not crazy hot), but is this some sort of pants revolution that pants are so in style, one should wear them while walking around their university all day?  I was seriously dumbfounded.  I can't understand it.
I picked him up at 2:30pm and the same phenomenon continued!  Someone clue me in, please.  I know at BYU you have to wear shorts to your knees if you wear shorts but are they getting that hard to find?  Heat+walking around+pants= DEATH to the kusilek family.  Dramatic, I know.

One girl was even wearing a long sleeved SWEATER and PANTS.  oh the horror

My sweet 12 year old.

I just finished listening to a book last night called Edenbrooke.  It's very Pride & Prejudice-y, and I liked it alright.  But all throughout the book I was reminded of Perris.  The main peeps are friends and the guy is constantly flirting/teasing the girl to the point that she doesn't think he is serious.  That gets him in trouble because OBVI, he loves her.  That is exactly how Perris was.  It was infuriating because it was like a game with my tender little heart.  But, then again, Perris is just a little boy at heart.  The other night I told him I needed him to grow up 2 years (from 12 to 14).  He laughed hysterically at this.  He is so happy about his little-boyhood.  Except really that is how a 12 year old would react to this conversation, so he was just spot-on.

We have been reunited for almost 1 month, and the first few days we were together he was constantly telling me things that proved this silly boy husband theory.  But I love him for it, of course!  Perris is just that kind of guy.  He had just returned from his internship conference in Florida with like 2,000 other interns.  Telling me about it, he gets this huge grin on his face...
(Not exactly like that, but a little boy-can't-wait-to-tell-his-accomplishment grin!)  ...and begins the story about how he got EVERYONE to jump in the pool at the same time.  In true Perris-fashion, he says to his buddies, "HEY! Let's get everyone to jump in the pool at the same time!"  So they went around the entire pool to the little clusters of people and said, "HEY, when I count to three, everyone is going to jump in the pool at the same time."  Their reactions were all the same, "Ok...well if everyone else is going to."  (Please people, what kind of response is that!??!)  So after they ran around to every group Perris signals for everyone to stand up and yells "ONE....TWO...THREE!!!"  And of course, everyone jumps in!  "IT WAS AWESOME!!!!"  He states with complete and utter enthusiasm, as if he was doing it again at that moment when retelling the story.
And that is exactly the story to illustrate how my husband is.  He gets people to do things, and people love him!
One more story.  While we were here:
And Wade was posing so adorably for these pictures:
 And always wanting to wear Perris' hat:
 And it was cold in the mornings so I was sporting socks with Chacos:
 We camped one night.  We couldn't find ANY open camp sites (right outside the park), so we found a grove of trees and camped.  I was mostly freaked out that bears would show up, but as always when camping, I constantly wake up to make sure Wade isn't freezing his tiny heiny off!  I express this fear of him being so cold, so Perris knows I worry.  Anyway.  In the DEAD of the night, I am shaken awake, and groggily look at Perris, seeing him up on his elbow, he says "ALI, it's REALLY cold!"  Apparently I stick my hand out of my sleeping bag and wave it around in the air to check what he's saying.  Immediately, I say, "Oh, do you want me to check on Wade?"  He says "yeah", I check him, and we go back to sleep.
Well in the morning when I can actually think, I recall this incident and start laughing so hard.  "Perris, WHY DID YOU WAKE ME UP!?!??????  You wanted me to check on Wade, instead of getting up yourself?!?"  He wasn't awake either, and didn't understand what he was doing.  I kept giggling about it all morning.  What a goof.
I doth love him.  And this is exactly what his face looks like in every one of our wedding pictures!!  Squinty eyes!!!!

The Bum Drum

Hi.  This is my friend Ashley.  I call her Aish.  We used to sing to each other in high school the following song/chant, "Wo-ah, wo-ah, woah,  Ashley is my friend"  (she'd sing with my name inserted.) over and over.
We were a little weird, but we were totally rocking the weirdness.  And we loved it.
Well, she and her 3 and a 1/2 kids + hubber came and stayed in our 1 bedroom apartment with us for approximately 6 days a few weeks ago.  It was awesome.

 We watched a movie outside (Kung Fu Panda 2.  So cute), and her Mother (also visiting in town), requested a "bum drum" for old times sake.
This is a trick we learned in Idaho when we were 15 and 16 at a conference for youth.  We thought it was the best thing in the world, so we took it back to Nebraska and continued to show everyone, especially at our young women's camp.  Over and over.  And this is the only picture I could find of us performing (isn't my sweet little scrapbook just adorable.).
(notice the pointing finger.  That is our friend, Tanya)
 My husband had never heard of this/I had never remembered to tell him, and as Ashley is like 4 months pregnant, Perris was dubbed my bum drum companion (for life!) that night.  
As I taught him I shall teach you:
 Step 1:  Upside-down partner (usually the smaller of the two.  Ashley was always this role) does a wheelbarrow type sprawl on the ground as partner 2 helps lift legs around their waist.  Upside-down partner must link their ankles and hold on for dear life.
 Step 2 Not pictured, but upside-down partner hurls them self underneath standing partner and puts hands flat in front of buttox (the one directly in front of their face) in a ready stance to begin the dance.
Step 3 You drum each others' bums.  I say to Perris at this point, "Ok, now drum!"  So he did.  Really hard!  Look at his hand posture.  Excellent hand posture, Per.
Step 4:  Standing partner needs to bounce and jig about for effect and entertainment of spectators.  I yelled to Perris, "Jump around a little!"  Bad idea.  He proceeded to jump and jostle my BRAINS out.  It hurt!  Then he was done and stood up or something that made me lose leg-grip and I fell right on my back and got the wind knocked out of me.  But I was laughing with tears in my eyes.

It was good to reminisce.  Now go.  And drum.  (With those you love.)

Gee oh oh Dee.

YO!  We are feelin' GOOD today.  That's what a blessed Sabbath day will do for you, thank-you-very-much!  Wade was with the vomits and dias (what we call diarrhea) this week and that was my first experience with a really sick child.  It was very un-fun.
But he is doing great today--and so much fun.  And adorable.  I think I want to canvas print this one for the wall I am in LOOVEE with it.  (food remnants around his mouth and ALL) 
 We did some rearranging and these 2 photos found there way to the 2nd shelf-right at Wade's level.  He since then has pulled my finger and led me over to them over and over to name all of my sisters, and Gma and Gpa.  He loves that.
 The best part, though, is after we name everyone in the frames, he points to the man on the spine of this book.  And I say with a giggle, "And that's Boyd K Packer."  HAHA oh my gosh it's so funny.  (FYI, Boyd K.P. is an Apostle of the LDS Church.  Yes, just like Peter was.  We believe that God still calls 12 apostles to guide His Church on the earth today.  More info here)  And pardon my dusty photo frames!

 And then there are those little legs.  When he was vomiting/diarr-ing he only wore a shirt all day to lessen clothing messes.  And I loved watching those legs walk around!
 On our Sunday stroll/stop at an unoccupied-gorgeous-beautiful-view-of-rivers-and-mountains-house.  No I did not dye my hair,  Everyone keeps asking me that.

We like you all very much!!!!!!!!!

The Sleep Saga Continues...

If anyone of you have been reading this blog since we got married you will remember the beginning of the saga almost exactly three years ago. (See here and here and here)  It has been about that long since i have written!!  And since it is approaching the holidays i figured i should probably describe an even that happened last Christmas, it is never too late to tell a story!!  Now back to the saga.

The Christmas Holiday was being spent with both families, a week at the Whickers and a week with the Kusileks/Browns.  All the kids were going to be there were their families on both sides.  It seemed to be pretty much your standard holiday season; imagine Home Alone, lots of airports, hustle and bustle, snow and ice, lights and presents,  just no forgotten kids.  But this was no ordinary holiday.  My dad was kind enough to let us all stay at his newly purchased and partially renovated home; an old country house on a quiet street in small-town Wisconsin.  As every old house has, it had its fair share of creeks and cricks, but it was clean and well decorated.  Immediately after we all arrived we ventured into the unexplored territory and claimed our own bedrooms, i shared one with Ali since we sleep together every night.  It was a dark old room in the corner of the upstairs, little did we know of the mysteries that lay in store.
After we got settled in and fraternized a bit, we got sleepy and headed off to bed.  The hallway was dark as we ascended to the upstairs from below.  Alison was beginning to feel the tension of an unfamiliar house that she hadn't cleaned herself, not knowing what dirt and grime might be hiding behind our bedroom door.  As she jumped into bed with cat-like speed and reflexes, making sure to touch as little as possible with her bare feet, she let out a deep sigh of relief and exhaustion.  She could finally rest...
Suddenly there was a buzzing sound! With all the energy and force she could muster not to scream she let out wimper and said, "Oooh, what is that?!! Honey, will you please find out what that is?"  Without even the slightest hesitation and nerves of steel, I turned on the light and went hunting for whatever beast dared strike fear into the heart of my fair maiden.  I quickly spotted a dying fly on the floor and...made the sound cease.  I got back into bed and all was well, or was it?
One of us drifted peacefully off to sleep while the other drifted nervously off to sleep.  My sleep was deep, and good, but in a moment of partial consciousness i slithered my foot under the covers as to be better able to cuddle with its friend, Ali's foot.  The moment my foot touched hers something happened that i never would have expected to happen in a thousand years...  There was a stiffness in the body of Alison, and she bent at her waist and rose up like zombie corpse out of a grave, starting with a low moan and crescendoing into a full fledged scream.  My eyes flew open in bewilderment, "what could have possessed such a person to cause such a commotion" was all i could think.  She immediately began to thrash about waving wildly at her feet and kicking at the covers.  In a moment of sheer desperation i threw my hand to her back and said, "its okay honey, it was just my foot, it was just my foot."  It worked. She instantly became still, sat there for what seemed like a decade staring at her feet in front of her and then... dropped her head back down to her pillow, sound asleep.  I lay there in the heavy darkness, waiting.  Was it possible that no one else heard the scream heard round the world? not even the baby sleeping at the foot of the bed? As i continued to wait, hearing nothing, i looked down at Alison remembering what i had just witnessed and laughed.  I laughed and laughed until i fell asleep and then i woke up laughing.  What a woman.

Hope you enjoyed, and may the saga be ever in your favor.

**This is Alison.  And this is an extremely, extremely exaggerated story.  I was not that afraid of touching the floor and I was not nervously drifting off to sleep!  Puh-LEASE.  And the part about "she immediately began to thrash about waving wilding at her feet"??  Exaggerated.  But I will tell you that in the Am, Perris' sister, Maddy, said, "Ali did you scream last night in the middle of the night?"  I was gave her an adamant "NO!" (because truly I had/have no recollection of this).  She turned to everyone--her boyfriend, brother, Dad, etc and none heard the scream.  Perris comes home that night and Maddy gets to ask him if he heard anything.  Then he starts to LAUGH hysterically and tells the story.  Well maybe I was afraid of bugs, OKAY!!??!

Thursday Night Activity

After 5 five am mornings trying to get an elk, the menfolk got one.  Perris was being the butcher last night while I sewed and watched a documentary on the couch.  What a life!  Here's to my first elk roasts...coming up sometime soon!  (p.s. once he lost his head phones in the meat and they got all tangled in the juices!! SICK! He was not pleased with that.)

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