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Day 3: The Day I went clubbing

Perris went to get bagels for breakfast at the local bagel shop, and bought 1 POUND of cream cheese to go with it.  They swindled him.
We took the train to check for more Broadway ticket possibilities but to no avail.  So we waited for Beau and ended up taking more trains (and seeing my first train rat--it was disgusting and black, and we also ventured a little further into the ghetto than I was anticipating...) to meet him to see Pratt Institute, where he attends art school.  We ate lunch at "Choice Market"and then got the grand tour of Pratt.  It is a beautiful campus.
 I'm pretending to shoot Beau with the Cannon.  I love that Beaumont.

 I was always a really good pupil.

 I really loved these doors.  Yellow is my favorite color.
Some sculptures around campus.  After this we ventured toward Chinatown for some delicious dumplings from "Prosperity Dumplings", which were very good.  They were like $1 for 5 dumplings!!  And there were about 8 women cooking in this tiny kitchen (my picture is not doing this justice).  We then went to infamous Canal street to barter us some NYC tshirts.  We did pretty well.  All this talk of "It's licensed" so we can't lower the price--ridiculous.  Please.  Then Beau had to take us to Soho (which means South of Houston St, which is said "House-ton" not like the TX city) and Per's fave store was All Saints.  Never done heard of that!  But I did take pictures of the millions of OLD singer sewing machines they had everywhere for my Mother.


Walked past the Flatiron building on our way to Fishs Eddy--the ONE store I knew I would love before I had ever been.  And love it, I did!!  We got some great bowls and stuff.  Then we were off to Beau's old work, Corsino Italian Restaurant, to meet Ben PLUS the Monsons for a lovely dinner (of which I have no documentation).  

Some of us were still hungry after Corsino, so we checked out the Dirty Bird and had some delicious chicken tenders!  Ben was our guide, as Beau had to head into work straight from dinner.  Beau works as a bartender at a very upscale club called, LeBain.  Meaning "the Bath".  It is the top of the Standard Hotel in Meatpacking district.  Of course he wanted to give us a tour of the club, too, so after the Dirty Bird I got my ID out and for the first time in my entire life (and I'm pretty sure the last), I went into a club.  I've never been a booty shaker.  I know.  Shocking.
 Waiting in the hotel lobby for the right time to enter.  These Mommas were already beyond tired before our clubbing adventure.  (Which lasted possibly 20-25 minutes.  Beau's like "I don't imagine you'll stay very long.  I mean, you really don't have a reason to."  To which I said, "CORRECT, Beaumont, CORRECT.")  These wrist stamps are our proof we are still party animals after 4 years of wedded bliss.  Haha if only you could have seen our faces along with our wrists you would have seen the droopy eyes and straight faces ready for BED.

Day 4: When I had a really bad attitude walking across Brooklyn Bridge

Friday, 15 March
Carrie made us delicious crepes for breakfast!  What a great hostess.  We walked into the subway to head into the city and lo and BEHOLD a man is peeing gallons onto the corner wall!!  My mouth immediately dropped in shock and disgust.  He did say "Pardon me, ma'm."  (and he obviously had to go really bad), to which Perris replies chipper-like, "No problem, it's hard to find a place to go around here!"  So that was exciting...?
We headed straight to the 9/11 Memorial site, where we met with our friend, Ram, who went to school with Perris.  He is from Nepal, and just a sweetheart.  He took us to eat lunch at an asian place called Koko.  I had some meatless sushi, which was good.  I was already stuffed from breakfast, so I was looking for LIGHT meal.  It was great to visit with him.  We walked across the street to the memorial, which really was cool.  It was SUPER windy and freezing.  On our walk back I needed a bathroom pronto, so we stopped at the Trinity church (nicest toilet paper I found in NYC).  Then up to Soho to look at some shoes and meet Beau to say goodbye.  He took us to the Carhartt store (Perris was drooling, and Beau bought a few things for himself), a must for these Wisconsin-raised boys!  We parted with Beau and headed to walk the Brooklyn Bridge.  It was like walking to my death.

 Ok it wasn't death, but I was freezing and exhausted (especially by day 4 of walking, my muscles said "STOP! Please oh please, STOP!").  And it took like 40 minutes to walk across.  Thank goodness for little benches along the way.  We met Carrie and sweet little Lenna at Grimaldi's pizza; a welcome meal after my death walk.  It was delicious!!  They said "Brooklyn Root Beer" on the menu, but then it was Stewart's Root Beer.  Please.  That ain't from Brooklyn.  But still yummy!!

 I made my best joke of the trip when Perris said a silly statement with a question, to which I replied, "That is sooooo down under the manhattan/brooklyn bridge...."  We laughed.  Me especially.

 Carrie took us to her favorite chocolate place, Jacque Torres, which was quite yummy.  She showed us a bit of that area by the river including "Jane's carousel" and some parks.   This is DUMBO, "Down under the manhattan and Brooklyn Bridge overpass".  Then we were home and chatting and going to bed!!

Perris is a really sweet Dad.  I just can't wait to see a daughter string him along like this.  Haha!

Then we Went HOME.

We got up early and went straight to the Manhattan LDS Temple.  Aaron kindly drove us there.  We surprisingly hit the spanish schedule and were with all the NYC Latinos!  Awesome.  Afterward we walked up to Levain Bakery and had some yummy cookies, if you even call it that.  More like a big old pile of baked dough goodness.  And a fat slice of banana choc chip bread.  Delicious.  And hot chocolate.  I for one did not enjoy any hot chocolate we got in New York, it was very thick and rich.  But, Perris loved it!  We walked up to Trader Joes to replenish the Monson refrigerator and took our last subway ride back to Brooklyn.
We had a great time.  I will not do that again pregnant, however.  Next couple-get-away vacation is going to be on a beach somewhere where they bring me drinks and food and all I have to do is sit on my bum and relax and read a book.

This doesn't even matter

I've been house cleansing all day.  I love it so much.  But it makes me want to buy and do a bunch of other cool projects & stuff...which is completely counter productive.  My mind has been all things moving today.  Pricing garage sale items, packing a box (actually I finished my college scrapbooks just so I could finally pack them up. HAH!), and wasting time looking at diy projects/home inspirations thinking of my home "one day."  I would say I'm 85% excited to move, and 15% scared.  But, I am also 100% ready!  Actually I'm pretty darn excited to move, but some of that excitement translates into nervous fear because, let's be honest, I am going where I have no friends, and will have 2 children.  (and even scarier, for real, is that winter lasts forever there!!)  What the heck am I supposed to do with a 2 year old who be/already is cray-cray...and a newborn?  But oh well, I'm made to do this business and millions of other women have done it, so I stop the worry/self-doubt NOW.

But while we're here, let me just say I found a dream diaper bag.  Gosh, why do I get all dreamy about a dumb bag (just like my stroller!!!  Which I do love, thanks.).  I had the same brand, plain black diaper bag when I had Wade, but really I used it for maybe like 4 months.  Truth be told I still have it and would love to be rid of it, it's in mint condition if you're interested ;).  The appeal of this lady is that it's CUTE and could be seen as a purse.  But for this poor mama, the price tag is just not working.  Maybe I'll make enough from my garage sale to buy it?  HAhaha that is sad.  If I could but make a mere $50 profit from my garage sale...  I don't care, just tryin' to rid myself of extra CRAP.
There she is.  A "limited edition".  The saddest, saddest part of all is that I check Amazon like everyday to see if the price has gone down.  Here's a fun fact:  It goes back up to normal price Friday night and all through the weekend.  Monday it lowers by like $13.  That's a LOT of money to me, people.  So I'm just sayin' be good online shoppers and check prices through time!  I saw this bag at a local boutique, otherwise I wouldn't like her so much from this picture.  The red zipper tape is what really made me fall.  I doth love red.  Just like these shoes:

 I found them for $16 at Ross.  It was love.   I wore them in NY.  My right foot was injured after wearing them, so I knew that they were too small.  (My right foot is bigger than left)  So they were gifted to my dear sister, Jami.  Now I can find them online for $54.  Why is everything like $50??  But the point is, if anyone sees shoes like this, they are Reef and called "Bella Costas"--They are like walking on a cloud of comfort.  (The pain was from too long of a foot, mind you)  You should buy them if you find them at Ross for a deal like I did.

I apologize for an extremely materialistic and ridiculous post.  I can't lie, I think about these 2 things everyday.  Shameful.

To perk up my heart and spirit and remember that these things matter not in the least, I show you this:

My two very handsome boys.  Gosh.  (And cousin Ivie)
 I am really quite excited to add another boy to the bunch.  We do have a good time.  And just for the record, I have an extremely good looking husband.
Lucky Wade got his own ice cream cone with his Abuela last week!  We had a great visit with Susan.

Ok bye!  Maybe I'll be more interesting next time.


Don't mind me, just moseying on through Memory Lane right now... or for the past hour.  It is so great that we have pictures to remind us of moments and emotions... and how much I LOVE PERRY.  We were young and in love (we still are young and in love).

Like here: When I was so diggin' on this man...

But mostly gave him faces like this:

Because he was so confusing!  Because he flirted with me (like this):

And I was protecting my little heart.

But then he asked me out and so I brushed my teeth before hand (can you tell who the best wing-woman was during this time of my life?  YES, thanks Bethanne!), 

but don't worry I was never a kiss on the first date kinda girl.  But once we moved past the 2 month mark of seeing each other (!!!!! slow Perris, slow) we couldn't stop kissing each other:

 And we have really nice friends:

And Perry became my bff:

Then we got engaged and he was just so sweet and I just love him.

And we went camping and got really tan like farmers:

Then James took our pictures in the mountains:

And he loves our children, just like he loved my niece and carried her back to the hotel sleeping after a day at DisneyLand:

And then Nathalie made us supermodels for 1 day.  It was awesome.

I love my sweet, sweet Perry.  Father of my children.  The End.


I have only come to realize within the last year that my sister and I are not even 2 years apart...but a mere 20 months!  Upon discovery of this I mentioned my amazement to my mother (having kids has made me see lots of things I never would have seen before).  Her response was an immediate entrance into how she got pregnant (with me) at a family reunion.  This, without fail puts me and Perris into fits of giggles.  Every time.  Yes, for some reason we have heard this story multiple times recently and there has been no shortage of a sly comment from Perris each time... "Man, must have been a GOOD reunion, Pam!!" grin, grin, wink, wink...  To which Mom's response is always laughter.

Anyway.  Me and my sister, Jami.  We're a good pair.  We are the closest in age out of the sisters (Whoops, I have just been reminded we have twin sisters, who technically are closest in age.  Whatevs).  We were great play friends in childhood, friends in high school and college... although I know I deeply annoyed her throughout those years, particularly more so in college, I think.  Sorry.  Such is my personality :)  She is the one who let me wear all her clothes/use her stuff during those years because she always made more money, let me be friends with her friends, and was the one who pushed me into tears saying goodbye at the MTC (when I was holding it all in SO WELL!!), and provided me a place to stay after my mission before I found an apartment (among many, many other wonderful things).  It has been a lovely, lovely time these past 5 years living near her.

If you think of one of those women who just ACCOMPLISHES things, you will know what Jami is like.  For example:  I'm over at her house, her 3 little girls under the age of 6 are running around (usually with their heads cut off, if ya know what I mean) and Jami is working on a sewing project, showing me something of importance, doing the laundry, and then all of a sudden says "OH, I better go start my bread dough!"  (BTW she makes bread like no one I know.  It's always perfect.  Always.)  It's at that time that I just furrow my brow in disbelief and say, "Well, I better not compare myself to her."  Haha!  She is a champion of Mothers and Women.  You go girl.

2 Nights ago I had a dream in which I had to resuscitate Wade.  Right after, Jami showed up to comfort me.  Probably because she had to do the "Abdominal thrust" on me one time for REALS back in 2006, when I was choking on a pill right after I got my wisdom teeth out.  Always prepared, she is.  Always prepared.

Like when we moved to Nebraska in 1999 and we went on an errand, driving in the GMC Safari van, and all of a sudden on a rural road she slams on the breaks and peers over the steering wheel to say, while gesturing with her hand, "Go little birdy, go!"  She is on the lookout!

So today is her 30th Birthday.  She is going on a wonderful southern Utah adventure with her lover, James.  A fun fact is that for many years of Jami's life we called her "James".  "Hey James, come over here!"  "Hi James, whats up?!"  Then she met James and it ruined the nickname, but bettered her life forever!!!  So we fully accept James, but sadly have let go of the beloved Jami-james  (But good news: we have discovered that merely dropping the "s" creates just as satisfying of a nickname: "Jame").  Her girls are staying here for 2 nights this weekend.  This is an attempt to say thanks for her watching my son for 6 days whilst in New York.  You know, my son, the one who loves to follow around her 18 month old and poke, pull, push his head up against hers, etc. endlessly.  I am very grateful she was so willing to do that.

So Jame, I love ya and I will miss you being so far away when I become a Minnesota-frozen-tundra-woman.

As of Late

We've been a little busy the past few weeks.  We were down the hill babysitting 5 children (6 with Wade) for 8 days.  That was quite the adventure, and most of the time it looked like this:

Wade hitting/smacking/bothering/being obnoxious to the other almost 2 yr old and 4 yr old.  And said 2 and 4 yr old screaming bloody murder.  Wade loves drama and good reactions, just like his Dad.  Wade, oh Wade...why you make my life harder.  This was a preview of what is to come, I guess.  But it was also nice to come home and have 1 child and realize I am only increasing by ONE more child next month.  Those kids down the hill may hate me and my bossy-self, but they loved Perris so it all evened out!
 Wade got his first baseball cap, which he LOVES.  He is pretty darn cute, too.  (And that is my new stroller he's sitting in!)  Then this past week, the day after finishing our babysitting streak, Dan & Gabe came in for Perris' Masters graduation ceremony!!!!!  So so happy for Perry!  Beau & his boyfriend, Ben, came in friday night and arrived about 15 minutes before P's name was called.  I was so excited waiting for his name to be called, I stood up and was ready to make the loudest whistling I have ever done.  Sometimes the whistle doesn't come out like I want it to (My Mom is my whistling-inspiration.  I taught myself as a missionary in the middle of no where walking around gravel-dirt roads while everyone was tucked away sleeping their siestas), but all this adrenaline pumped through my veins and I whistled the BEST 2 long, sharp whistles of my life!!!
 Look at this beautiful place in which we live.  Golly I will miss these mountains.  And the 4 beautiful seasons.  I am 35 weeks pregnant, and the checklist is just filling right up with the last to-do's before I become a mother of a second child.  I can't wait to meet my 3rd little man!  I am already calling Perris Wade and Wade Perris....to add another boy name, gosh, I am going to be confused!

Misery. But Not Really.

A woman kindly came up to me at Church today and empathetically told me how miserable I look.  Hah!  I thank her for thinking of me/feeling sorry for me in my large physical state, but I really am not miserable.
Miserable was exactly 2 years ago on day 12 of supposedly being "overdue".  That really was emotional misery.  But then Wade was born and, praise the heavens, it was instant relief.  It is so nice to not be pregnant anymore.  But I can wait a few more weeks :)
While we enjoy our days, we have participated in many an adventure and activity.  Perris and I made a couch cushion bed and watched Les Miserables.  I really loved it, so did Perris.  He loves a happy ending.

We also ate at the BYU Creamery, where all your (my) salivary dreams come true.  And Wade's dreams of watching "Tractors" (said Trakor).  Then we went to a baseball game, which was also very enjoyable. 

Then I enjoyed a lovely weekend with 4 of my 5 sisters and Mother & Dad, where we giggled and reminisced.  
 And saw a cousin married (and matched accidentally!!)
 Missing dearest Lyndsey.
 It was also Mother's day, and my little men made me a nice bed-in-breakfast!  YUM.

I was also commissioned to make 10 books!  I have made good progress and will finish this week.  

(37.5 wks)
FYI peeps we be namin' our child Hank.  (99% positive)  If you need some time to get used to that, like some of our loved ones, go ahead and start now.  It's happening.  Real quick, too.

Messed up Disney & Wade's Intuition

As Tangled is a preferred show to watch at our house, I have come to deeply analyze points of the plot.  Indulge me, please.
1.  How on earth did Rapunzel plan on getting back into the tower after leaving to see the lights?  She didn't know about the trap door.  Did she think after 18 years of just walking around her little room she'd have the upper body strength to climb that wall as Flynn Rider did?
2.  Did you realize that only ONE of those twin thieves ever speaks?  The one with the eye patch/scar never says a word.  Ever.
3.  Did Mother Gothel build that tower?  Where did it come from?
4.  Why the heck did Mother Gothel want to live so long?  Obviously she didn't have any friends, and lived in seclusion.  For hundreds of years!  Was she that afraid of dying?
5.  Let's be honest.  Rapunzel needed some serious therapy after the movie is over.  She finds out she's a princess, loses the Mother she's always known (watching her shrivel up and fall out of a window, no less!), and has suffered years of manipulation and emotional abuse!
What the heck??
But really.  What Disney "bad guy" isn't manipulative and emotionally abusive?  We just rented Lion King from the library and Scar is the same way to little Simba.  Wade loves watching the lions, but says "lion sad" all through the movie. Or "Lion died"  Gosh, depressing!

Anyway on to un-depressing things like this little man!  On his 2nd bday, celebrated last week, he received some Play-do from the neighbors.  (and balloons)  After having a little taste test and showing him how it works, we made horsey figurines, of course.

 And then we made them kiss!  Well, Wade did that all on his own, actually!  Hahaha.  I started making our dinosaur figurines kiss everyone when he was little instead of them being really scary and mean.  It stuck.  We have nice animals at our house, although sometimes they still "roar" (which Wade does so, so well)
 Wade got a rub-on mustache from his Dad one day.  Wade didn't mind one bit.
This guy is a sensitive one.  I have felt that from him since before he was born.  He can tell something is about to change.  He has wanted me to hold him lots, and sit on my lap, and cuddle!  I am loving it, of course, but it does pull at the heart strings a little bit.  You'll be fine, Wade.  In no time, you and little brother can play and be friends all the day long.  He pulled out the little baby rocker chair from my room yesterday and as he sat in it, I said, "Hey Wade, who's chair is that?"  He smiled real big and said, "Baby....MINE!"  Hahaha.  Hopefully he will be willing to let Baby Hank sit in it once in a while :)  

Me and Perris CAN'T WAIT to meet the baber.  I am so excited!  I feel so lucky and happy to be able to have 2 children.  Yahoooooo!

That time I went camping at 38 weeks

It really was a good time.  Several women looked at me like I was cray-cray when they found out we were camping 2 nights Memorial day weekend.  Truth be told, after night #2 I was glad to be going home to get clean and sleep in my king sized bed!  But we had a great, great time with the J-squared family.

Here was camp.  The children enjoyed gathering pine cones/loading Wade's big Tonka truck and running it down the hill.
 We played some games.  Ella sported her recent hair-cut-fixer-upper (from a self-cut) well.  These girls all LOOOVE their Momma.  Competition is HIGH for her attention.
 Wade loved his Mom's cowgirl hat.  He loved every minute of camping (except once when he was moaning in the night...he had slipped out of his covers! Cold!)
 The water was crystal clear (and FREEZING cold).  Note: Perris had to appropriately wear his Moose shirt.  We were looking for one the whole time...no sightings, unfortunately!

 Wade & Ruby are good friends.  Wade thinks so anyway.  Ruby might differ in opinion.
 Our Kusilek Fam tradition for camping has become scones.  Mmmmm love me a fried scone!
 Wade's first scone...one with a marshmallow filling!
 We also wrapped oreos and grasshoppers cookies.  Delish...but plain ole honey butter was also quite scrumptious!
 The Harwards
 Day 2, Wade made me think of all the German words I knew as I watched him doddle about.  I just looked at him and thought "He just needs some suspenders..."  Liederhausen, anyone?
 This was my view most of the time on our hike....from behind :)  Slowly, but surely.  That's the way, folks.
 BEAUTIFUL!  We were in American Fork Canyon
 Wade asks everyday about Addie.  "Addie coming?"  "Addie swimming?"  "Addie home?"  I think he loves her.
 Mmmm more mallow!  'Smores were our treat the 2nd night.

 I thoroughly enjoyed mine
 Jami did even more so.  Just check out all the extra on her chin!!
Thanks for a lovely time...we will sorely miss our Harward clan.  And this was probably our last time camping in Utah for a whole long while...

Maybe my next post will be about the birth of my second son.  Maybe not.

Not just sitting, waiting wishing...

I learned my lesson last time.  41 weeks pregnant tomorrow and we have been out to make sure we enjoy our time after finishing our to-do-list-before-baby2-comes.  We are having a nice time.  Of COURSE I wish the baby would just come already, but I also don't feel impatient.  I can wait for him.

Besides a trending event of eating donuts on Tuesdays and Thursdays, we are engaging in healthier activities.  The splash pad at Riverwoods shopping center, for example.  Wade wasn't that interested in actually playing IN the water, but he ran around and watched a lot all the same.  I was looking my absolute best that day as well, so you can go ahead and admire me in the picture of me & W.

 Wade climbs in this baby rocker all of the time.  And wears his helmet all of the time.  And, actually, also picks his nose all of the time.  Last week when a friend was over, I said "Hey Wade, who's rocker is that?"  He smiled and said, "Baby......MINE!"  That's right, lessons of sharing have already begun.  It was hilarious.
 Thursday June 6th was our 4 year anniversary.  We decided to celebrate at home and make some Strawberry Rhubarb pie.  Dang it was good!  Seriously we have got it goin' on (in more than one way!), don't we Perry??  Please notice the title of my card from P:  "Big Al"  Gee, isn't that romantic?  Hahaha
Isn't that just the most beautiful looking dessert?
 We have also washed our car and enjoyed some sunshine/swimming.  After the car wash, Wade got his 2nd buzz of the summer.  Perris, too.

 This could have been his hair instead.  But it's not.
 Sunday my menfolk were just so darn cute and matchy (notice Perris' not-yet-removed-tags), we had to take a picture.  Another one of my best photos :)  40.5 weeks prego.
 Wade is under the weather, currently.  Aunt Jami made him soup, which he obviously enjoyed thoroughly!
 Lynette, dear, dear Lynette is in town and treated me to the best pedicure I've ever had.  Massage chairs, hot burning flesh wax peel (so sooooo HOT, I couldn't believe it was so hot!), hot rock massage on my foot/calf...I'm just saying these ladies did a great job.  I enjoyed every second.  Thank you, Lynute!
 (there's the pot of burning flesh)

 My baby was almost shaken out by the massage chair...But he decided to stay in.
Maybe he will make an appearance soon.  Today I went to the chiropractor and got adjusted.  It was awesome, I hadn't ever been.  Bring on the baby.

Still Pregnant

It has to be the most disappointing thing I've ever experienced (mostly because this is the second time).  Which is so dramatic.
Today I cried for the first time (about this subject).
Induction Wednesday if he doesn't come before!

 That was a nice recliner for the non-stress test. 
Wade gets a nice arm rest with my ginormy belly, at least!!  Here he is with his "shooter" (spatula).  We are not sure where he got that name from!  Haha!

The Lesson from Hank Daniel


Hank Daniel
19 June
8 lbs 10 oz, 20.5 inches

You know, I prepared myself to be “overdue.”  But really the furthest out I believed was the 15th.  I mean, really, would I go further over than I went with my first?  They say your first takes the longest…so I thought I had emotionally prepared myself this time…but by Sunday (day 11 past supposed “due date”) I was not keeping positive to say the least.  I cried in the shower, kept a smile/joked through the comments at Church, and distracted myself (is that possible?) for the rest of the day.  Time was running out to “go” on my own, and I was feeling very defeated.  Perris gave me a blessing and Monday morning I had a renewed energy about it, at least!  I decided to go full force doing anything I could try to get things moving.  So I saw a doula who gave me a massage with oils and did acupressure, etc.  But mostly she talked to me and helped me talk about my fears.  Hank was face up at my 41 week ultrasound the week before, and she specifically reassured me that Hank would be in the right position for birth—that he knew what he was supposed to do.  After meeting with her, I was like “OKAY this can happen!”  THEN I talked to my friend Taylor who is a doula as well and she told me to take some specific herbs and such and I had Jami go get them for me and meet me so I could start as soon as possible! 

Monday morning I woke up pregnant.  That was never encouraging.  I started the other herbs…Those were disgusting, btw.  But, no matter, I took them through the afternoon on Tuesday.  I went on a walk, a loooong walk, and ate ice cream.  I went to a neighborhood gathering to help set up and then promptly left, explaining to everyone I needed to prepare myself for my induction the following morning at 7am.  I really was trying to stay positive, but I felt sick about this.  I called the midwife who’d be there the next morning to ask her about trying anything OTHER than Pitocin to get labor started, and she didn’t say no to my other ideas but mostly just wished me luck that labor would start tonight.  Anytime anyone suggested that labor could start tonight, an eye-rolling feeling/reaction bubbled within me.  “I am so past that.  It hasn’t started any other night, why would it start tonight?”  Truly believing that that wasn’t an option anymore.  It was too late.  Great attitude, right?
So after I talked to the midwife I just set myself to read some scriptures, listen to some music, and really feel what I was feeling and come to peace with it!  Earlier that day I had knelt in prayer and said “Heavenly Father.  We are in the fourth watch.  I really need you to come.”  Once it was 9pm, it was too late!  He hadn’t come.  So I resigned myself and was mourning the loss of what I had so longed for—for TWO children now—for a natural labor and delivery, free of any drugs and intervention.  So I did what came to me easily: I cried and cried.  After a while I knew I had to get some rest!  After 10pm I turned off the lights, still listening to a talk by Elder Holland.  I was so tired.  That stopped streaming and I tried to sleep.  I realized I was really uncomfortable and feeling hungry.  So I got up, figuring I better eat something now since I was instructed to eat just a light breakfast before reporting to the hospital.  I sat on the exercise ball and after a few bites of my cereal stopped eating.  I wasn’t feeling well.  Oh.  Maybe I better start timing these contractions I was having.  About a minute long, 4 or so minutes apart.  It’s now 11:15pm and they are consistent and strong.  Perris walks in the house, surprised to see me awake and sitting on my ball and upon his inquiry I say, “Well.  I think I’m in labor.”  And I really was! 

It is a very interesting feeling to actually feel your body opening with contractions.  I worked to just relax and let it happen I am happy to say that my body knows just what it’s doing!  We were in our room most of the night, Perris rubbing my back to counter pressure and falling asleep a bit in between ;)  I did shower, which felt lovely.  I had to go #2 and was really trying to get it all out in between contractions…that wasn’t easy.  By 2am or so they were getting stronger, but not really more frequent.  We called and talked to Michelle, the midwife on call and she just encouraged us to stay at home as long as possible since I was going unmedicated.  Around 4 they were really strong and I was walking through them, because movement felt better than just sitting and doing nothing.  “Walking” may not be the best way to describe it.  It was a waddle walk, really.  We decide around 4:20am to go ahead and start heading out.  It’s about a 25 minute drive to the hospital.  By this time the only person we had informed of our labor was Amy, our photographer.  I didn’t want to tell anyone too early.  So we started the informing.  Amy met us in the parking lot and walked into the hospital with us at 5am.  I was so thrilled to be there, being that much closer to actually birthing my child, that I just kept making silly comments.  We got there and as we checked in they took me to a triage room, but then the nurse came back in and said “Uh, you are scheduled to be induced at 7am, you’re staying.”  Whoops I forgot to tell them that!  Then I yelled out “Oops we forgot to call the midwife, too!”  I changed and they checked me: 6cm.  That was good, but really it didn’t matter to me.  Perris said he was hoping for an 8! Haha.  Maddy & Jami arrived and it was getting lighter outside.  We had a beautiful north-facing window and the Mt Timpanogos temple was peeking at us from behind a building.  I decided to hop in the tub and said “I don’t care if you guys see me naked, you’re gonna see it all anyway!”  The tub was good, and things were getting even MORE intense.  I was so, so tired, I kept on half-falling asleep between contractions.  A few times once Michelle the Midwife was there and talking to me, I kind of just zoned out and didn’t really hear what she said.  I think I kept falling asleep!  It was a very strange feeling. 

 Waiting to actually push a baby out is kind of a daunting/dreaded feeling for me, but still an exciting and wonderful feeling all at once.  The feeling of your body pushing down HARD is incredible…and finally I felt like I couldn’t help but push.  So I yelled out “I have to push” and remember Michelle sticking her head out the door (I imagined.  My eyes were closed) and saying “She’s feeling pushy.”  That’s when the crew must have come in, but I was all unaware.  With one of the next strong contractions I felt a tiny fist punch HARD down in yonder area, and a release of warm liquid came out of me.  To be honest, I yelled out “OH shite!  You little son of a gun!”  And announced he had punched me, Superman style, and my water had broken.  Hank was ready to get outta there.
The rest is a blur of someone checking me, me panickly stating “I need to lay flat” and painfully just lifting my body to get on my side and have Perris hold my top leg up.  I know somewhere in there I was losing it and Michelle said “Ali, stay in control.  Get back in control.”  I needed to hold Perris’ hand!  Then I needed to hold another hand, and grabbed Jami’s.  That was so reassuring!  I pushed a few times and the babe’s heart rate was dropping too low.  I got oxygen mask for babe, and Michelle says, “Ali the baby’s heart rate is too low I need you to push him out fast.”  So with all the roaring within me I pushed with all my might.  (Really, my throat was VERY sore that day and the next.  I found the wild woman within, guys!!!)  Three, maybe four pushes more (?) and they told me to stop.  Oh the burn.  Then I know his head came out with another push and I was told to stop again.  Jami and Maddy yell “Oh, he’s here!  He’s here, Ali!”  and someone else “the cord is around his neck.”  And Michelle asks Perris if he wants to cut it, but then says ‘never mind’ to get it done quickly.  The cord was around his neck twice!  I’m then told to push again and out comes that sweet little man.  I guess he was pretty blue, but started crying within a minute or so.  All I can think to say when my children have emerged from my body is “THANK THE DEAR HEAVENS!!”  Really.  I really say that out loud.  What a relief.  Like no other relief I have ever felt or imagine to feel.

My placenta took a while to detach, and pushing that out was not really fun (just the motion of pushing again after wanting to be done!), but the weight that was relieved from my body was wonderful too!  I got to hold Hank skin to skin for a while and the spectators took some pictures, and my Mom arrived!  Everyone was planning on being at the hospital much later that morning, so she was too slow, and our message never made it to Lynette.  So those two weren’t present, and I feel sad about that!
I have been strengthened by this experience and lesson of faith of waiting.  Referring back to my prayer that the fourth watch had come and I needed rescue, let us read a bit from the New Testament, yes?  Mark 6:
48 And he saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary unto them: and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them.
49 But when they saw him walking upon the sea, they supposed it had been a spirit, and cried out:
50 For they all saw him, and were 
49 But when they saw him walking upon the sea, they supposed it had been a spirit, and cried out:50 For they all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.
51 And he went up unto them into the ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered.
52 For they 
51 And he went up unto them into the ship; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure, and wondered.52 For they considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened.

What is meant by “the Fourth watch of the night”?  Probably because of the influence of their Mediterranean neighbors, the Greeks and the Romans, the Jews in New Testament times divided the night into military watches instead of hours. Each watch represented the length of time a given sentinel remained on duty. The first watch commenced at 6:00 P.M. and ended at 9:00 P.M.; the second went from 9:00 P.M. to 12:00 midnight; the third from 12:00 to 3:00 A.M.; and the fourth watch was from 3:00 A.M. to 6:00 A.M. (See Smith, Dictionary,s.v. “Watches of night.”)

I really had been toiling.  And I lost any hope of being rescued, of my prayers being answered for this true desire of my heart.  And then He came, and I was sore amazed and wondered.  I had hardened my heart.  I have felt remorse for my attitude and behavior towards Heavenly Father since Hank was born.  I didn’t believe, and He calmly and lovingly showed me I should have believed.  Just a further testimony to me that He will always come for everyone, even if we have to wait until after this life to receive what we so sincerely and dearly long for.

Wade is the best big brother.  That's what we keep telling him.  Only one sibling casualty so far--a kick to Hank's head.  It really was an accident though.  Otherwise Wade wants to sit in his crib, suck on his pacifier and give him kisses and hold him.  Here his right hand is gently patting Hank's shoulder.  So, so cute. 

3 out of 5

Life is a bit crazy at the moment!  Since birthing Hank I have had approximately 4 breakdowns. Which really means I have cried from overwhelmed-ness. My lover has pointed out that of the top 5 most stressful life events we are in the thick of 3!  (New baby, moving, and career change). I will admit its not peaches n cream that's for sure. 

But life is still dealing us plenty of sweet moments. Like the first photo of the 3 Kusilek cousins!  And Ivie lovingly holdin Hank's head. Hilarious. 

To describe how Wade feels about his bro in a word, I'd say: smothering. It could be worse. He's constantly giving him kisses (sometimes the kisses are actually an open mouthed wetting of Hank's hair. Gross.), pointing out his eyes nose ears & all features, Laying his head on H's belly lovingly (too bad I won't let him. His head is HEAVY!), and excitedly exclaiming "mommy, he eyes open!!!"  Or "Mommy, he seeping!"  He's a good big brother. He has often woken up from naps with his first word being "Hank?"  We also have found him in Hanks crib several times. 
This is Hank's skeptical face. 
This is his adorable button nose & profile. 
We move in 16 days. It is really a reality now and I feel ready for it. On to the Midwest!!

Fave fotos by Wade

Wade is becoming ever more efficient with my new iPhone; particularly the camera feature. Here are the best ones. 

Spoons are an obsession as of late. He carries them around and proceeds to bang everything in sight. I couldn't believe it when I saw this perfect picture of the two random spoons that we have acquired that did not make the cut to be packed away and taken to MN. 

4th of July breakfast in my Dads hometown. Wade caught me nursing Hank!

I know this is my hand and Katie's hand in Wades knee. We were in St George this week while PePe was away at scout camp. 

And a self portrait! Lovely! Look at those lips they Are sooo kissable!!
Sure keeping me on my toes these days, the little rascal. 

Worst & Best

Worst: being up from 2 or 3am on because of possible food poisoning effects. (Took all the clocks down so I have no idea what time it was)

Best: Day full of laying down and eating up moments with this one. 
Feeling the weight of a tiny bod relaxed and peacefully breathing against your own body is joy. 

Another best: this face running into the bedroom in excitement to be home!  Then watching him flop on his back and cross his ankle over the opposite knee, grab a triscuit from the box and casually but enthusiastically answer a million questions from Mom about his day. Oh how I hope to see that sight for years to come. Thanks to a sweet neighbor for watching him ALL DAY. 

My little family

The best pictures ever by Amy Monroy.  No one would ever know there are boxes surrounding us everywhere.
 My handsome lover.

 Wade kind of stole the show at this shoot.  You can see why!!

 My sweet balding Hank.

 This is the best...can you tell how intent we are to listen and understand what our 2 year old is trying to say??!!


 What Wade wishes he could do with Hank all day.  (smothering problems)
Glad to be a family of 4!

Comings and goings and a whole lotta stops in between!

Did anyone else realize we have been a whole lotta places since we left that little Utah valley 2.5 weeks ago? (I just had to check to see how long ago that was. Time is all smooshed together lately)
Utah to Denver to Omaha to Nauvoo to Minneapolis and now we find ourselves in Chicago. What's worse than a new place with a bunch if boxes and no friends? All of that PLUS no husband! SO we survived one day alone after he left for Chicago for a 16 day work training and woke up to decide we'd make the 7 hour drive to stay with him!  Adventure (and a bit of stupidity) was calling. One 45 minute screaming session from the back seat (and the front seat, who am I kidding I screamed too. I was not at my best moment), a few traffic jams, one too many toll roads (seriously. Ain't no body got time for that), and a stiff legged woman later, we arrived. 
photos from the cross-state trek:
Goodbye mountains (Salem) as we headed south
Trains in NE
It was the good life when I lived there!
Hello, old friend.  My high school for three years. Go thunderbirds. Hoorah 
Photo credit to Lynette. Hoorah for Israel!
Last stop before final arrival!

Well there's much more to be said about hail storms, couches, county fairs, beer factories, and cheese curds, but now I leave you with the most adorable and squishy baby face ya ever done now seen!!!!!!  Gosh he's such a handsome one. My Handsome Hank!

On having 2 children

Hank is 8 weeks old tomorrow. And really I have only been the sole guardian of my two boys all day long for about, oh, 7 days. Actually maybe more like 6.

Between my Mom being at my house for a week, then me being at hers for another, then Perris being home during the days, and friends being around helping me pack/watch children before we left, then the actual traveling I had Per plus Lynette plus Katie...I'm really just starting to enter the world of a two-child momma. 

It's been a little rough. 

But mostly because Wade is Mr crazy pants-run-around-all-day-mischievous-I-know-exactly-what-I-shouldn't-so-but-Mom's-reactions-are-the-best-and-it-gives-me-a-thrill type of boy. So maybe having a three+ year old and a newborn would be way better?  But really, childbearing years don't stay forever and if I want my quiver full of children I can't wait too long in between babies!  We do want our quiver full of childrens although I often feel (strongly so in the past 6-7 days) that maybe we are CRAZY. Oh well. Bring on the craziness. 

However, I have also learned a great lesson in the past days. As we have been without obligations or a schedule since arriving to our new abode (and especially here in Chicago where we live in a hotel) I have realized I am often too rushed in life.  "HURRY and get your shoes on", "these cars drive too slow around us!", "come on Wade!!" Are phrases that too often spill out of my mouth. 
Right now we are in the parking lot of Lowes which we drove 30 mins to get to, and boys fell asleep. We need nap time so here I sit until they awake so we can go inside and do our business. We are just taking it as it comes and it's been nice. 
Really, becoming a Mother is to give away most personal ambitions (or at least be willing to put them on hold or on the back burner for a while) because the priority is my children. I want them to be happy, joyful, loved, provided for. And they demand a lot. 

Now, I of course still need to care for myself and do things I enjoy or I will be useless to anyone. And I do. Mostly when the children are sleeping :). 

It all comes back to one of my 2013 goals: simplify.  #1 is to put my relationship with the Savior first everyday. I really believe if I can be successful in doing that, then I will have a successful day.  Priorities of family and service will fall into place:
And I'd say that I have very cute priorities indeed. 

A vacation from the new

It's nice having a renewal after the fast paced moving process. Our vacation is doing us well (well, I speak for myself). 
There are lots of things around here that I've never seen before. Like these flowers. Are they not awesome??  Beautiful!! We love them. 
The sight of me and my two children and my awesome stroller may be something people around here have never seen. I swear I am just STARED at when in public alone. It's not even a stare like "aw look at that mom with two cute boys and a sweet/huge stroller". It's like "what is that girl thinking??" I know I look young but come on, folks!!  I stand out that's for sure. 

We went out on the town Saturday. Enjoyed it very much!  I was impressed by the niceness and cleanliness of the city.  And we went to the melting Pot which was divine. 

(Never a challenge to find something to stick up his nostrils)

And today is Hanks 2 monther!!  He is the sweetest baby ever!! I love him. And those chubby cheeks and thighs!

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