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The past few days...

This little boy is growing, growing. And holding his head up so well!  He is a sweetie pie baby!
We found the most family friendly bathroom ever. Mini toilet & sink for littles.  We walked in and Wade immediately says "mines!" It was awesome, why don't they have these everywhere?  There was also a tiny room with a chair for nursing. Illinois, I appreciate this gesture. Very much!!
Below was an attempt to calm Wade down and stop jumping and screaming in delight all over the hotel yesterday. 
Wade has incredible amounts of energy. Incredible amounts, I tell ya. 

Feel the Fire


Right now (and since the beginning of 2012) I am studying the Old Testament. It has been wonderful and I have learned lots. A couple of weeks ago I met a new friend who had questions about the LDS church and being Mormon, and I wanted to suggest a specific reading in the Book of Mormon for her. It just came to my mind, so I read Alma chapter 5 before passing along the suggestion to her. There was a difference when I read that chapter. I just keep thinking it was like fire!  A powerful wave of pure and clear words testifying of Jesus Christ.
Though Perris and I read the Book of Mormon at night together, I haven't really studied it on my own since I've focused on going through the OT.  But I just wanted to share that I know there's a real power in that book. It's special. I invite everyone to read and feel that fire!

On the home front, last week Wade somehow got his head stuck under the couch. He was in a sheer panicked state as he wriggled to free himself. It was nothing short of hilarious as we tried to loose the noggin'.  He was understandably upset afterward.  Only those with large heads (such as myself. Perris is so sweet to remind me of this often) will understand the upsetting nature of such an occurrence!!   Picking ones nose afterward may make one feel better. It always does the trick for Wade- Why wouldn't it!!??

(Nose picking Comfort happening below)
Just would like to put it out there that Wade is two and he is really really good at what he does. He fulfills role of two year old above and beyond.
Maybe we will be moved in completely by the end of this week?  Maybe we can go outside and enjoy cooler weather before it becomes a frozen tundra?  It's Sept 1st and the leaves are already changing. 

And I leave you with a Hank greeting that will warm you from the heart to the toes. What a hunk.


Probably our kids are going to need to know the extent of the romanticism in their parents' relationship. Let's be honest, it's mostly comical because I married the silliest man ever. 
This just happened about thirty minutes ago. 
After the nightly chapter from the scriptures and a prayer, Perris rolls onto his side and we say "I love you". Per tells me I'm really sweet then said, "You're my best friend." and I said, "yeah you're mine too."
Brief silence. 
Perris: "Let's get BFF necklaces." 
He he sure knows the way to a gals heart.  (I just laughed and said "honey, we have rings!")

This story was meant to be, because that was a few nights ago now and today Per comes home with a potted love plant for me:

Isn't she lovely?

Then, I read the card. 

That's right!!  4eva. 

Brief, Bright Moments

Today was a particularly interesting day. I'm sneezing non-stop and blow my drippy-faucet nose every few minutes. We [Wade] had to be in time-out so many times that we finally resorted to Dad's belt as a restraint for the dear Wade.  I yelled too much so we had prayer twice during time outs; We (I) needed extra divine help. I tried to vocally soothe screaming Hank as I mopped the floor as I had left the two boys strapped in chairs and rockers so I could just get it done!  I went over finances and realized how long it will be until we're in a comfortable position.  It wasn't a bad day, but I sure pondered a lot about my life.

I read an article about a teenage daughter telling her mom about her first kiss. My eyes sprung tears as I read the Mom's life long general instructions to that daughter that "If you don't want to tell your Mom about it, then you're probably not ready to do it". Oh how I hope I can have those same moments with mine. 

I stared at Hank as he nursed tonight, enjoying just a few moments free of sibling screams and hand-held devices, before said sibling came running in stark naked ready to jump on the bed and be his crazy, wild, two year old self.  I wondered if somehow Hank is to be my last, I need to savor every precious moment with this wee babe.  I thought how everyone says how fast these moments go by. Chubby nursing babies and naked toddlers running about... Some days I  am too hurried to be past this stage, but its also a good reminder that these things shall too pass!  

I've been taking a lot of pictures the past couple of days. All this entertainment right before my eyes!  It's just too good not to record. Will I get to take my journals and pictures to heaven with me?  I asked Perris that the other day. Maybe I will have it all memorized by then. But I sure do treasure all I write down and re-live as I go back and read. I'm sure our gracious God has an amazing plan that will help me remember. For it is by Him that all these lovely moments of life happen. 

Speaking of our Gracious God...High on the list of most beautiful songs that make me feel like I'm in heaven is this:  Thou Gracious God Whose Mercy Lends. Please take a moment of your day to stop and listen to these words, and feel the power of the love of God for each of us.  This life and our existence is one big plop of mercy and grace from our Dearest Heavenly Father.  (Also recommended to go on a drive alone in your car with this song pretty loud, like as if you're standing amidst the Tabernacle Choir basking in the sweet goodness of all you hear)

Thou gracious God, whose mercy lends
the light of home, the smile of friends,
our gathered flock thine arms enfold
as in the peaceful days of old.

Wilt thou not hear us while we raise
in sweet accord of solemn praise
the voices that have mingled long
in joyous flow of mirth and song?

For all the blessings life has brought,
for all its sorrowing hours have taught,
for all we mourn, for all we keep,
the hands we clasp, the loved that sleep.

The noontide sunshine of the past,
these brief, bright moments fading fast,
the stars that gild our darkening years,
the twilight ray from holier spheres.

We thank thee, Father; let thy grace
our loving circle still embrace,
thy mercy shed its heavenly store,
thy peace be with us evermore.

AMEN.  Amen says Ali.  "These brief, bright moments fading fast..." Let's make sure and treasure them TODAY.

Being A Missionary: A story of numbers

President Boyd K. Packer:

"Missionary work is work!  It can be dull and repetitive and difficult, and at once exalting and marvelous...You will not be measured by the number of baptisms you have.  You will be measured by the work you do.

When you stand on a doorstep and bear witness, that doorstep was sanctified for that time.  You have done missionary work.  You may go to many doorsteps without having the satisfaction of having someone who will listen to you, but you will have been a success judged by your determination to keep going."

A couple of weeks ago I was cleaning out my mission stuff and did what I've been meaning to do since I got home.  As a missionary you keep record of what you do each day.  The number of people we talked to and invited to hear more about the Restoration of the Gospel, the number of people we sat down with and taught a formal lesson to, the number of individuals who attended Church as investigators of the Church, etc.  It's very interesting to get an idea of what I was a part of.

In 17 months of living in Argentina; 4 different Provinces with 8 different companions:
6,309 individuals contacted & invited to hear more on the streets or at their doors
550 lessons given to less-active members & recent converts
1003 lessons taught (More than 1/2 I'm sure were the Restoration lesson.  302 were taught with a member present)
446 New investigators
92 progressing investigators
100 investigators attended church (really there were a total of 100 instances that any individual attended church.  Could have been the same people attending multiple times)
40 times we had a baptismal date set
2 people baptized & confirmed
and at least 1 persons life changed forever:  MINE!!!!

Happiest time of my life.

New ride

The boys and I (did you catch that correct use of "I"? Sometimes I do notice good grammar.) got ourselves a new ride. Watch out!!  Wade is particularly enthralled we with the sunroof. Me too, except all I've done is pull it into the garage!  Perris went out of town the night we got it so I have yet to go on a joyride and check it out. 
(Per did the test drive and my MIL drove it home from the exchange site. Wade was vomiting on our way so I thought it best I stay with him per chance I needed to further perfect my skills of simultaneously driving while holding a bag catching toddler vomit. I don't want to brag but I'm pretty darn good at it. Thanks to Wade for all the practice.)

Birth Announcement

Full heart

My heart has been overflowing with love the past few days with love of my little boys. It's still strange I am the mother of two kids. Although I'm still adjusting to a new place and just being a mom in general, things like Wade randomly announcing "Bye, Mom. Wove you" really loud and exiting the area, just make my heart smile. 

Another favorite is yelling upstairs to Wade this afternoon as I worked in the kitchen: 
"Hey Wade, how you doing?"
"What are you doing?"
"Watching cuis judge!!!!!" (Yelled really loud and fast) watching Curious George. 

It was hilarious. 


Hi friends. If anyone has been worried about the Minnesota cold for us, fear not. At least, not yet!  We are wearing shorts and tshirts in this gorgeous 75 degree weather and biking around these trails. It is so so beautiful!  This is the trail around Staring Lake. Right by our house. Awesome. 

I think we have the best bike trailer ever. If only it were the best jogging stroller, we would have the ultimate Mom buggy. 
We were listening to music on my phone and I kept trying to turn it down, without realizing that I was taking a million pictures of my nostrils!  Peek a boo!
I am feeling really good about being a momma to two. Wade can sure drive me into the depths of despair, but when he isn't insanely tired or hungry, we do pretty well together!
GOSH this boy is handsome. He has started talking with ooo's and ahh's etc. and it's the best thing to listen to whether we are in the car or he's next to me while I work in the kitchen. Bliss. 
Give a boy a stick and life is complete. 

There's our bike duo. What a scene to behold!  A lady on the other bench was watching me load the boys after our stop to continue on. She told me as I jumped on and started to pedal that she was impressed.  I thought "you could do it too!"...but I did say that my thighs sure burn pumping uphill! 
There was even one hill that was so steep I had to jump off and brake before we went rolling backward! Hah!
Our last stop for a snack before home had this view, Above. And these guys, below. They were creepy. 
We found a spot away from the wild turkeys but gradually they got closer and closer and I really rushed to put Wade back in his seat because I just imagined getting pecked to death. 
I think this is the result of fearing all dogs in Argentina. They were almost all a threat. Once I had one grab me by the back of the skirt causing it to rip up the back seam!  We ran back into the apartment and grabbed a safety pin, making sure my dark, long slip covered the rest and carried on!  (It ripped from mid calf to above my knee.  Nothing scandalous!)

Cheese & crackers in Wisconsin

This kid has started saying "Oh shoot! Shucks!" and it's really cute.  Good thing anything worse that I say, I say really quietly (most of the time!)  He's enjoying a cracker & cheese sandwich here.
 It was our first time at Pumpkin day at Grandma & Grandpas.  All this living in the busy city sure makes it nice to go out to farmland where its peaceful and wide-open!  One day we'll have a home...one day!
 Wade looks like his uncle Beaumont in this photo.  The most similar I've seen.
 LOOK AT THIS!!  Me and my LOVER.  This is such a great picture of us, I am so glad to have it!  And I don't think I look this blonde in real life.  Maybe the lighting was just right to make it appear such!  It's weird that we're getting older.  Is this weird to anyone else?  The sister missionaries met my neighbor and were telling me about it..."She's 31.  So she's your age." they said.  That threw me off guard!  HAHA I didn't respond for a second I was so taken aback!  "I guess that pretty much is my age!" I thought to myself!  I don't feel worried or scared about getting older...it's just weird.  I still think I'm a young pup, but alas I am a grown woman.  Perris catches up to me this saturday!  We get to be the same age for about 2 months.  Then I become older and wiser.  :)

 This wee (actually he's quite large) babe has my heart.  He has the nickname "Champ" from some people at church because I just introduce him as "Hank.  He's a champion." because he's just an excellent baby.  The one time I cringe is in the middle of the night when he has the most shrill, annoying cry to beckon for mother's milk.  He never cries like that in the daytime, which is most appreciated!

 I still stop and think randomly "I have 2 kids." during the day.  It's pretty awesome.  Perris tried to start a rumor at the family gathering that I was expecting #3.  Be ye not deceived, tis a lie.

New levels

I feel we entered a higher level of adulthood as we just became Costco members last Friday. We went today, making it my fourth trip in the past week! We are going to eat at least $55 worth of samples in a year, that's for sure. I have no shame in sampling. (Please note I'm also a fierce price comparer.  I have bought few items, and written lots of prices down to compare at other stores. So far I know that eggs, milk, pure maple syrup, naan, applesauce pouches, TP are for sure better. Bananas at .66 cents per lb is no-way-Jose. Any other costco tips?)

Today I stood in line for probably four minutes to try the tuxedo cake. I mentioned to the two ladies behind me how this one was worth the wait!  They, too, agreed. I took two. Then, standing next to the cart with Perris to enjoy our tiny piece of goodness, I get a good chunk on my fork and as I bring it towards my mouth I can feel myself salivating in anticipation. My fork reaches my mouth and is deeply disappointed in tasting only a slightly sweet-coated plastic fork. I moan in sadness as I see my big chunk of chocolate deliciousness on the cold, hard, concrete Costco floor. Perris thought my reaction was pretty funny and happily gave up the rest of his sample. 

This was an exciting moment of my week. Obviously. 

But so was this:
I die of adorable overload. 

And this:
He who napped in his boots last week and napped in his mittens this week.  The mittens thing didn't work the next day for nap though when he realized he couldn't get his belly button while wearing them. He must touch his "pupo" when falling asleep. He has gone to great lengths to find it in days past (with onesies on!). So it was off with the mittens and on with the soft comfort of dearest said ombligo. 

Back row, good enough.

Last week= bday celebrations for Pdiddy. We had a great day with the boys plus dinner with Abuela present before the two of us headed out for Wicked. It's our second broadway this year, and I could totally dig this continuing like, forever!

It was really easy to find our top back row seats!  But easy to see the stage. 
I just DIE laughing at Glinda. In so many ways I want to be her. I mean after the two become friends, at least. Minus being self-absorbed. So maybe you get what I mean? 
(Our back row seats below)
Sunday we celebrated double-time. Look at that delicious cake. Obviously I love cake, and especially Susan's honey carrot cake. I took like 5 pictures of it. 
Blowing out 4 candles that represent 28. We have really good imaginations!!
I also die laughing at this photo. Wade and his bugs. He had a ladybug and it took a million shots to get this one of him showing the ladybug to the camera. I was nonstop clicking away, and good thing because....
All of a sudden the ladybug flew away and I caught the genuine shock and surprise of the boy!!  I'm still giggling...
He is super fun right now at 2.5. 

Mischief Managed


There is a scene often played out in our home.  Maybe yours too, but maybe you don't post it on the internet.  This scene happens no matter the season, no matter the time of day, no matter how anyone's feeling.  Luckily (??) we situated the computer in a perfect place to capture this scene.  The first time it happened was when I was video chatting with my entire family.  An eruption of laughter began, much to the delight of mischievous Perris, who thought he'd like such a reaction, although he was acting completely innocent to the situation.  

Soon thereafter it happened again, of course, and I was able to capture it so well.

Look closely. 

Nice thighs, babe.

And yes, he's on the phone.  It's where his best conversations and catch-ups happen.

Profound Perris

Monday Perris got home from work and I gave him the look of "It's been one of those days." Then I actually verbalized that and told him Wade had some extra special behavior…particularly because he didn't nap well.  Story of our life, though.

We continue our night and after bath time and before bed, squeezed in a little thing we call "family home evening".  Enter song, lesson, & prayer as a family.  We had had plans to visit a cool thrift store, but when the following was happening at dinner time, I had to cancel:
Drools of broccoli, tears, and snot on top of the yells and cries maxed out my Motherhood tolerance cup for the day.  You'll be so kind to understand…

So I wait on the bed with squeaky clean, pajama-ed boys and Perris runs to the computer and I hear something printing.  He runs back with this picture and proceeds to start his lesson.
I think, "Ok, cool.  Teaching about Jesus Christ calming the stormy waters…" and started humming the hymn "Master the Tempest is Raging" in my mind, thinking how the tempest was kinda raging at dinnertime.

Perris begins by looking at Wade and saying, "Wade, do you know who that is?"
[Wade with a blank look.]
"It's Jesus." says P
[Wade with a look of recognition.]
"And what is this a picture of?" asks P
[Another blank look from Wade.]
"Jesus is sleeping." [Pause]
[Wade looks up at him]
"Jesus was taking a nap because naps are so important.  So we all need to take naps and get the rest we need, ok Wade?"
Perris says "Amen" and we're done.  I really had no idea where he was going to go with that lesson, but I can say I liked it.  And it really made me giggle.  

You'll probably want to teach your kids this one, too.  Right?  ;)

Let's end well.  Here are the children in happier states:


Holy Buckets!

That phrase is rampant here in the MN. Well, actually our fellow Kusileks in Wisconsin were my first clue-in to this Midwestern lingo. I knew it was serious when my dentist said it today!  "Holy Buckets, they have six kids!" (Really. We were talking about having kids and being in school)
Another interesting moment and fun fact from my new dentist office was the wild turkey peeking in the window two feet from my chair. Literally PEEKING in. I'm not a fan of wild turkeys, they give me the heebie geebies.   (And the third mention of this office I MUST share is that I was given a $25 target gift card for BEING referred there by a friend. ??!!???  Shock and delight overtook me when they said "oh, let me get your gift card for being referred here!" Umm, OK!!  I could spend hours at target. So if you move to the greater twin cities area soon, we would both get some target cash if you become a patient there!)

Just a gem from earlier today...Wade was helping me make peanut blossoms and when we sat to unwrap kisses, he put on his serious concentration face and got to it! Just LOOK at those sweet tiny nub fingers using all the power of his two year old fine motor skills!  It was seriously awesome. 
P.S. If you can see the notes on my notepad right there, it's a bunch of locksmith phone numbers. Perris took the bus into Minneapolis and lost his keys yesterday. Whoops. Our car is still parked in the bus station lot tonight. 

P.P.S. I have never been so cold as two days ago running into Target. Literally running, kids in stroller, gloves on hands. I could not feel my hands. Bitter cold frozen tundra. That's where we moved. We are visiting St George next week where the forecast is 48. Beautiful. Lyndsey, who will be returning from a year+ in California, will be freezing. We will be basking in the warmth!!!!

1/2 a year

Except I just started writing this to say we have lived in MN for 6 months now, but then I recounted like three times and it's only been 5. Whoops. Maybe that is an indicator of my mind these days. !!

Wade is a tornado through the house and then has extreme meltdowns that he wants his blanket on, no he doesn't, yes he does, no he doesn't, all within four seconds and it's extremely frustrating for all involved. Is this just normal 2 year old behavior???  Please reassure me?  Or just tell me the cold, hard, dirty facts. 

Speaking of cold, it is. So cold, in fact, that church was cancelled because of extreme temperatures last week!!  We were bundled up folding laundry on the couch, watching Sherlock Holmes (love!!  The movie) when the email came Saturday night.  We were very surprised. But we had a devotional and party (which always includes dominos-Mexican train) at our house, with a few fellow church-goers in the area Sunday instead. 
This is what I documented Saturday night after receiving the news:

Notice the real feel of -24. So luckily, I found in my pile of laundry this:
So I was never worried about staying warm. Next time I will cover my nose. 

But -24 is piddly compared to Mondays forecast:
Can I get a HOLY CRAP -50 WHAT do you do at such temperatures??  Well not go outside, duh!  These are times school is cancelled. Fellow mid western friends confirm this is not the norm and is quite a cold winter. I think I read the farmers almanac said it would be a very cold winter. BTW what is the farmers almanac?  Like crop and weather fortune telling???  They are always right, it's magical. 

Besides the weather and my mother-of-a-2-year-old-woes, I am in love with my husband. 
New Year's Eve we spent the night at Susan's (mother in law) in St Paul. New Year's Day we walked the skyway (did you know Minneapolis and St Paul cities have indoor walkways throughout all the buildings so you don't have to walk outside when it's -50???  It's pretty awesome.) Anyway we walked to the train depot they just restored and Susan told us this exact clock has a sweet romantic history of a couple saying goodbye or getting engaged under it before the war and then they got married there and took a pic under it every year. So we did our thing. Sorry if you don't want to see it but I write this blog for me, not you ;)
While we may appear to be extremely passionately kissing, we are mostly just laughing while our faces are pressed together. 
Happy 2014. Next week: my 29th birthday!!  Holy moly bring it on!

29 and it's so fine

...So fine!  Perris treats this girl right on her birthday. Before work he made me pancakes and we did our thing all day until P got home, the headed out to St Paul for delicious panini dinner & dessert. We left the kiddos there and went out on our own for like 24 hrs!!!  Amazing. Perris used hotel points for free nights. Then took off work Friday to be with me. 
The instructions to me Friday were that we could go anywhere I wanted and find a pair of boots I've been looking for and Perris wouldn't complain once!  (He hates shopping.  And spending money.)

The only birthday I've ever had with two children. 
Milwaukee brand baby dill pickles are the most delicious. They are available around the country. Find them. Love them. 
I made my own cake because no one else has time. I made this "Italian love cake" which was much better 2 and 3 days post-birthday. My mouth just watered thinking of this because half the cake is left in the fridge. Beckoning me. 
The afternoon of my birthday I went online and signed up for every free birthday deal I could find that I desired. So first thing Friday we went and got:
Free bagel at Einsteins. 
Free bagel at Breuggers. 
Free hot chocolate at Caribou Coffee. 
That night we got a free $22 value car wash (inside and outside).
I have yet to redeem;
Free Ben and Jerry's
Free culvers sundae
15% off at World Market
$30 to Benihana
$25 to McCormick and Schmicks
 And some other stuff. Pretty shweet!
And here are my bday boots. (And my new clothes from Christmas. Cami this is the coat I got with your gift card.  I really want everyone to know that I paid $17 for the coat, $8 each for the shirt and skirt. Then on my bday I found $7 jeans at the gap. Let us rejoice in mega clearance sales. The shoes were more spendy. Probably the most expensive pair of shoes I own/have ever bought. On clearance from $80 to $60 at nordstrom rack.)
This is my sultry model walk towards the camera. 

My 29 year old walk. 


8 January 2014.
A particularly trying day up here in Minnesota for this Mother.

Feeding Hank.  Wade up to mischief…

"Wade, if you take Hank's cheerios one more time I'm going to flip a lid."

A few minutes later I finish feeding Hank some solids and give Hank cheerios again, and sure enough Wade grabs one, so I take it back.  Then he looks at the lid of the baby food and with a pause says, "Mom, flip the lid.  Flip it!"

I am trying my hand at couponing. I got all this for $8. Just call me frugal Fannie. 

The New Hit Music Video

Made especially for Katie's 18th Bday.

Mother's Milk


Yes that's Wade. Yes that's a bottle. And it had a teensy drop of breastmilk at the bottom. I was transferring hard-earned milk from bottles to bags to freeze and curious Wade inquired as to what I was doin'.  I told him and he asked if he could try it. Hahaha!!  He liked it. Obviously if anyone has ever tasted mothers milk, it's like sweet skim milk. Are you mortified?  I mostly find it hilarious. And hopefully he got a few extra nutrients in the .001 oz of milk he absorbed into his little bod. 
And he thought it was so funny I was giggling and taking photos as he drank...giggle giggle. 
Thanks to my sisters for an addition to my Christmas present!  I wanted a ring to represent each child, and these I've had my eye on for a while. I love. And I love that little Hank face peeking out from behind!!

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