Hi friends. If anyone has been worried about the Minnesota cold for us, fear not. At least, not
yet! We are wearing shorts and tshirts in this gorgeous 75 degree weather and biking around these trails. It is so so beautiful! This is the trail around Staring Lake.
Right by our house. Awesome.
I think we have the best bike trailer ever. If only it were the best jogging stroller, we would have the ultimate Mom buggy.
We were listening to music on my phone and I kept trying to turn it down, without realizing that I was taking a million pictures of my nostrils! Peek a boo!
I am feeling really good about being a momma to two. Wade can sure drive me into the depths of despair, but when he isn't insanely tired or hungry, we do pretty well together!
GOSH this boy is handsome. He has started talking with ooo's and ahh's etc. and it's the best thing to listen to whether we are in the car or he's next to me while I work in the kitchen. Bliss.
Give a boy a stick and life is complete.
There's our bike duo. What a scene to behold! A lady on the other bench was watching me load the boys after our stop to continue on. She told me as I jumped on and started to pedal that she was impressed.
I thought "you could do it too!"...but I did say that my thighs sure burn pumping uphill! There was even one hill that was so steep I had to jump off and brake before we went rolling backward! Hah!
Our last stop for a snack before home had this view, Above. And these guys, below. They were creepy.
We found a spot away from the wild turkeys but gradually they got closer and closer and I really rushed to put Wade back in his seat because I just imagined getting pecked to death.
I think this is the result of fearing all dogs in Argentina. They were almost all a threat. Once I had one grab me by the back of the skirt causing it to rip up the back seam! We ran back into the apartment and grabbed a safety pin, making sure my dark, long slip covered the rest and carried on! (It ripped from mid calf to above my knee. Nothing scandalous!)