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Pickles and gold medals

As Wade quickly ran past me today, on his way up the stairs looking for his Dad, I knew I was going to one day miss all this. Especially that suttle crinkle, crinkle of his diaper as he moved that little bod as fast as it would go. 
We are watching a movie tonight, just me and Wade. We are holding hands and he keeps lifting his head off the pillow and grinning at me as he does his very best wink. 
He's getting more talkative and more able to articulate himself and his thoughts.  Super fun and entertaining. 

The above thoughts were recorded on Jan 31st. Today (Feb 12th) and again I couldn't help but smile and giggle at the crinkle of that little boys diapered-bum. 

This is the mother load pile of plowed snow right outside our house. We are hoping its warm enough to go play in it in the coming days. 

This is the mother load milk pumping session result. Wow. Gold medal of milk maid motherhood. 

Good news:  Kusilek boys enjoy pickles. This was Hank's first and he didn't make one sour face. Loved it. 
Then Wade asked if he could drink this juice. Having drank a good amount of the same in my lifetime, I, of course, approved immediately. 
Fun recent moments: a pizza that reminded me of my posterior, Wades first Valentines party, and more.  

Mis bums

As a missionary in South America, I had great pleasure of often teaching my Latina companions English words and phrases. Some phrases included, but are not limited to, "he's drunk", "let's go", "he's nuts", and "it's a lovely day".  One particularly entertaining and firey Chilean, whom I love and whose friendship and memories I cherish, once asked how you interpret "mis nalgas".  Well that translates literally " my butt cheeks." Which is a phrase I do not employ. Perris is another story. In Spanish there's not a lot of variety in vocabulary. So while there are other ways to say "posterior, bottom, buttocks", I simply told her my most-used phrase for this term in English: "bum".  She noted the word and we carried on. Some days later I heard her ask, "Hermana, tengo algo en mis bums?" Or, "Do I have something on my bums?" I died of laughter. I enjoy using Maria Julia's phrase to this day. 

On the same note, Chicken artichoke pizza is among the most delicious at our house. (Thanks Lynetter!). I made this the other night and when I retrieved it from the oven noticed it's striking resemblance to my back side. 
My flat bottom has been a subject of woe for many years. A good thing, a bad thing, I can never decide. After two kids though I'm in serious need of a Brazilian butt lift. I have seriously checked out those workout DVDs of the same name!  Haaha. Well as I continue to ponder a course of action, I will dive right in and enjoy my pizza. 
Wade with Hank's pants on his head definitely agrees. 

I saw lots of cutesy kid valentines on Pinterest and was seriously underwhelmed at the thought of such effort into the pre-preschool class of my two year old. But last week when his teacher announced there would be a valentine celebration and exchange I was like sent into twirls and squeals of delight (I also just received my favorite movie, Enchanted, for my bday and have been dying at the hilarity. Especially the hand movements of Giselle. I'm taking lessons.) So off we went to find a non-candy item for our sweet 15 friends. Bouncy balls were the winner. I was bound and determined to come up with my own cute saying...conjuring up my best creative juices to be original. I came up with my saying and then decided to look at Pinterest to see if there was anything that trumped it. Well, I found out that someone else (many someone else's) have also thought upon the same lines of brilliance. So while original in my mind, it's not completely singular.  Fine by me. 
Boxes for the teachers, filled to the brim with delectable Hershey kisses. And below, our creation.  (Brushing off my shoulder. ;) just kidding.)



Sunday 16 Feb
"Wade let's watch something about jesucristo"
"Christo?  What's that?"
"It means Jesus Christ"---

He currently repeats pretty darn well any lullaby or nighttime song I sing at bedtime. He whisper sings along. It's really cute. 

His prayers right now are as follows:
Heady fahdah
Thankful da food
Thankful da famiwee
Thankful da blessings
Thankful da food
(Then any other quantity of the above three things repeated)
Name Jesus kyst AMEN (always yelled for emphasis)

Today he was banned from his parents room and had to stand outside the door to play. He was fine and giggly about all of this. After a while he ran in our room about 2 ft, tagged perris's carry on luggage that was standing there and then bolts out of the room in fits of giggles. It was hilarious. This boy is cracking us up!!

Meu amor

Perris has been out of town for most of the week. We were talking and giggling last night, our favorite thing ever. (I'm sure Perris would use the word "giggling" in his own words, too. Wink)
I, not needy-like or probing, said "just feel free to tell me about how much you love me." (Ok but often my dear man needs a window of encouragement and straightforwardness to express those sweet little feelers)
So he began telling me, very sweetly, how he really does love me a whole lot and that he wishes I was always right next to him wherever he was!  Then he pauses and grins, saying, "except when you're cranky. But even then I still want you in the same room with me, just on the other side of it."

Thens when we really started giggling. 

True[thful] love. 

Love shots taken by Wade. There are about 15 more I could include. 2 year old trigger happy finger. 

Hank the little pup


For the following reasons we have decided Hank is our little puppy:

He hangs out under the dinner table eating crumbs. 

He will come and situate himself right in front of you, usually sitting on the papers or notebook you're looking at.

His feet are like a tail: kick kick kick at excitement to see you & food. 
And he's darn tootin cute!

Best Friends

I just returned from a lovely event with a handful of ladies from church.  It was one woman's birthday and her husband arranged for a few of us to go over for dessert and a conversational game.  It was a really nice time!  Although I admit, I was on my BEST behavior.  I am such a teenager walking around in a 29 year-old's bod, not to mention with 2 kids in tow.  The immaturity is not fading, people!  I mean, with my disheveled bun on top of my head, all of my energy was being focused on not leaning forward too quickly and letting a ginormous toot escape, which would inevitably echo loudly on the wooden chair my rear was throning!  Cue clenching.  Clenching, ever clenching.

Moving on.  Today was a day that I was just aching for a good friend within a few miles of me.  Because I just haven't made a bosom buddy yet.  This triggered by a few run-ins with an unpersonable, somewhat passive-agressive land lady and a non-respondant woman whom I am trying to befriend, I was really needing some comfort.  So I made some calls...and no one answered.
Except my Mom, of course!  And Moms just have that awesome/weird ability to bring every tender emotion immediately to the surface, dang it.  So of course I am silently crying (because I don't want her to know I'm crying, of course) as I hear her simple response of "Oh yes. I'm sorry, that is hard!" I really, really love my Mom and it took me entirely too many years to come to appreciate her.  I am really hoping my boys won't be as prideful and dumb as I was [am].

This was all happening in the car while driving around and at one point I turn around and see Wade asleep in his carseat and a little voice says in my mind, "Well, you'll just have to make these boys your best friends." Pretty good idea.  After all, Hank is definitely my best (and breast!) friend right now.  He is satisfied only when in a position approximately 1" from my face.

We're doing pretty good with Wade, too.  Every time the toddler-proof door knob comes off of his door (even/usually when he's inside of his room, throwing a tantrum & kicking the door in protest to being in there due to hitting, etc), he comes running to me in sheer terror and tears saying "I broke it!" and wanting me to put it back on.  Tender little heart, right there.

Well, at least I'm pretty sure these boys (and their 14-years-old-in-[im]maturity- Dad) will always find humor in my clenching woes.  That's comforting.


Look who has started to dress themselves!!  Green striped pajama pants with plaid flannel shirt, it is!

Wade is finding some inconveniences of me being his Mother.  For example, a song comes on and I start singing (maybe loudly??!!), he says "Mom DON'T SING!" To which I reply "Oh, but I love singing!  Maybe you can just kindly ask me to sing quietly?" To which he replies in a whisper, "Mom sing quiet!  Shhhh!" Makes me giggle forever.

You better watch out, too, if you've done or said or asked him anything that may upset his current tempo because he may just pull a straw out at you.  Please see below photo, and the physical manifestation of his seriousness when he does not approve of whatever is being said.  Sometimes when I tell him to do something and he ignores, I'll use a much more stern voice and he will point his straw at me (in this stance) and say "DON'T FIGHT!!!!" or just "DONT!" It is quite hilarious.

Hank started waving "hi".  That's always a heart melter.  Wade is still napping (miracle), and it's time for Hank to sleep, so I nursed him to sleep on our bed.  His little legs tangled up with feet poking out of his onesie jammies, all snuggled up close to me was one of those push "PAUSE" moments to just soak in that baby goodness.  He is a little tease, and will put his face RIGHT in front of yours to get your attention and be silly.  He loves peek-a-boo, and has some nice walking skills (with a push car in front of him!)...

He also can give a great open-mouth kiss on the cheek!

Perris impulsively cut off his hair AND beard yesterday before church.  He was planning on doing both, but at the END of April.  He was not recognizable to many at church, and I kept staring at him, remembering what his face looks like.

I realize an "after" photo would be great about now.  I'll have to make that happen.

We don't share a hymnal.

Rewind to mid-March.  It's a Saturday evening and Perris and I are in bed discussing/planning a lesson we were teaching to a fellow at Church, reviewing what the missionaries taught him a few years ago.
I have been thinking for DAYS about how this conversation started, but I just CANNOT.  Dang it.
Anyway, somehow we were led to the fact that Perris does not share a hymnal with me.  He will hand me his, and open a new one for himself if I go to share with him.

As I explained this concept of "WHY WOULDN'T YOU WANT TO SHARE WITH ME?" and "you're not that blind that you can't see the notes if we are sharing..." Perris proceeds to draw a diagram.
I was completely opposed to this.
This is not work where you love drawing diagrams when you talk about IT Risk Assessments...
But alas, there he went, drawing and explaining...explaining and drawing...
The conclusion of the matter was that if sharing a hymnal was really that important to me, then he'd do it because it would become important to him.  He was being pulled in no direction to do otherwise because I had never expressed the deep meaning it would have if we were to share.
Sound complicated?  It probably got a little too complicated.  But ultimately, I understood his feelings and told him to carry on with his own hymn book.  Besides, Wade's now at an age that I point to all the notes with his fingers as we sing, AND I'm trying to memorize all the hymns so I don't even need one!!!
Good story, I know.

Here's another:
One night after work, Perris was wrestling with the childrens.  He often pretends to eat their feet, and after doing so to Wade, looked at Wade and said in a sly, playful whisper, "Should we eat Mom's feet?" and proceeds to lean towards my feet and begin with a snarly growl to eat my feet.  Immediately upon the suggestion and movement towards my feet, Wade starts screaming "NOO!" in terror and bursts into tears!  haha HE LOVES ME & my feet!  It was so, so tender, but so hilarious.  Perris snapped a photo of post-trauma comforting.
Somebody's been experimenting with makeup.  This photo is from last week.  Today I actually looked closely at him and he had mascara on one eye!  It was extremely well done!  I asked him if he put mascara on, and he was pretty embarrassed, denying the fact and dying with laughter.  Looks pretty good :)

No $, no problems.

We had quesadillas and applesauce for dinner. That's normal, right??  At least when the husband isn't home yet and there's zero motivation to cook. It was a winner with the children. Thank you, quesadillas; best invention ever. 

We started paying back student loans and awesomely now have exactly $100/month for any extras. This includes but is not limited to dates, babysitters, gifts, and clothing. But when do I buy myself clothing?  Oh yeah, a couple of weeks ago when a dress at old navy was $1.97. Then I got to the register and the lady said it was actually $.98!  You bet I got my sister one for her birthday too. (It was actually the other way around, I was shoppin for her. That wasn't very selfless of me. But $.98. I couldn't turn away!)

And speaking of clothing, a very classy girl in my ward once mentioned to me that growing up, for every 4 shirts she got rid of, her mom would buy her 1.  So I emphasized to her that whenever she's cleaning out, I'd happily take the 4 she's ridding herself of. She said she currently has a pile in her room but didn't offer it to me. So I, very classy-like, texted her the next day, and tactfully told her I volunteer. I'm trying all my luck to get clothes for free. My sister is holding a box for me to go through when I go visit her in July. Thanks, that's really nice!!!

So really there are plenty of people I know who do not even have $100 extra dollars for anything. So I will take it. 

Thanks for listening, goodbye. ;)
Me and my mother circa 1986?
Hank yesterday. My parents say he's definitely my baby. ?? (Not question mark on the matter of whether or my he is my baby, but whether or not our appearances state this fact. Because surely you were worried about that.)
Hank's first time on the swing, and our first park trip of the year!  Woohoo

A whole sleeve of Graham Crackers, all for myself.

Right now it's just me, nap time, & a glass of milk w/ an entire sleeve of graham crackers.  Call this a rare moment of which I am taking FULL advantage.  (By the way, how much is milk where you live?  Because at Costco today, Vitamin D milk was $3+...I was like, "Excuse me???")

Well it's almost May and the grass is definitely getting greener.  Temperatures are teasing us, and can't decide what to do.  For example, our porch April 1:
 And on April 3:

See what I mean?  It's been raining for 3 days straight---POURING rain.  Which is kinda fun, but kinda cold, too!

Let me just interject here and say how GRATEFUL we are because I keep praying for help, and it keeps HAPPENING!  We are certainly being watched out for by a loving Father in Heaven.  I mean, we are pretty cheap people, let's be honest.  For example, at our rare date night of dinner (with a gift card!), there was this (picture below) left from our chip dip.
I mean, it was incredibly good salsa, black bean dip, guac, and sour cream.  We both concluded that it was like $2 we'd be throwing away, which is ridiculous, so of course we took it home!  (And took a picture, giggling at ourselves)
But even with being "cheap" (I would up myself to "frugal".  Perris is much, much worse than even "cheap" can describe.  Remember used pacifier found on the street story??), we actually are on an extremely tight budget.  So, when I was planning an important family trip and not finding a ticket that worked with our schedule/budget, I prayed.  Like the words, "Please help me to find a ticket we can afford & that works".  The next day, I thought of new ideas and found miles we haven't used to get myself a ticket for $85!  Umm WHAT?!???!!!!
Then our blender broke.  It was a wedding gift, and had a good 5 year run.  It was partly my fault, but it was still dying slowly anyway.  So I've been looking for blenders and they be spency!  This week I prayed for help to find a blender.  Today, a friend texted to ask if I wanted her cheesecake springform pan that I'd borrowed before, and I said YES.  Then I thought I should ask her if she's getting rid of a blender.  AND WHAT DO YOU KNOW?  She was! 
And that, my friends, is how I know I am known & loved by the heavens.  Small and simple things are sometimes greater than the big things.


I bid you farewell because I'd now like to enjoy an episode of Psych before the boys awaken!  Look at them driving together in the grocery store!  Crazy-face Wade was not messing around!!


Two nights ago I was looking up teething remedies on my phone as Perris and I cuddled up to go to sleep. I heard/felt the man drifting and I thought "golden opportunity"!  You see, Perris seems to fall asleep in mere seconds--every time. I am baffled at this ability and wish I could do the same. So I took the liberty to start my timer and see how long it actually takes him to fall into slumber. Results below are generous, since I waited extra time to make sure he was fully asleep. 
That's pretty fast, don't you think?  I can't turn my mind off for at least 5. 


Our firstborn is soon to be "fwee" and it's pretty darn adorable.  (and sometimes not adorable at all.  Like when I say "turn around and sit down in that chair!" as he's in time out in the highchair, and he responds, lickety-split "YOU tun around and sit down! HAHAHA!!" Not adorable.)
Ain't nobody in this house got time for a full-out pinterest birthday party or anything, so we're keeping it simple, but it's going to be great.
That squishy face tells all!

We're trying to convince him that when he's three, he won't wear diapers anymore.  He's totally on board, but I know he doesn't realize what this means or how soon this will begin.  But MOSTLY I think, "Ali, you're seriously setting yourself up for some high expectations of totally saying goodbye to diapers.  This could be ugly for Y-O-U!"
Potty training.  How does one do this???????
 We went to eat with Per at work friday.  AND BEHOLD, GREEN GRASS.  Really, it took until May to feel like spring and for all the snow to melt (and it all melted this fast ONLY because it rained for like 5 days straight last week).  That has made 4+ months of straight-up hibernation.  Well I declare this family un-hibernated.
 (we eat Kale salad.  And seriously, it was really good)

 And we are out on our bikes & playing catch at the park to celebrate this sunshine goodness!
 Here's a really good shot of me and Hank.  (And our sweet bike trailer, which I love love love)
 Wade made a "cake" on the frisbee, and didn't think there was a need to pretend, so he just went for it, taking a couple of handfuls into his mouth.  Gritty teeth ensued.  Gross!!!!  
But I'll still kiss him on the lips :)

I'm living in a world of overwhelming romance & love.

OBVIOUSLY.  Because for Mother's Day I received the following cards:
Guess who's is who's?


"Your Hoo-Ha really took one for the team!"

Such candid language!  They sure did make me laugh, though!

Overall I was treated just like the lucky girl I am!!  With a tiara!


The perfect grab. "Please don't let go, Dad!"

The perfect bookmark. Hello there, m'love. 

I've sat in bed for nearly an hour now. Sitting. Thinking. Pondering. In silence. !!!!!  No phone, computer, nothing!  I've quite enjoyed it, knowing that I've done my fair part in contributing to the loudness that fills this home.  It's not just the almost 1 and 3 year olds. My loudness is the reaction of the impatient, selfish woman inside!!  
How do I handle this wild, wild 3 year old phase?  And the younger brother mimicking it all?  Boys (children in general?) are wild and beastly dictators running around in cute bodies!  But even in all the madness the thought keeps coming,"remember, Ali, this is not Wade forever. Think of the man he is going to be one day. ". I like that thought.  Wade is going to grow up to be a very sweet man. 

...But I still will remind him how he mistakingly yelled "HEEHAWWWW!!!" instead of "Yeehaw" when riding fast on his bike. That was hilarious, and I will giggle myself to sleep now. 

This is my dangerous

And I quote:
And if Hank could talk, this one would probably say, 
"Yes, Mother.  I squished that jam and biscuit all over myself.  What's it to ya?"
And Wade just hanging out in the road. (we live at the end of a road.  fear not, he is well watched out for)

Lovely weather calls for lovely dinner surroundings.  With the missionaries.  You should talk to them/let them in your house.  It could change your life.  All you need is an open heart!

Wade's bday came and went.  He's been around for quite a few days!  What a sweet baby face.
And he can make quite the happy face when eating ice cream!  Our outing the morning of his birthday.
Hank wished he could have partaken (as seen in the photo), but his mother forbids it.  Everyone thinks I am the meanest mother for this.  He'll have plenty of sugar in his lifetime, no need to start early!
His gift from us!  So fun.  And so were cutting out all those "3"s on the window :)
His first swing of his new bat was a lefty swing.  Much to his father's pleasure.
Party on the driveway was real nice.  Brats, hot dogs, potato salad, chips, Fanta, and honey lemonade!  And a surprise visit from maternal grandfather not seen for 13 years.  Very random.
Hank got his own piece of cake about a month early, thanks to his paternal grandfather.  I was not amused.  Cake for babies is reserved for the birthday. 

Hank just kept looking at Grandpa with a huge, thankful smile!  Don't get used to it, buddy!


I sent this as a card for my Mom on Mother's Day.
And I didn't feel how true it was until I came home from visiting my Mom & Dad's last night and cried a little cry on Perry's shoulder as I felt homesick for my family!

Being an Air Force brat growing up, it's hard to answer the question "Where are you from?" I lived the most years of my life in Virginia, but I haven't been there in 5, haven't lived there in 10.  I don't consider myself from Utah, but I lived there 2nd longest.
But now, although the town my parent's live in was where I was married, I've never really lived there but for a couple of months.  BUT NOW because they are there, they are my home.

So I got to go home.  For 5 whole days!
(Day 1, May 21st)
The occasion:  Sister #6's high school graduation.  Sisters #3 and #5 live within driving distance and would be present.  Sister #1 also was flying in for a SURPRISE to #6 and arrived the night before I did.  I think we got her pretty good.  We hid in my Dad's office and when I turned the chair around to reveal Hank, she said she didn't really know who it was (she last saw him at Christmas, so its understandable!), but then I popped out from behind the desk and we had a good reaction.

I sure love my Pops!
Hank was incredibly well taken care of this trip.  As the only child in attendance, I knew this would be.  Grandma proceeded to spoon feed him a milkshake within the first 2 hours of arriving.  This, of course, is in violation of my baby feeding beliefs, but sometimes Grandparents get to indulge the children a little :)
I got to sleep alone.  I love to sleep with Per, of course, but let's be honest sometimes a gal needs to spread out and be free in her slumbering habits and positions.  I had to giggle when I opened the bed sheets to reveal our very old and beautiful brown 70s sheets that we usually used for camping?  They are seriously in mint condition.

(Day 2, May 22)
If that's not a sight for sore eyes, maybe this will be.  My Mom is a gift giver, and I was the lucky recipient of this beaut of a nightgown!  I seriously love it, and my sister took a photo in the morning to send to Perris, who was obviously beside himself in admiration and love!!

My Dad is the director of the Air Force JROTC in town.  When creating a plan, he suggested we go to the school's obstacle course!  Since we were missing our #2 sister, we snapped this photo en route to the school and told her we missed her!  She asked where we were going and we told her we were headed to the obstacle course to prove ourselves as Air Force brats.  Or to prove that we can fail and still be happy.
But let's be honest, failure is quitting.  We ain't no quitters.

We are pretty serious.  Warming up and stretching before we started was a must.
As we were standing and chatting after warming up, a car pulls up and I see a girl in the drivers' seat, and think "Someone must recognize #5 or #6 sister" (since they were the only ones to attend high school in town).  Then out pops sister #2 and yells, "Special delivery!!!"
If you can imagine it, we all (not dramatic or anything) drop our jaws in disbelief and run and scream over to her, and sister tackling ensued!  We had all really believed she couldn't make it, and until the night before, she really wasn't going to.  She couldn't handle it any longer (she was breaking the sister chain!!!) and flew through the night, and rented a car to drive into town!!!  It was awesome.

Then the awesomeness faded a little when we started going through the obstacle course.

We were totally pumped and full of energy as we began.  As a recreation therapist in profession, this is the kind of stuff I made girls and families do ALL THE TIME, so I was totally [over] confident.

Then we got to the rope swing.

That took us approximately 25 minutes to complete.  Let's not get down on ourselves by remembering that the record time for 1 individual to complete the maybe 15 challenges is 1:40.  Yes. 1 MINUTE and 40 seconds.

Let's again review the statement above: "Failure is quitting.  We ain't no quitters."
Then you'll note sister #1 in the green shirt above.  Even though she entered a foot into "princess mode" and we sort of carried/lifted her across the rope crawl, she did not quit!!!

Our father was so kind as to not take ONE photo of us falling in the pit below that rope swing.  Thank you, dear father.
I hope you'll note all these pictures are us at our best.  ;)

We called Mom, who was home with Hank to come over and take some pictures when she was ready.  We only had about 3 challenges left by this time, and we needed to surprise her with sister #2!!  Sisters 1 & 2 are twins, so when sister #2 popped out and walked to Mom, all Mom could think was "Why did Cami (sister#1) change into that nice blouse????" It was pretty darn awesome.

We made awesome signs, and graduation commenced!!!!!

We love that Katie!

We have a few prosthetics in our house.  Namely 2 ears, and 1 leg.  Luckily (?) Katie had accidentally dyed a pair with hair dye, and had the idea to fully dye them blue in honor of her high school.  She's pretty daring!!

We enjoyed some delicious food afterward.  These hohos are actually diplomas, if you didn't catch that.  And when I refused any to my puppy dog-begging baby, my Mom was so sad for him and asked "Can't he just have a bite?" No.  "How about a little lick?" Hahaha!



With 7 ladies in the fam, there are tons of similarities, obviously.  But I show you a manifestation of our differences in that of the wedded women's rings.  (Although some may be a manifestation of the different types of men we married!)  Super fun picture.  We be bling-blingin'.
 May 23rd 
Last full day of all the ladies together, we had to visit the temple.  I was married here!

-------MEANWHILE, back at the ranch in MN, my two sweet boys were camping!-------

My third boy got his second haircut of his life, and I said "Just use the clippers" when others suggested cutting the top with scissors.  So she did, just like I said!  Then I was sad immediately.  But hair grows back, I guess!
We grew up with a swimming pool, so we had to take a dip!  For southern Utah it was a cold day, so I opted to be the frisbee thrower and played from the sidelines.  Since #1 took her turn being a princess the day before, #2 sister had to have her turn when she didn't want her hair wet and had Mom pin it back for her.  We all have princess moments, right!?!
The only word to describe the happenings of this photo.  (that, and 'hilarious')
 Post-swimming called for games and donut-flavor tasting.  A dozen unique-flavored donuts split into 8 pieces each.  It was super fun.  We were not fans of the margarita one.  EW salt.  Can you tell we're not alcohol drinkers?
 May 24th
The texas sisters headed out midday so we got a great picture before they left.  Katie needed one with her "babies", too.
 Who are the twins?  We have various combinations of us that have been suspected as twins throughout the years.
 This photo was for my husband.  To prove I am such a baller.  And its probably the best picture of my backside that I've possibly ever seen.  I am not joking about this.  It's all about the angle.

May 25th, Sunday snuggles with Grandma Pammy

 May 26th, Hanky and I left town.  But not before we caught a sweet carousel ride!

Then I came home and cried because I already missed my family.  Perris let me cry on his shoulder for a sec.  There is such a sweet feeling in pondering childhood.  Such a simpler life!  Very fond memories of growing up together.  I hope my children will feel the same and sweetly look back on their life with us in our home!

My beautiful life

I do wish I could have fresh flowers everyday. Like peonies!

Once upon a time I was really wanting to love my home now and make it what I want it to be now as best I can, instead of just dreaming about what I can have one day. I mean this in a very practical way, as I rent a townhome that has ugly tan wood doors/closets/everything. That, I cannot change. But I CAN do other things. 
So I was reading a blog of home tours and they're always immaculate and gorgeous homes of people who live with kids. (Secretly one day I want to submit my home photos to show that probs the majority of people won't ever have such homes, but we can still make beauty in what we do have) anyway. One woman with a very beautiful and very white London home said she just did her best because they were on a limited budget. Then 3 paragraphs later she said she wouldn't know what to do without her housekeeper. 

I'm silently pondering that. 

Well I'll never have a housekeeper and I most definitely scrubbed a peed-on mattress today...BUT I am also not unhappy for the woman with the housekeeper!  And seeing her home inspires me to improve mine. So I relish in the differences we all have, yet the abilities we are all given to make our own beauty. 

Unfortunately, I don't think the woman owns a grizzly bear pj shirt like the one I'm wearing right now.    

So I relish here with you in my stained white pants, frumpy, but HAPPY momma self, with two kids who just dress in normal shorts and tshirts.  While maybe not always pleasing to the eye, it's Beauty all the same, my friends. 


Approximately five minutes ago I was sitting on the couch eating salted caramel gelato as Perris did p90x in front of me. Pretty incongruent activities going on ;)
Then Perris' elastic band snapped mid-pull!  Let's just say I hope we can have more children. I'm so sorry, but I also cannot stop giggling every 30 seconds or so. Haha!

Tonight this was the post thunderstorm Minnesota sunset. Nailed it!  Gorgeous. 

Best decision of the day: taking this picture. 

Worst decision of the day: letting Wade ride his bike on my jog. Resulting in fits and me pushing Wade and his bike, and spending 3x as long jogging. Plus 10 extra mosquito bites ;) awesome. 

Well my "threenager" is definitely trying to rule my life hard. But he's still plenty sweet. But let's just note that the worst new phrases are "I don't want to,""leave me alone,""I can't do it," and plain ole'"NOOOOOOOoooooo." Oh, and when he smacks me in the face. 

The remedies are usually sleep and food. I feel this trend may continue. Those are my remedies, too. And alone time.


Today I'm feeling the deep meaning of this scripture:

"I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." 
John 10:10

It definitely started all because of this face looking up at me and giggling and smiling as I began my personal study time.
It was incredibly enhancing of the feelings of the Spirit.  For those 10 minutes, life was pretty perfect.  (Hank is currently crying and trying to rip out scripture pages out of my New Testament.)  

But really, I live an abundant life.  And it is only because of my attempts to fully follow the life & teachings of the Savior, Jesus Christ.  I believe no matter our losses, or lack of gains for that matter, that everyone can have this abundant life.  It is offered to all. But it comes with a price!
Brigham Young said:
It is a mistaken idea in the inhabitants of the earth to conclude that it will not do for them to yield obedience to the commandments of heaven, lest it should abridge them in their comforts and in their enjoyments; for there is no real peace, there is no real happiness in anything in heaven or on the earth, except to those who serve the Lord. In his service there is joy, there is happiness, but they are not to be found anywhere else. In it there are peace and comfort, but when the soul is filled with joy, with peace and with glory, and is perfectly satisfied therewith, a person even then has but little idea of that which is in store for all the faithful (DNW, 15 July 1857, 4).

I'm shouting "amen" in my mind right now.  A reverent one ;)

Yesterday we arrived home from our 2 week vacation to Texas.  It was a glorious time!  Our flight home was at 7am, so we got home to our house about 11am.  Wade fell asleep in the car but was up and Adam when we got home.  I was exhausted but let him play while I instructed him he was to kindly leave me alone while I took a nap.  It was a solid effort, people.  Every 2 minutes he was tapping on my head and whisper-screaming "MOM!  MOM!!" The last plea was "I just want you to watch me" referring to his need to poop.  The boy needs some serious Motherly support because the boy never wants to go do his business without me.
I had to share my woes, so i texted Perris this picture and said: "I just want you to watch me" over and over.  In reference of his need to poop.  I can't keep my eyes open any longer.  Death by pestering" 
 No matter what, he wasn't giving up.  So I went with him.  He may not have even pooped after all--I can't remember anything 24 hours later!  Perris' reply came too late with a "Don't give in!!!!" Then I found myself on the bed again with a pestering Wade telling me to go and get Hank.  I finally resorted to covering my head with a pillow and enduring 5 minutes or so of intermittent pulling of the pillow, in attempts to uncover my head.  FINALLY I felt his little body snuggle up to mine and was amazed to hear slow breathing...fell dead asleep right next to me.  Beautiful moment.  Beautiful nap.  May we all nap beautifully evermore!!

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