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5 years and he finally proposes

Once, like 2 months ago, Perris and I celebrated 5 grand years of matrimony.  And like any other landmark celebration, we went to Duluth, Minnesota.  Ok Duluth, but really "Port Wing" Wisconsin, which is directly on the shore of Lake Superior.  In summary: I nearly froze my patootie off. 
But that's just me being a little dramatic.  It was actually quite wonderful & refreshing.  We were alone for like 3 full days.  WOWZA.

We: skipped rocks, climbed trees, saw a mansion where they filmed a horror movie (You'll Like My Mother.  Read the synopsis.  Scary.), visited a fish hatchery (extreme romantic moments happened there), hiked a waterfall, walked along the beach, saw a ginormous eagle's nest, saw Gooseberry Falls, a huge lighthouse, went canoeing, played cribbage (midwestern card game classic), rang a peace bell, biked around the tiny town where our cabin was, and watched Back to the Future (best decision ever).
But mostly I really reflected on a wonderful life with a wonderful husband.  I'm serious that I cannot believe how good I've got it.  We are not perfect.  We do not live a highly romantic or privileged life.  We are simply and beautifully bffs that love to be together.  Being partners with Perris is a sweet, fun life.  Perris is true at all times.  He loves people easily, and I've rare met a person who didn't easily love him.  He might annoy them, but they still love him ;)

5 years also brought a joyful moment...but not until the 22nd of June.  For 5 years I've had a recurring dream theme that no matter what my dream is about, the circumstances are that Perris and I are together, but not married.  He never asks me to marry him and I'm desperately in love with him.  Obviously a manifestation of some insecurities haha!!  But this was so frequent that I'd wake up and we'd talk about it all the time.
Then, then, THEN (!!!!!) on June 22nd I woke up and was ELATED.  My dream was that Perris elaborately and romantically proposed to me and my heart was elated and nigh unto bursting upon waking up.  I am not exaggerating.  It was seriously like the best dream I've ever had.  Ever.

population: 1,200

Perris' high school graduating class included 52 students.  His town's population: 1,200.  I have only been to this town once since married, but a few weekends ago we headed up for the second time to attend Perris's 10 year high school reunion.  I couldn't help but be in awe and amazement as we drove in--it is a very small town.  It is so foreign to me!  I pointed to each house on the stretch into city center and asked, "Who lives there?""Who's lives there?"

Of those 52 students, 8 showed up (which, if my math is correct, that is like of my graduating class of 600, 92 returning for the reunion).  I listened to them all talk and answered their questions about polygamy in Utah (reality TV is confusing America.).  The best part is when they started making fun of a guy who, when Perris asked him if he bikes, said there weren't many trails around.  "Oh, because you couldn't just bike on the gravel!"they said.  "You are SUCH a townie!" "TOWNKID!!" Haha, yes they were full-on mocking him.  Then they continued explaining how you'd know if you were a town kid: "Your chore is to feed the dog?  That's not a chore!"  It was all incredibly amusing.  Then many of them, in talking to us, said "I could never do that!" in reference to living in the suburbs, basically.  (I will refrain from sharing the details of the inappropriate t-shirts a group of women were wearing that walked into the golf club where we had the reunion.  My jaw dropped that they would wear that in public.)

I'd just like to say I highly value my upbringing of frequently moving, living in places of varying sizes + locations, and meeting varying types of people.  It sure is fun to see how other people live, though.  Like when we walked up to my father in law's house and saw some bass string lights on his front porch.  This is the beauty of the midwest.

There are also restaurants in the middle of nowhere with amusing names, like this one:   

Yes, the name is really What the Heck. (Logo is naked man in barrel! haha)  Too good!

We are enjoying exploring this place and opening our minds to different ways of living, that is for dang sure.

FHE idea

I used my blog as a quick way to gather photos for a family home evening lesson I did last night.  I figured I would leave it up for anyone else interested in using it for themselves.

We used this  as a foundation.  Really we just asked Wade to look at the eye color, hair color, freckles, of everyone in the room.  Then we looked at these pictures and talked about all of our differences--physical and the choices we make.  Then we shared this scripture from The Book of Mormon

2 Nephi 26:33 "...He inviteth them all to come unto him and to partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God..."

Amen to that.

Family Life

I found myself pondering about the stresses and woes of having children and being a mom.  And the thought of having MORE children and the foreboding question of, "How the heck would I even do that???"

Peace quickly came.

Things will never get more calm or less busy and crazy.  The challenge to accept is to embrace the good, the sweet, the fun, and the tender.  The BEST moments--these are the lights shining--keeping us moving forward.  And I'd never have deep fulfilling moments without the Spirit.  And I'll not have him nearby without inviting him through meaningful prayer and scripture study.
I read in Revelation right before having this pondering session and John describes seeing Christ.  He says he falls "at his feet as dead." But Christ lays his right hand upon him, saying "Fear not; I am the first and the last; I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen."

He's right here with us.
"Verily, verily, I say unto you that mine eyes are upon you.  I am in your midst, and ye cannot see  me." (here)

AMEN x 1 million.

On dating yourself

I think there was something in the air on Friday that was causing small children to rebel against their parents everywhere.  I mean it happened to me, my friend in town, my friend, Chelsea, in IDAHO...so basically that's a lot of places.
Earlier in the week I had expressed to some friends my deep desire to go to a movie all by myself.  This has been greatly appealing for many moons, but really, mainly since I became a mom.  I don't think it would have crossed my mind before.  (Except there were the times I was sad/mad in college and would take the TV into my room to watch Little Women alone. But I really mostly wanted to lay on my bed and pout, so the theatre wouldn't have cut it)  AS LUCK (and brotherly kindness) would have it, I told my friend Bri (in town who also had a rebelling child on friday) again how all I wanted to do was take myself on a movie date and she texted me saturday morn and said "The movie you want to see starts at 11:10am.  Bring your boys over if you want to go!"
Bless that woman forever.
I was late to the theater, but had planned to ask questions to the cashier about how common it was for people to buy 1 ticket and come alone to the movies.  He didn't blink an eye when I said "Just 1", though.
I found my way to theater 9 and snuck in through the door into the dark.  I even sat in the handicap seating, but found it was too close, so I easily grabbed my purse and walked up a few rows.  (I was by myself, remember.  Just me and my purse.)  I got out my water bottle and baggy of chocolate (yes, the sea salt almond "snacking" chocolate from Costco) and propped my feet up on the railing in front of me.
And then, I sat and sucked up every single good moment of me-myself-and I for 2 hours and 2 minutes.  At the end of the movie, I asked my neighbor to take my picture.  This being my first movie alone, I really wanted to document it, and he surely thought I was a little strange (and did NOT laugh at my jokes), but that's fine.
It's not the best picture, as you can see.  But that's me.  Me and a huge, relaxing smile plastered on my face (and maybe some chocolate smudges).

If you're feeling a little burnt out, I highly recommend this activity.

...But I will say that it probably would not have been as enjoyable if the night before, post bed-time, I had not had some uplifting spiritual moments.  Feeling remorseful for my poor motherly behavior and lack of patience and love, I sat to work on a project and listened to this.  It's the first episode in a series called "Enduring it Well" on the Mormon Channel.  All about how having hope & faith in Jesus Christ and His plan can carry us through the hardest of trials.  This episode had me actually sobbing.  I don't really recall a time that I've sobbed recently, but it surely brought upon me seriousness of the great privilege it is to be a Mother and steward over precious souls of our Heavenly Father.  It's about an hour long, and is one of my favorites.  (All of the episodes I've listened to are very uplifting)  Listen while you're driving or in place of a TV show this week.

Now, in the words of my Mother, who, while I was a missionary would write me and say "ROCK ON, MY DEAR!!" at the end of emails (which language and manner of speaking is highly uncharacteristic of her!), I say to you all: May this week you rock on in your duties.  

And then go to a movie by yourself :)

Holding hands

Recently I travelled to a store with the children and hopped out.  I grabbed Hank out and propped him upon on my left hip (not a difficult task.  Child-bearing hips are wonderful seats for small children), lifting my purse to my right shoulder.  Wade reached for my right hand and we started walking towards the store.  Quickly my purse fell from my shoulder to my wrist.  This is always a predicament...well, just uncomfortable, but I continued following our safety rule of holding hands in the parking lot.  We stepped onto the sidewalk in front of the store and I almost let go of Wade's hand, but immediately the thought "don't let go" came into my mind.  I waited to see if the busy 3 year old would let go himself and start his run inside.  He didn't let go either.  My thoughts continued to teach me, "Hold onto his hand for as long as he will let you.  One day he won't want to anymore" 
I grasped that little hand with all the tenderness and love I could muster and marched into the store.

And then I also felt better remembering my Mom sent us matching pjs.  Life is good in those pjs.
And Hank always feels better taking the antlers for a whirl.
And everybody feels better after they take a poo.  Wade's merited his first entry in our poo log.
And we always enjoy a few selfies (and Wadie's).

So far in September

Half-way through September and basically I feel like all I've done is be around really great people and eaten really good food.  Not bad!
Beaumonty was with us, and for Labor day we enjoyed biking around Minneapolis and eating from the delicious deli, Kramarczuk's. 

 I also canned and froze 50 lbs of the most delicious peaches I have ever had.  Straight from Washington state.  $1.21 per lb.

I had a get together with sweet friends who teach/show me how to make Indian food!  I suggested that perhaps I was meant to be Indian because I love the food so much and my Malaysian friend thought maybe I was in a past life ;)  This is Gayathri making Bhel puri, a typical street food made in India.  Mint chutney, another chutney with dates, tomatoes, puffed rice, dried chickpeas, red onions...Oh it was SO good!

 Melissa, from Malaysia, made coconut cookies. I had like 5, but if they were like normal cookie size it would have been like 1 and 1/4.  But I really don't care.  I am no cookie moderator!  Gayathri and Jeya also made Pani Puri, another street food with potato, mint chutney, and yogurt in the center of these puffed crips.  Also soooo yum.

In case you're wondering, I took bread and flavored butter.  It is so wonderful to have friends from different cultures and backgrounds.  I so appreciate getting to know them and learning from them.

 This is butter chicken, but with a type of blocked cottage cheese in place of the chicken.

 I also started watching 2 boys at my house a couple of times a week to earn a little money.  I already bought myself some new shoes and clothes, which really doesn't happen much, so that was exciting.  I'm actually feeling quite guilty about it.  There are lots of things money can go towards and I chose myself first!  Oops?
I did not, however, purchase this pink hat for Wade.  I just don't think it's your style, man ;)

Stepping it up


Today was a rough day. I was not on my best behavior as a mother. It is really tough sometimes! 
My loving Perris asked me what I needed when he walked in the door, and I promptly left on a solo bike ride and he turned to take over the boys in the tub.  What a great man I've got. 
I plugged Elder D. Todd Christofferson in my ears and enjoyed a ride around our community lakes. 
It was so fast and easy not towing my 60 lb load behind me ;)
The beauty of the scenery matched the beauty of the words I was hearing. 
"My dear young friends, be content in all your strivings to put His will first. Learn to want what He wants. Confess and acknowledge Him in every aspect of your life. Don't be ashamed of Christ or the Gospel. Be willing to lay down cherished thigs, cherished relationships, even life itself for Him. 
But while you live, let your life be an offering. Take up His cross each day in obedience and service. These are the implications and fruits of our faith."

Alright! Time to step it up and be better!!  I shall do my darned-est!

Peaches and Utah scones

Peaches galore. Sometimes after I start a project (like sewing something, or buying 50lbs of peaches) I think "this may have been a little over- ambitious" and sometimes I really want to smack myself and say the "h" word (hate). I know, it's pretty bad. But then I finish and my dramatic self calms down!
These peaches were incredibly, incredibly delicious. I wish a sample for all reading could be available. 
Fruits of my labor. The best (the only thing I've tasted) is a peach vanilla sauce. I ate it on a cracker and it was like fireworks in my mouth. And I mean better than that time Perris put on ice Chapstick and I put on fire Chapstick and we kissed. I can't wait to try it on cheesecake!!!!!

On September 5th we went camping for the first time in a year (as a family). I was not worried about this because all previous camping trips have been greatly successful. But I never realized this would be Hank's first campout. Hank is a wonderful boy. To describe his current character, let me just say that this week he sprouted his first word, that word being "no".  What child's first word is "no"??  I asked Perris that and he said "a second child!" He's a second child so he must know!!
Hank also is pretty adverse to the cold, as far as we have observed. It's just a stark contrast from his elder brother, who is a sweating machine just like their father. That night it was in the low 50s. Honestly I was pretty cold myself. Hank woke up every 30 mins until 1:30am when enough was enough and he and I drove home and slept warm and well in our beds.  I was pretty tired. I left the back hatch on our car open for like 5 miles. Whoops!! We returned in the morning for the rest of the fun festivities!  And in closing I'd like to officially declare that Utah scones are the best camping companion. Thank you. 

(These smiles soon faded)

Can you do me a favorite?

Perris and I went on a date on Sept 6th to Hell's Kitchen.  I didn't think that they'd actually decorate as if it was hell.  I was not diggin'.  Perris had a runny nose and when I found a maxi pad in the glove compartment, he hesitantly agreed to use it.  He did it super fast because he was so embarrassed, and I missed the picture of evidence!  Shucks!  It was pretty awesome.
 We go for cheap thrills around here.  We were lucky to get an old fruit crate that belonged to my Great Grandpa in Logan, UT before leaving for MN last year.  We put wheels on it and made it a toy box for a while.  Now it's a blanket catcher in our living room.  But every once in a while, its a go cart of extreme goodness on these tile floors!!

 Sept 11th we will not forget!  We love the USA, GOD Bless America.  I spent that day watching memorials and listening to stories, I listened to the 2 hr tapes from air traffic controllers/airports as the events unfolded.  Lots of tears.  There are good people everywhere, trying to help others.  This was the flag of my Gparents Whicker.  We know when we need to bust it out in patriotic pride.
 Sept 12 Perris rappelled from a 25 story building in downtown Minneapolis.  He successfully completed a fund raiser for the BSA and this was the reward.  Pretty darn fun!  He was THRILLED.  I drove by at the right time, and pulled over to watch.  Hijo #1 was out for the count:

Over the edge he goes!

Perris actually works in this building, so his coworkers were watching from inside and got this awesome pic!

 We celebrated his survival (I was nervous the morning of.  Once I got there and saw everything, I was like "nbd") with a food truck lunch. I've had better.

In other news, our 15 month old Hank-o is lots of fun.  He started jibber-jabbing and doing a "thith" type talk with his tongue on his teeth.  It's hilarious.  I herded them back inside one day and saw these little footprints as I followed.  I will indeed miss those someday.
 My two kitchen aides.  One is slightly more helpful than the other.

Perris just walked up next to me as I started typing this and said "WOW, that's what it looked like??" He has a new cast iron obsession.  He's done great restoring a few that his Gpa has had in his huge garage.  Here's the worst one yet.  A week later and we're cooking scrambled eggs deliciousness!

It was a thrill for Wade when the dryer repair man accidentally left his power drill.  I let him give it a whirl, and WOWza it was awesome!!
Wade's crackin' us up in his little manly self.  Today it was (with a shy smile), "Hey Mom, can you do me a favo-wit??" Sure.  "Can you get me some milk?" I will do you a favorite erryday, Wade.

His logic is developing well.  He says this about MANY things through the day.  For example, I say "Maybe Dad will be home when we get there!" To which he replies enthusiastically, "Yeah.  If he's home, then he is.  And if he's not, then he's not!" Or if we want to ask a friend to play: "If she says yes, then we can.  If she says no, then we can't!"

And one I don't think I've recorded, that MUST go down for future generations.  Aug 17th Wade looks at Perris and says "Dad, why you oways take snots out-cho nose wif yo hands?" EXACTLY, Wade.  EXACTAMENTE.

The chin splitter

They invented seat belts on shopping carts for a reason.  We were in a beloved double seat cart at Target. We finished but zipped right over to JCP next door to gift hunt for the Momma. A couple of minutes too long because Wade couldn't sit still anymore. 
Hank was dragging his hand along the tops of the smooth glass jewelry counters and Wade wanted to follow suit. He leaned over Hank and attempted to do the same, when simultaneously I find myself warning him to stop and the countertop ends. Crash goes Wade to the tile floor. Chin first. 

I'm really squirming right now reviewing it in my mind. It's my first big mom emergency, ya know. I shall squirm. 

He was just belting it out. He's not known for any shortage of dramatics and as I examined his mouth and teeth I saw nothing and encouraged him to calm down. But he kept screaming and when I went in for another examination, my fingers showed blood. I lifted that chin once and saw tissue through the spilt and I thought "ok. This is one of those situations. What do I do?" I knew he'd need stitches. 

Bless the jewelry counter ladies who were watching me. Now I was holding his chin together and pushing the cart, trying to remember where my destination was to avoid the ER, thinking how on earth I could hold his chin together and drive there and manage Hank!  I waited as they went for gauze and an incident report. The paramedic for the mall and police officer showed up and gave me ye bandaid I needed to hold that slit together!  Wade calmed down pretty quickly. When I mentioned we needed to go to the doctor, he lost it. 

Did I mention it was dinner time? Poor planning, Ali. 

I managed to call Perris, who fortunately was at a client 2 minutes from our house and have him head home to accompany me. I, of course, searched for my insurance card and it's not in my wallet!  

Wade was given a "junior officer" sticker, adding it to his target sticker proudly worn on his chest. The police officer and paramedic watched the boys on the curb while I fetched the car. They were really nice and loaded my target bags too. 

We picked up Perris and all the while I prepped Wade for what would happen at the doctor. He was fine until I asked Perris to say a prayer. He is JUST like me. Courage until we pray or until my Mom asks me how I'm doing. Haha!
He was fine all the while waiting for the doctor and asking 100 questions about everything the nurse was prepping. 

Then the Doc came. But really it was when he saw the syringe and needle. I had to pin him down to get numbed. After that it was youtube to the rescue. 

He was promised ice cream for his war wounds and battle. While eating he asked me if his chin was "still open like a door"?  Not sure how he envisioned my description of his chin splitting open ;)

He's got a nice bandaid covering up the three stitches. I have been warned about the trouble boys can get into, but I thought I had a couple more years before we would have any emergencies. Crossing our fingers for no more excitement at age 3!

Notice his highly decorated shirt!!

Life at home

Lately I've been learning many lessons on the great value of being a woman and being at home with my children. I'm being stretched to be better and do better. I'm striving to find the BEST things and fill our life with them. 

I've made an activity jar for Wade. HE pulls out a Popsicle stick and we do whatever it says. It's so fun for him and it helps me not be a party pooper of a mom. Hank just wants to play with kitchen items...

We made gak, which was a raging success!

We have also begun reading small chapter books together. This has been so, so wonderful. Perris started early this year with the BFG. We then read The Mouse and the Motorcycle, Charlottes Web, Henry Huggins, Fantastic Mr Fox, and we just finished James and the Giant Peach last night!  I have read 1 of those books, and I am really having a splendid time! It's such a beneficial activity in so many ways. Wade LOVES it. 

Halloween was so much fun this year. Wade got a Dusty Crophopper outfit from Gma Pam, but he started refusing to put it on. We went with it and made sure he understood he didn't get candy without a costume. At the ward party he came to us 10 min before we left and was ready for the costume and trick or treating. ;)
Discoveries in the mean time of Perris's old cowboy vest & boots became his dream and he declared he wanted to be a cowboy for Halloween. (This could be because of his new found love of Woody. His favorite toys right now are a cowboy and his horse from the Lincoln Logs set his Gpa Dan gave him for his bday. Those two little things go everywhere wth us and are LOST in like every store we go to. They should be very grateful for their miraculous rescues by cowgirl Ali!)
So, he was a cowboy. And oh my gosh the cutest one ever!  He stared at himself for seriously 30 seconds in the mirror after he was put together. It was like he was thinking "this is so legit"!!! 

He also took a mighty resemblance to his GGpa W. This Gpa wears cowboy attire daily. I could not stop giggling as I looked at him throughout the night. A little mini me!!

 Henry the cow was the best cow. He ran all over the place and was acting the part. Once he went to the first door and they gave him a sucker, he stuck that thing--wrapper and all-- right into his mouth and didn't let it out til we got back in te car to go home. The wrapper, slightly disintegrated, came right off and imagine his delight at now having the real thug in his mouth!
Hank is the master of climbing. I was helping Wade get cowboy'ed and realized I heard silence. I came downstairs and found a sneak in the candy corn and peanuts. He had also graciously dumped some into my open water bottle where the candy disintegrated into a lovely mess. 

It was a pretty cold Halloween. So far that's a 2 for 2 record, Minnesota. I need to dress warmer next year! I was holding out hope. 

Climbing mountains with children

You know you're getting old and responsibility trumps many things, so when you pull a wish bone your wish is something like "get the car fixed". Dang I should work on my zest level. 

I've had lots of anger lately. I don't really have a lot to say about it except I am hoping it will change. Being a Mom is really hard and really wonderful all at once. The most conflicted and varying feelings I've ever felt have come from parenthood. The highest highs and the lowest lows. Or maybe I'm just an emotional roller roller coaster mess?? Haha. Oh dear...
Trips to the dentist are much more exciting when the birds and wild turkeys gather all around the office and we can watch them up close and personal. It was really fun for Wade. Hank is enjoying exploring snow (eating it) and I may have taken a video of him falling and not being able to get up...!!
The Tale of Desperaux is the best book we have read yet! It is touching and beautiful!  And funny. 
This drawing really struck my heart. The journey of life as a mom has magnificent views and breathtaking passage. All accompanied by the blood sweat and tears of carrying, leading, and teaching your children along the way. 
Last night we visited Susan in St Paul. We put the boys down to sleep and visited and ate for a while. When it was time to go, Susan suggested we just leave the boys with her for a sleepover and to join her at church today. It was the most spontaneous thing we have done in a while!  Perris and I enjoyed a late night trip to target and aleepig until 9am!!!!! Church was a breeze (we were late--it was just like being single again. Sleeping too much and having to rush to get ready!). It was a great refresher for me to start the week!

Merry Christmas From the Kusileks!


We have had a lovely year!  

year highlights: 
Turning three, potty trained [We wish we could say 100%], 3 stitches on his chin, finished his first preschool class.

At 3 and a half years old, Wade is the tasmanian devil tornado-ing through the house!  He could easily win an award for most unique [annoying] noises.  He is very observant and will often bring up details from a conversation weeks before.  For example, driving to a friend's house I told him what street we were looking for.  More than a week later we were in the same neighborhood and he asked if another friend also lived on "Crabapple"?  I was completely floored, he is always surprising us.  
Wade's a little nervous to try new things sometimes.  This summer Ali wanted to ride with him on a tube at the lake.  He refused, but she pulled him on and said "hang on!" and off they went.  He didn't make a peep through the ride, but was caught nervously smiling :)  
When Wade hears music he alwaysasks what they're singing about.  This keeps our music selection very innocent—A blessing in having curious children to keep us straight!  Once, upon hearing the Mormon Tabernacle Choir women sing he said, "Mom, what's Mary singing about?" Then the men sang and he asked "Mom, what's Jesus singing about?"
He is fascinated, possibly obsessed, with knives, swords, and all things like unto... Kitchen knives have been found in many places this month, which does not bring comfort and joy to our household.  He just wants to be like the fighter guys on shows he watches (Tangled, Frozen. Thanks Disney)!
We are really tickled to have sweet Wade in our family!!

Year highlights:
Turning 1, walking & talking, favorite phrase is “Let’s Go” which is more like “Dets doe!”, has had an incredible amount of hair cuts with fast-growing hair.

Hank is 18 months this month!  He is our wild fire child!  His favorite phrase fits him perfectly: always ready to get going, and loves to be around people.  Hank is our acrobat and is often found jumping free-fall style onto things/people.  He flips delightedly over church pews, successfully begs food from strangers, and is into everything!  He has a real sweet tooth, just like his Momma.  Hank is a tease and is found saying “Boo” or roaring his way around the house, ready to be chased and tickled constantly.  We love our “Hanky baby.”

Year highlights:
Ran a Tough Mudder Race, rappelled down a 30 story building in downtown Minneapolis, successful pheasant hunting, unsuccessful deer hunting, & produced our first family lip sync dance video!

Perris is enjoying Minnesota immensely.  Winter & summer campouts with boy scouts, running and biking, hunting…growing a winter beard…he’s doing it all!  He has a real knack for restoring cast iron skillets/griddles and Ali has appreciated the new cooking method!  He loves serving at church and has worked hard at his job this year.  Perris is always looking for someone he can serve and is a great example and blessing in our family.

Year highlights:
Honed in on her homemaking skills canning peaches, jam, and chicken all by herself (the full story of which you will never know!), attended a movie all by herself for the first time ever (loved it), and successfully raised [chased] two growing boys with several laughs and tears along the way.
Obviously she is really learning to grow up and do things by herself! Hah! 

Ali also loves living in Minnesota!  She has made some good friends, a few of which are from other cultures which has been a great joy for her.  In May, she enjoyed a trip to see her 5 sisters and parents for the youngest sister’s high school graduation.  She even made time to read two books (!) and has experimented with several leather and sewing creations through the year.

We have had a great year together.  We have been blessed to make a few visits to far away family in Utah and Texas, and we are grateful for the much more frequent visits to our nearby Wisconsin & Minnesota family.  Having Perris’ Mother as a weekly visitor in our home has been marvelous, to say the least. We celebrated 5 years of marriage in June and are full of gratitude for our life together.  We are grateful for the goodness of God in blessing us abundantly.
We have really felt that our activities in the Gospel of Jesus Christ have enhanced our life.  

Wishing for you rich blessings this Christmas season and in the year to come!


Perris, Ali, Wade, and Hank

Soul Singing to my soul mate

Today whilst the children's slept, I did dishes. Very glamorously. But I listened to my all time favorite program--Enduring It Well, by the Mormon Channel radio station. So so good. This episode was making me tear up over and over and over. A widow told her story. She is a wonderful example of enduring well. 
Tonight we were driving to our hot date (JoAnns! It was like a window into our marriage. We were there for like 1 full hour. I fall into a puddle of indecisiveness because all I want to do is please Perris. Therapy. Go to JoAnns.) and the most romantic song (totally serious it is) started playing. We turned it up and I was starting to sing my soul out (Perris is not always loving this soul singing. But this time he did, because he was also soul singing in honor of me and his deep undying love and affection for me), and then I started tearing and almost crying. So I said "Perris, I'm tearing so bad!" He thinks this is hysterical because it happens at least once (three times?) a day. But anyway, my comment always makes him burst into loving laughter asking "you are??!" So I laughed too, but I was seriously feelin the love. The song was "Thinking Out Loud" by Ed Sheeran. I die. 
So just needed to share than after 6 years of loving each other we are still burning the flame via JoAnns and Ed Sheeran. Oh yeah. 

(You should know we went home and shoved our faces with popcorn. And watched 10 minutes of 13 going on 30, which is oh so apropos. One week til the BDAY. )

An Ode to My Twenties

I started writing this a while ago.  Today I finish.

Is it significant that today is December 9th and I find myself thinking that I have exactly 1 month more of being in my 20s?  Growing up is a very strange thing.  In the past few years I have continually had the thought that I need to write a book about becoming an adult.  No one ever talks about how much goes along with that...when you're young all you want to do is grow up!

This past decade has brought so much growing up goodness.  Life has really brought understanding, deep and heartfelt relationships with God and man, and such joys that one cannot imagine beforehand.

So let's just take a moment to review...I call this: 
An Ode to My Twenties

I was 20 in 2005 and boy was that fun!  
I could be found taking many (and I really mean MANY) a photo and video with my bffs and roommates...frolicking around being silly, silly, crazy girls.  There is rare a photo to be found of me with a serious face this year.  I was right in the middle of college life and it was SO fun.  Only slightly embarrassing to review photos/videos, but mostly hilarious, reminding me of my zest for living and fun.  30 year old Ali LOVES 20 year old Ali.  Thank you for the first digital camera of my life when I was almost 20 years old, Mom and Dad!!!  (They were NEW, the size of a small brick!)

Here with Jami and Lynette, both roommates at GoldStone #101 in Provo.  We volunteered with a program called Project Youth.

In 2006 I turned 21 and was a happy gal.  
I was living with two dear friends, and we also had some really fantastic times.  I was in my last year of college at BYU.  I often parted my hair really far to one side.  I loved to play tetris and was slightly boy-crazy.  Here we are sitting on my boyfriend of the moment..man he must have really thought we were funny.  I was a road tripping, adventure seeking, fun-loving, singing at the top of my lungs, goofy gal.  I also particularly love 21 year old Ali.  This is the year I decided to go on a mission after I graduated college, and was called to serve in Argentina!

My entire year as a 22 year old was spent in the service of Jesus Christ.  
A good year, indeed.  I was found in 4 provinces of Argentina, the southern area of La Patagonia.  I was stretched and molded and humbled in ways I had never imagined.  I saw a new way of life, a new people, culture, and language.  The incredible amounts of selfishness lived until now was given a sharp halt.  My heart grew 3 sizes this year, for sure.

When I was 23 (2008) I was freshly returned from a mission and to the US of A!  
It was a good year.  I got my first real job and first real acronym after my signature, CTRS (Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist).  I bought a car (got a loan) and did all sorts of new and very adult responsible things.  I had to sign up for my own insurance for crying out loud!  I also met a very handsome and tall drink of water named Perris and started falling in L-O-V-E.

 When I was 24 (2009) I got engaged and married to my little sweetheart & continued in newlywedded bliss/blunder.  I would never describe it as "blunder" but sometimes Perris reminds me how we had lots of miscommunications that year, so I guess it was ;)  I learned about having a companion and TEAMWORK baby!  I also really loved my job working with adolescent girls & their families at a treatment facility as a recreation therapist.  I learned a lot about families and communication!!

At 25, I was doin' my thing as a Rec Therapist and loving living life with Perris.  
We made many a road trip and camping trip across Utah and loved adventuring together.  My heart was longing to be a momma, and I was learning lots of lessons of patience and humility in waiting for the Lord's timing.  I surely did not have to wait long and at the end of my year of being 25 I got pregnant with Wade.

At the age of 26, I became a mother.  
I struggled with giving my body, life, time, sleep, and ALL to another.  I had to learn how to be home all day and gain structure.  I also learned the deep love that comes from real sacrifice, and the joy of motherhood.  I learned how to make it on $0 and -$ as my husband worked through his undergrad.  Life got more sweet, but it also got a bit more hard!

At 27, I was full swing into being a young Mom and sharpening my spiritual sensitivities.  
I needed guidance!  More temporal trials came as we decided to have another child and Perris started a Master's Program.  I learned to follow God's command, even when I wasn't sure of the instruction!  I also grew a greater love and appreciation for Perris and our relationship.

At 28, life obviously wasn't the adventures and road trips of days past.  
The family life that I had always been waiting for and trying to imagine in younger years continued to set in, though very new.  I gave birth for the second time, and that love inside my heart continued to grow when Hank joined our ranks.  The sweet moments given me by the fresh spirits from heaven around me all day were teaching me by leaps and bounds.  I was enjoying the camaraderie of my fellow sister mothers and my own Mother, whom I previously had NO IDEA WHAT SHE WENT THROUGH FOR ME!!!  Thank you Mom! 
My husband finished school life and we moved and got our first real job as a family!  More adult realities set in..somewhat daunting realities of life. 

29 years old and man, being a Mom is hard!  
I found myself more in love with Perris than ever...as we found ourselves unsure of what to do basically all the time with our children, and clung to each other (and the Lord) for DEAR LIFE.  Haha I still haven't lost my dramatic tendencies.  Loans, budgets, bills, tantrums, potty training all piled up and gave me a few panic attacks.  But all the while relationships, spiritual experiences, sweet relief of dates and gatherings, and humorous moments all piled up too, creating a really good life.

30's, let's see what you've got!  We think it will be really good.  When I get to my "Ode to My Thirties", Wade will be almost 14 years old.  Dang. Gina.


Day 1 
Here we started: clean, happy, fresh! And note the tube of calmoseptine on the far right of the plastic bin. It's our bum cream and we don't leave home without it!
You may not like it, but in the light of the day I found a loooong woman whisker and spent about 5 minutes trying to get a good picture to share with a few choice people who are free of judgements. 

It was time for our runaround time. The only place to do this in Altoona Iowa was Bass Pro Shop. Pretty nice! And very fun for the boys. 

These faces! Wade was really concentrating (and embarrassed, I think).

Side of the road, Missouri. Wade refused a potty stop and when seen squirming we pulled right over. I peeked over and saw a tiny toosh!

Day 2
Quite by accident we found the St Louis temple! A rainy day didn't stop us from some photo taking!!

Stopped in rural Missouri, boys slept through Kentucky, and all the while it rained rained rained. Tennessee was another energy stop--getting those wiggles out!! We hit the Tennessee state Museum in downtown Nashville. It was a great free museum!

This was Wades photography skills at his best!!

My Twins

This is what I wrote in my journal the day I found out about my little babies.

17 March, 2015.  Tuesday

Well.  I'd not lie and say I'm not one to worry.  I certainly am.  Honestly with each pregnancy I've worried while Perris joked that we are having twins.  But this time around the worry has been different.

First, I felt like my abdomen has already been expanding (I'm 9 weeks, 3 days), but chalked it up to it being my third pregnancy.  And bloating.

Then, I found my dream birthplace.  Having always used midwives and having non-medicated births, moving to Minnesota and having birth centers covered by insurance was AWE-SOME--and I was so excited about this one.  Perris and I toured the facility last Wednesday and it was very nice.  Immediately I saw they don't take multiple pregnancies on their handout and casually mentioned it to Perris with a wink.  Finishing the tour (and seeing how significantly cheaper a pregnancy/birth here were), I just felt completely indecisive and left telling Perris, "I Just don't know...." I waited two days and decded that I could just make an appointment and see how it goes.  Friday I called but they told me my insurance number was coming up invalid.  I asked if I could call back later once I double checked the number (my internet wasn't connecting while on the phone with them), and they said "sure" but were closing and open Monday morning.  Well, I checked that number Saturday and it was correct (!!??) So all weekend I worked and wondered why I felt so hesitant about this! I had even, the week before, asked friends what OB office they go to, called each one (and the hospital) for estimates on what they charge and knew going with an OB & hospital would be a significantly larger bill than dream birth center (+$10,000).  And I mean, I compare which orange juice is cheaper bc I ain't got no extra $$.
Finally, Sunday I prayed and explained how I was feeling so hesitant and needed some peace with this decision.  I felt more comfortable going to an OB, which was confusing.  Monday morning, my eyes open and I think "Calling the OB feels best." So I called and appointment was made for Tuesday.

Twins have been on my brain.  I made a jeopardy game for Relief Society and one question was to name 3 twins in our ward which ABOUNDS in twins...I stayed up late reading about twin births/pregnancies of women I don't even know on instagram...My sister has said "You know, either you or Lynds are going to have twins"...My friend calls me and casually says, "I was thinking 'why haven't one of those Whicker girls had twins yet?"...THIS MORNING I LOOKED UP HOW TWINS ARE FORMED...I mean--obsessed!

This, of course, has been accompanied by many self-talks of, "Ali.  The likelihood of you having twins is so small.  It's probably not happening." Over and over.

My mind hasn't really listened.

So today as I prepped for this appointment feeling like something either A. had to be wrong or B. I was having twins...But this morning I also prayed that I would receive comfort or something about the worry I was feeling.  I sat down o read my scriptures 20 minutes before the we left the house for the babysitter/appointment.  3 Nephi 13: 25-24.
Somewhere between v 25-26 ("...Therefore I say unto you, take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on...Behold the fowls of the air, for they sow not, neither do they reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them  Are ye not much better than they?") I started crying.  I knew what was coming next.  Here was this sweet, tender mercy, telling me that He will take care of us.  He will provide--we seek Him FIRST.  I finished and felt grateful for such a peaceful perspective setter before I left for what I really didn't know (But felt something) would be a life-changing afternoon.

Perris arrives with me at the office but had to take a work call before he could join.  The ultrasound tech comes to get me and I tell the ladies to please let my husband join me when he arrives.  I go back, lay down, jelly on belly, and once the wand is out, my eyes are glued to that monitor.  I'm waiting to see what is in store!
She puts that stick straight down and I immediately see two blurbs and start to speak, but stop when she moves it to black space.  I didn't want to react too soon to the confirmation of my worry.  Then she's back to those two blurbs and she says, "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" WELL my mouth opened to respond and didn't shut for the next 1.5 hours that I was in that office.  "YES!!  OH MY GOSH!"
"I KNEW I was having twins!!?
"I can't believe this!"
"I can't wait to tell my MOTHER!"
"I was just about to ask you how often you find twins"
"I can't BELIEVE IT!"
"Hello, Sweet babies!!"
(my voice is getting louder and louder)

2 minutes pass and the door opens.  I turn and yell, "PERRIS THERE ARE ACTUALLY TWO!!!!!"
His eyes pop and he says "No Way!! Are you serious!" (And that was the extent of P's reaction.  He returned to his cool-as-a-cucumber normal self quickly).  The door was still open as I'm yelling this.  Everyone heard.

I'm told:  Identical twins.  Twin B measuring 9weeks; 178 heart rate.  Twin A measuring 8w6d; 168 heart rate.  "They look really good"
She gives us 3 photos and we head back to the waiting room to wait for the nurse to get my medical history.  I look at the 2 receptionists and say, "We are having twins and you're the first to know!" And I did not shut up for the 10 minutes we waited.  There was one other lady in the waiting room with us and I said, "I'm sorry, but I cannot stop talking." It was hilarious.

At the personal history part, an extra nurse came in and said congrats, you'll learn more about the twins next appt with your Dr, etc...She asks some general question and I say, "I actually have only ever been seen by midwives and I was going to see them again this time, but I just couldn't feel settled about it." She responds, "Wow! A mother's intuition!" I say, "Well..DIVINE intervention!" TRULY.
I just couldn't stop grinning and giggling.  Been giggling all day.

Telling my Mom was the BEST EVER.  She is at Cami's helping with the new babe, HolliMae and I FaceTime and got her to be with Cami.  As she headed downstairs I said, "Mom, we're trying to remember, this is grandchild #15, right?" "Yes," she says.  "Well we actually thought we should make that 15 AND 16!" Commence screaming, crying, yelling hilarity!!!  Oh just a day full of love.  I loved telling everyone.

I am amazed at Heavenly Father's goodness, mercy and love for me.  Grateful to have been led by the Spirit and to have Him as a companion!  So, so grateful.  Today was a day from heaven.


Wade today, upon seeing him grab his bottom and whine uncomfortably after going to the bathroom I asked him what's wrong. He says "my undow-weaow is in my butt cwack!"
Which in itself is funny. Then I inspected and his little tighty whites were on backwards looking extremely uncomfortable in the buttocks region. 

He also frequently asks: 
Mom are we on the freewee?

Water fountain:
there's the watoe mountain! Or
I need a dwink at da watoe mountain!


During Fhe: Wade do you think it's important to know here we come from?
The United States of America!
In the name of Jesus Christ amen!
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