I started writing this a while ago. Today I finish.
Is it significant that today is December 9th and I find myself thinking that I have exactly 1 month more of being in my 20s? Growing up is a very strange thing. In the past few years I have continually had the thought that I need to write a book about becoming an adult. No one ever talks about how much goes along with that...when you're young all you want to do is grow up!
This past decade has brought so much growing up goodness. Life has really brought understanding, deep and heartfelt relationships with God and man, and such joys that one cannot imagine beforehand.
So let's just take a moment to review...I call this:
An Ode to My Twenties
I was 20 in 2005 and boy was that fun!
I could be found taking many (and I really mean MANY) a photo and video with my bffs and roommates...frolicking around being silly, silly, crazy girls. There is rare a photo to be found of me with a serious face this year. I was right in the middle of college life and it was SO fun. Only slightly embarrassing to review photos/videos, but mostly hilarious, reminding me of my zest for living and fun. 30 year old Ali LOVES 20 year old Ali. Thank you for the first digital camera of my life when I was almost 20 years old, Mom and Dad!!! (They were NEW, the size of a small brick!)
Here with Jami and Lynette, both roommates at GoldStone #101 in Provo. We volunteered with a program called Project Youth.
In 2006 I turned 21 and was a happy gal.
I was living with two dear friends, and we also had some really fantastic times. I was in my last year of college at BYU. I often parted my hair really far to one side. I loved to play tetris and was slightly boy-crazy. Here we are sitting on my boyfriend of the moment..man he must have really thought we were funny. I was a road tripping, adventure seeking, fun-loving, singing at the top of my lungs, goofy gal. I also particularly love 21 year old Ali. This is the year I decided to go on a mission after I graduated college, and was called to serve in Argentina!
My entire year as a 22 year old was spent in the service of Jesus Christ.
A good year, indeed. I was found in 4 provinces of Argentina, the southern area of La Patagonia. I was stretched and molded and humbled in ways I had never imagined. I saw a new way of life, a new people, culture, and language. The incredible amounts of selfishness lived until now was given a sharp halt. My heart grew 3 sizes this year, for sure.
When I was 23 (2008) I was freshly returned from a mission and to the US of A!
It was a good year. I got my first real job and first real acronym after my signature, CTRS (Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist). I bought a car (got a loan) and did all sorts of new and very adult responsible things. I had to sign up for my own insurance for crying out loud! I also met a very handsome and tall drink of water named Perris and started falling in L-O-V-E.
When I was 24 (2009) I got engaged and married to my little sweetheart & continued in newlywedded bliss/blunder. I would never describe it as "blunder" but sometimes Perris reminds me how we had lots of miscommunications that year, so I guess it was ;) I learned about having a companion and TEAMWORK baby! I also really loved my job working with adolescent girls & their families at a treatment facility as a recreation therapist. I learned a lot about families and communication!!
At 25, I was doin' my thing as a Rec Therapist and loving living life with Perris.
We made many a road trip and camping trip across Utah and loved adventuring together. My heart was longing to be a momma, and I was learning lots of lessons of patience and humility in waiting for the Lord's timing. I surely did not have to wait long and at the end of my year of being 25 I got pregnant with Wade.
At the age of 26, I became a mother.
I struggled with giving my body, life, time, sleep, and ALL to another. I had to learn how to be home all day and gain structure. I also learned the deep love that comes from real sacrifice, and the joy of motherhood. I learned how to make it on $0 and -$ as my husband worked through his undergrad. Life got more sweet, but it also got a bit more hard!
At 27, I was full swing into being a young Mom and sharpening my spiritual sensitivities.
I needed guidance! More temporal trials came as we decided to have another child and Perris started a Master's Program. I learned to follow God's command, even when I wasn't sure of the instruction! I also grew a greater love and appreciation for Perris and our relationship.
At 28, life obviously wasn't the adventures and road trips of days past.
The family life that I had always been waiting for and trying to imagine in younger years continued to set in, though very new. I gave birth for the second time, and that love inside my heart continued to grow when Hank joined our ranks. The sweet moments given me by the fresh spirits from heaven around me all day were teaching me by leaps and bounds. I was enjoying the camaraderie of my fellow sister mothers and my own Mother, whom I previously had NO IDEA WHAT SHE WENT THROUGH FOR ME!!! Thank you Mom!
My husband finished school life and we moved and got our first real job as a family! More adult realities set in..somewhat daunting realities of life.
29 years old and man, being a Mom is hard!
I found myself more in love with Perris than ever...as we found ourselves unsure of what to do basically all the time with our children, and clung to each other (and the Lord) for DEAR LIFE. Haha I still haven't lost my dramatic tendencies. Loans, budgets, bills, tantrums, potty training all piled up and gave me a few panic attacks. But all the while relationships, spiritual experiences, sweet relief of dates and gatherings, and humorous moments all piled up too, creating a really good life.
30's, let's see what you've got! We think it will be really good. When I get to my "Ode to My Thirties", Wade will be almost 14 years old. Dang. Gina.