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3 Week Road Trip!

All I have thought is the rap song that says "welcome to Atlanta where the playas play..." And that's literally all I can remember. I've never been well versed in such music, but in high school I wasn't so sensitive to lyrics as I am now. Oh dear. 
Monday we did nothing but recover. Our hotel pool was out of commission for exactly the amount of time we were staying. Talk about a bummer! 

Tuesday we visited an Anne Frank exhibit and I realized I am pretty sure I've never read that book. Then we headed to see the temple and literally sang "I love to see the temple" as we drove down the road past the baptist church, the church that I can't remember it's name, and all the other 4 churches that lined the street. We are in the south!  We had a contest to see who could spot the temple first and Wade and I yelled in excitement when we both saw it. Amazing how easy it is to spot our own temples when we didn't know what it looked like and didn't see the sign. Just pulled right on in, knowing we had arrived. I love that!
Wade was really needing some explanations as to why he could not go inside. This was a new experience for me, especially when he was so adamant about "but whhyyyy??" So we lead right into the discussion about how our family is "sealed" so we don't need to worry or be afraid of death bc we will still be a family! He then asked when he is going to die. All sorts of curious questions over here. 

Meanwhile, back at the hotel, our fave activity is running down the halls. Hanks is sticking his head in the railings and getting it stuck 1/2 the time. He doesn't like that part too much. We also loved watching the elevators. We got the stink eye from some [white] people. We got lots of giggles and love from everyone else. Seriously!! Lighten up ye Caucasians. 

I was super daring and optimistic in planning several downtown area stops. We got a little lost, but found the Federal bank reserve and I learned things I had never known. It was short and pretty cool. We walked across the street to a restaurant, Ribalta. I get several looks that felt like "why are you coming in here with those two little kids?" And "who are you--the mom or the nanny?" Oh well. The food was super good. 

After getting lost to the next destination, we found Centennial Olympic park and took a whirl there before returning to the hotel.  That night we played racquetball as a fam, and surely were the loudest group that court may have ever known!

Thursday 2/5
Last day in Atlanta.  Spent doing laundry at the laundromat--and losing a book that I JUST started...what a tragedy.  I was shedding paper washed/dried into my clothes for days after that.  We found an amazing pizza place--Antico Pizza.  To die for.  We loved it so much that on our way back through Atlanta we stopped there again!  We appropriately ended our stay at the hotel wrestling in the hall.
And the best picture of Hank in the history of pictures.  Makes me crack up every time.  This is his silly face that he looooooves to make and be laughed at!

Friday 2/6
Oh hey, I made that bag.  We left and drove south, south, south all the way to Jacksonville, FL.  I kept thinking the whole drive "Oh my.  This is so far south.  We have to drive all the way back north...that is going to be a long, long drive!" We survived.  We stopped at a park as our last pit stop and enjoyed playing.  Our trusty rental car was good to us this trip!  Perris loved the spanish moss...I loved Hank's car seat head!
We successfully arrived at Beaumont's house and surprised Stuart on his birthday! It was epic.  That is a little dramatic, but it was really fun.  The creepy house is a neighbor to Beau.

First trimester complete

I have officially hit 13 and weeks and made it to the second trimester.  Always been a good feeling!  I thought a good summary of what this first trimester of twins would be a good idea.

 This is the day or the day after I realized I was pregnant.  Visiting Nebraska a life-long friend, Taylor and I went swimming.  On the way to the pool an incredible, ravishing hunger for savory food hit me--I've met this hunger before only twice.  I knew pregnancy had hit once again.

We came home to MN a day later and the hunger and fatigue set in.  I had brief moments of wondering if this was worse than the first 2 times, but figured it was the same.  I do believe that a tender mercy of heaven is forgetting what the worst parts of pregnancy/labor/delivery are like...because then you want to do it again ;)

This is the set of pictures we mailed to my family members to break the pregnancy news.  They all received this on Saturday, March 14th.

There began to be a lot of laying down/eating simultaneously...like this Sunday afternoon where Perris joined me for pizza in bed followed by a nap.  Naps became necessary--and I really do not like napping.  My stomach felt bigger fast!
 March 17th we got the twin news.  I realized I surely was much more tired than the first 2 pregnancies.

This is me at around 11 weeks.  Buttoning my regular jeans did not feel good, and my brother in law found this particularly entertaining.  That's his caption, too.  He's a real sweetheart ;)
12 weeks I put my jeans away and accepted that many parts of me were growing!!  I'm somewhere in-between regular clothes and maternity clothes and its always the most uncomfortable place to be.  

...Except when you're 42 weeks pregnant...that's the most uncomfortable place to be!

They say 37 weeks is about the limit with my mono/di (same placenta/separate sacs) twins...I imagine I'll feel about 42 weeks pregnant at 37 weeks (if not more!!!), so that's nice to know I've been this place before.  ON to the second trimester & not feeling nauseous!

Big Sky Country

Every year Perris has helped me have a trip by my lonesome. Recharge time! This year I was generously brought to Montana by our dear friends Lynette and Stephan!  Also generously flown to us by my parents was Auntie Katie, who stayed and watched the boys for me. I have one more day here, and it's really been wonderful. 
Lynette birthed two beautiful girls earlier this month and lucky for me I got to have a preview of twin motherhood. Lynette not only looks great but has entered the threshold of motherhood with the gentle calmness that she so easily possesses!
I've tried to be helpful, but I'm sure they've been more generous to me than I to them. They are such wonderful friends. 

Living on an Air Force base has been really fun. My favorite parts have been hearing the national anthem played both morning and night, and the choppers overhead. Going to the clinic brought a flood of memories back to my childhood and adolescence! I really loved being an Air Force brat. These girls will love it, too!
One night we had a tasty meal of homemade burgers and sweet potato fries. Lynette said I needed to share with Perris!  All this food contributed to my growing belly. 14 weeks in striped blue shirt, 15 weeks in neon shirt. A little trip to cafe rio helped, too!

Glad to be back to my boys soon. Surely we have all grown in our appreciation for each other!!

Belly laughs


As I glanced in the mirror in the dressing room at Target this morning, I looked right into my own eyes and laughed heartily. My stomach is so big. It's just crazy! The only thing to do is laugh (and not make sudden turning movements-ouch). And swim all day this summer. We will see if I can achieve this. I was trying on swim bottoms, FYI. That was like super fun. And $20 for a panty-sized item? Please people. 

I'm at the library right now. Wade is laying on his tummy reading a book quietly. We are the only people in the kids section. We should come more often when it's pouring buckets outside. If I get to sit and enjoy the silence for a few minutes, I'll take it! Hank is pretty quiet too, with the occasional "mooommmm (or "wayyy" meaning "Wade"), hew awe you??" Translating to; "Mom, where are you!?" He is a hoot. 

 Fast-forward one day:
Things are interesting right now.  Finding a place to live is tough, It's all about those Benjamin's that we ain't got. Children are slightly crazy but so am I. As I write this Wade just felt a baby move for the first time--the biggest grin on his face!! He will look at me and say, "Mom your belly is this big" and use his hands with fingers clawed to represent the size of a football. It's pretty generous since the belly is actually resembling a large medicine ball. It's fun seeing him really get it and understand what's going on here!

We went to a pool the other day and Hank fell dead asleep on the car ride and slept for an hour on the lawn chair. I wasn't wearing new swim bottoms, just in case you're wondering. 

6 years on the 6th

To celebrate a grand total of 6 years as the P. Kusilek family we began by getting a babysitter.  We strongly suggest a friend family swap.  We watched their kids overnight a couple of months ago, and planned very far in advance for our turn this weekend.

We found that as the marriage and family has matured, our activities have gotten slightly less exciting-sounding.  We started by going to the minivan dealer to work out some issues.  Then we shopped at the mall, which we never do.  Then we went to Target, which we do almost every date we go on.  The plan was to pick out a snack for our at-home movie and also a little gift for each other.  We aren't good at surprises unless we know exactly what the other wants, so going and picking out something was a winner.  Perris got an american flag hat he's been eyeing...I got a dream bag (it's ginormous) as my carry-all for every outing to replace a ratty old reusable grocery bag.  It's a serious improvement people.

So, in summary, to celebrate 6 years we ran errands in our minivan contemplating how on earth it is happening that we're going to have FOUR children in such a short amount of time, spent money while watching people give me the "belly look" (they see you, then go straight to staring at your stomach) and watched a movie at home.  Our snack ended up being cereal.  Buy one, get one 50% at Target.  I mean that was a no-brainer.  And we never buy fun (bad for you) cereal.
We did hold hands a lot, and discussed all our memories from our reception, sealing, and luncheon.  That was really fun.  That was seriously the best day and it was because of all the people who were with us to celebrate.  It was the day I have felt most overwhelmed with love.

Starting a family (by getting married) has been no easy task.  But just as hiking a mountain brings sharp inclines and rough terrain, it also brings the most breathtaking views and peaceful, fulfilling moments along the way.

All this celebrating we really did on June 5th.  June 6th was much less exciting, but happily realistic as we did even more practical family things.  Like garage sale-ing in St Paul.  Whilst out and about we saw 2 weddings and if I had thought fast enough to do more than honk as we drove by (we are classy.), I would have belted out in song out the window, "Oh they say when you marry in June, you're a bride all your life!!!" That would have been way more fun.  Then I would have shouted, "It's our 6th anniversary today!  Behold, your future!!!!" If only I could have shown them my belly!  See, I can still think of things 20 year-old Ali would do.  Just not fast enough to execute them, dang it.


I say things all day long in my mind that I want to write down on this record of a blog. Then I forget. I remember being so annoyed and baffled at my
Mother and father for not being able to recall the simplest details. And now I am them. Age is no joke, people. 

Summer is here and I've been swimming once. It was the most delightful sensation that I hope to repeat daily if I can smuggle me and my children into any free pool. The swim suit is not beautiful but mostly because I can see past my
Belly to check hygiene areas. Sorry but it's true. Boys got buzz cuts and are zooming around outside on their shared balance bike. 5 minutes each and it's growing their characters so well...

Meet my youngest children. They're already cracking us up pre-birth! Baby a's cute bum all up in his brothers face!

The capture of a peaceful, happy moment with these wild boys. Really. I cry a lot sometimes and really think this is not funny that I'm doubling my male companions. But of course I'm also thrilled out of my mind!
I mean just look at my face. This 22 week twin belly is a 30 week singleton belly. It's fine, I'm just like "what on earth is to come?!" With my eyes wide and wondering. I do it for you, dear children!

We found a cool new park. It is big and has exactly one bench on which I may plant my bottom. I helped these guys fly on this zip line thing and all was going so well. I mean look at the joy!!!
Then I got too distracted by taking pictures. 
See what I mean? Hank fell. And He recovered well and was up for another round.
And then I didn't catch his fall again. I was really feeling so bad!  Put your camera down and save your child, woman! 
He again recovered well and I kept feeling his nose arch the rest of the day and asking if his nose felt alright. He'd just look at me and say "WHAT, mom? WHAT?" I wish you could hear him talk. So adorable. And obviously his nose was not injured. Thank goodness. 
This is his position as he patiently waits his turn on the bike. I die. 

I got a hug from an old man stranger today when I said I was having twins. Then he gave me approximately 7 coupons for stauffer's products. I liked him!
The nurse at the OB office today was funny.  She weighed me, and after we returned to the room I asked what I had weighed the last appointment (6 weeks ago). She told me a difference of 15 lbs and then with a quizzical look asked "can that be right!?" Hahahaha YES my friend. Tis right!!
October, people. October. 

Pioneer woman

Sometimes I try to imagine being a pioneer woman of 1844 or so. I don't think I'm tough enough (I'm quite wimpy) most of the time. Especially having to wear a dress through mud and heat and everything. Then last night I had to sleep in the same room with my entire family, including my lovely and sweet mother-in-law, whom I love dearly. But to give you the picture and to salute all the real pioneer women of days past who had ten children in a one room cabin...Hank woke up every hour in a burst of cry, usually meaning his blanket (a towel from the bathroom) was absent.  This caused me to shoot forth out of bed towards his crib to remedy the situation. It's just a natural reaction. Wade moaned throughout the night. Dear MIL, whom I so love remember, snores terribly. You should also know that I was wearing my nightgown.  All this, plus a heavy base music beat until 2am outside the hotel was enough to prove my thought that "I am no pioneer woman."
The truth is now known. 

Second truth: I am waddling. Yes. The point of being very uncomfortable in your own body has arrived. Pregnancy is no joke. I told myself (and Perris) Weeks ago that I am going to try really hard not to complain, because I really don't have it bad. But let it be known: the amount of belly that is to come sometimes haunts me at night. 
And this picture is the only angle that makes me feel ok about bodily status :)

In other news, Hank has the sweetest face. And he was introduced to playing under the bed this week--which was really exciting!!  I also got a sweet snapshot of my two older guys sleeping right next to me.  I liked that!

Perris ran a marathon because he's the shiz

We went to Duluth. Looks like an annual tradition since becoming Minnesotans!

Perris running a marathon was capital-A Awesome. He trained well and does everything he sets a goal to do. (Except writing me a love letter monthly. I love him and have tried to get him to do this, but the consistency isn't great. We are still working on that ;)

We arrived and looked at Enger Tower park: also awesome. Then ate hot dogs, per Hanks request. Not so awesome. But cupcakes and presents from Abuela was super and Hank was rolling on that scooter quick!

Wades photography:

Brothers at the bar. Soda-fountain style. 

We waited at the finish for probably 3+ hours. I thought it'd be boring, but it was not! I'd cheer for the lady wincing in pain as she gave it her all for the last 50 yards, and all the rollers got super cheers because they're amazing. Then the super old dudes came by and I was all, "dang, Perris would love to see all these old men schooling him!" It was very inspiring, though the thought of "you all crazy. You just voluntarily ran 26 miles." Was always floating in the back of my mind as well!
Hanks activity of choice while waiting was dirt-digging and puddle sloshing. 
Wade ate a donut and slept in the stroller. (Sorry Wade you're in mid-donut chew in the photo.)

And then we spotted him!!!!! His jolty shoulders way back. Oh the butterflies! Oh the adrenaline!! FOR ME! I started hollering and yelping way before he spotted us. Then I screamed and whistled my loudest--which, in the video I can't much differentiate they were both so high pitched!!  It was just like when he got his Masters degree. Except he was a tiny dot and couldn't hear me. He heard me and saw me this time!!!

TRIUMPH. bam!!!

To bed!

I laid on my bed at 7:30pm to the sound of nothing. That's pretty early for the sound of nothing. Boys didn't nap today so I concluded and committed in my mind early in the day they'd go to bed at 7.  Bedtime takes like 2 hours here. I really wish I could change that! But they were realllll tired and are listening to a lovely British woman's voice read Matilda. Thank you, audiobooks, for changing things at bedtime for the better. 

Here I am at 25 weeks. I have felt/seen belly growth in the past couple of days. The uterus is getting taller, my ribs tell me. Bigger uterus = growing children. I'll take it! I keep telling myself "wow. Only 12 more weeks", which sounds funny but seriously...this is nuts. Our household is growing by 1/3rd and I have to start breastfeeding (which I whole heartedly believe in and do not hate, but do not love. I'm very selfish.) and learn how to manage two babies at once. And two older boys at once. And then I'll have to figure out how to make dinner and do laundry and all the normal things whilst managing these four lives. I know it's going to be a challenge. But I shared something in church this past Sunday that I really believe:
Elder Bednar was in charge of big changes at a college-turning-university and the night before the change his colleague asked him if he was scared. He responded, "If I thought we had to execute this transition relying exclusively upon our own experience and our own judgment, then I would be terrified. But we will have help from heaven. Because we know who is in charge and that we are not alone, then no, I am not scared.” 
BAM. Love that. I am not scared. I'm trying to build my faith muscles!

We transitioned Wade to a booster chair. He was literally BEAMING both times he sat in it today, which was adorable. He is hilarious. Except when he smacks me. 

We are a happy family. 

The days of nothing

I haven't taken many photos lately. Mostly because I am laying down a lot. I'm kind of wimpy this pregnancy. It could be that it's the third round and my belly is approximately eight weeks larger than my current gestation. AND these boys are measuring large! Haha oh I'm so glad, but it's so heavy! At 25 weeks, my baby A measured 28 weeks and baby B 26+. Thatta boys! I want me some good and healthy chunky babies. 

This was a good moment. Wades a biking pro now, and asked me to take off his helmet so he could rest, then went and laid down in the road with his bike. He is a sass ball right now. It's equally hilarious and "respect" talk inducing. 

Our favorite Natalie came to town, and the boys adored her. She got us out of the house and we showed her a bit of St Paul and a bit of Minneapolis. And I laughed my face off with her. She's such a dear friend. 
And when she walked in with Wade in her Maleficent costume I about died. I was face timing Tara so the only was to capture it was as follows. Sorry Tara :)

I'm currently having the worst heartburn ever. I can barely walk up stairs so the life of not being able to do anything is really hard for me. So many things, besides the normal ones, need to get done and I just can't do them. Paint cribs, stain bunk beds and put together, rearrange bedroom to make room for crib, rent a carpet cleaner and clean...I'm talking  Manual labor!!!! It is not fun to know what I want and not be able to do it. So I've been grouchy. Sorry children. 

This is the latest photo of me. I keep forgetting to take belly pictures. I mean there's a point where I just know I'm large and don't necessarily need everyone else to also exclaim this fact in their mind when they see le belly. We are on track for ten more weeks of this goodness. Just trying to keep positive and make my time useful instead of moping and being completely unproductive. Except for the housing of my unborn children bit. That's mighty productive. ;)

Feeling the Love

Seriously. All around blessings are being thrown at me through the love and kindness of people surrounding me. I may be repeating myself but we have been so overwhelmed with the l-o-v-e. 
We have a key to a friend's pool and go whenever we want. The relief of belly weight is heavenly. 
A friend has offered to take my boys every Thursday morning when I have my specialist appointment. 
The young women of the ward have enthusiastically replied to my plea for help. 
Friends have said "call me" I'll do laundry or dishes or clean. 
My mother in law comes over weekly and makes me sit in the couch and proceeds to do whatever I tell her. She made me cookies this week at 9pm for crying out loud. 
A friend threw me an online baby shower because she lives in another state. 
People are handing me gifts at church every week. 
My mother(s) and sisters and family are telling me they are ever praying for me and these babies. 
And I feel support from family no longer living on the earth. 

My Mom told me at the beginning of my pregnancy that when she was expecting my twin sisters she went to her Grandma, my great-grandma and namesake Alice, and said "How on earth do you feed two babies?"
She said Gma looked at her with this pitying, yet loving look and said, "Well, hon, you just do it!"
Man I love that lady and I can't wait to remember her better. We are bosom friends, I just know it. Her phrase goes through my mind and makes me giggle often. 
Lately especially, in my time of extreme impatience toward my children (when I yell), as soon as unkind words/Tones come out of my mouth the thought goes through my mind "you shouldn't do that. People are watching you. They're going to leave" I just know we have Angels and family surrounding us here. This quote from Ezra Taft Benson got me this week "The veil is very thin. We are living in eternity. All is as with one day with God. I imagine that to the Lord there is no veil. It is all one great program."
Bam. What an awesome program it is. 
These guys are playing better and better together and it's a wonderful thing to watch unfold. 
Today my OB measured me. 40 week belly at 30 weeks, 3 days. Bring it on!

These are seriously the only two photos I have taken in approximately 2 weeks. 


This is not easy. This is my 31 week, 2 days belly and we've got 6 more weeks of growth here. First off, what will I wear? Not even Perris' tshirts will hold me through. I'm not kidding, the ONLY thing that will fit me is my nightgown. 
I rarely leave the house anyway, so who'd care ;) haha oh dear what a sight that would be. That poor girl in the picture with puffy face, bum, and feet. She's lucky too, I know. 
I moan All through the night. Rotating from one side to the other is a process when your public bone is extremely sore. I potty twice. I keep tums next to my bed. Sometimes I wake up and can't go back to sleep, though I'm extremely tired!
No doctor has put me on bedrest, but really I have myself. I shall sit and gestate. Like a hen. I ache to be doing sooooo many other things, but everything hurts. And that's just the truth. But I'm healthy and so are the boys. The bod is just getting tired of all this extra weight. Amen, bod. 
Six weeks isn't that long, normally. As a missionary, my life revolved around six week periods. But without outings and long hours of laying and sitting and reclining...the days are very long. But six weeks shall pass. 
Wade told me today that he, his dad, and all his brothers (by name!) would run a marathon together when they got older and me and abuela would watch and "woo" for them. Loved that. 
I cried like 4 times today and every time Hank looked at me with such deep concern saying "Mommy? Mommy?" staring at me, brows furrowed. Right before I was about to burst into tears another time Wade looked at me and said, "whys your face so red?" Bless him. Then I burst into tears. He didn't quite know how to handle that and immediately left the room. He shortly came back and stayed sitting next to me on the bed for a long time after that, in almost a protective, comforting way. 
Look at them. I love seeing this. They'll look at Waldo books together like this, too. So adorable. 

Bearing man

A more accurate visual of how I feel right now in life there is not. Such a balance, Perris and I taking on new loads, shifting responsibility in my inabilities and yet still side by side. Thank you to that sweet man for doing it all so willingly and lovingly. 
Good news! I am going to be un-pregnant soon. 3 weeks I think. Or 4. But I'm having tons and tons of Braxton hicks. Like more than I've ever had in my life of pregnancies so something is stirring. My belly is actually gigantic. As it should be, but really. We went to an outdoor mall area yesterday and I kept seeing my reflection everywhere I looked--I couldn't believe it! It was a new perspective and I thought "no wonder these people are all staring. I would be too!"
My darling boys are practicing with babies. Hank actually LOVES this and it's a heart melter!! An idea was brought to my attention to assign each boy a baby to be their helper, which we will definitely be trying. They're going to do great. 

A cute tidbit about Hank right now is that when he's asked "what's your name?" He will answer either with two fingers for "two years old" or he will give them the Twins' names. Hahaha it is so funny. We don't quite understand the question, obviously!
 Fun fact about Wade is that he will come up to my face so close and say "hey, Mom..." With this clever grin and present an idea of something to do and end with "how about that!?" He's a hoot. Lots of fun conversations. Like how'd Dad put a seed in me to make babies. Yeah. I have nothing more to say to him except I'll have to share more when he's older ;)

I read the book "The life-changing magic of tidying up" by a wonderful author and Perris and I cleansed our closet this weekend. Felt so good. "Does this bring me joy? No. Sorry, shirt. Thank you for fulfilling your purpose. Goodbye." It was awesome. I got rid of 3/4 of my clothes. 
There they all are, in that huge box by the diapers! 

This week is the week to be done preparing for the babes. Tomorrow I'm 34 weeks. U I think I'm a little slow, or so I've been told. Hospital bag, baby clothes out and ready...here we go. Pump yourself up for a family of six. 

Four boys.


Written 3-7 October 2015
My Baby Boys

            Well I survived twin pregnancy.  The past 2-3 weeks with such a huge belly was hard!  But as I got approval from my OB to induce at 38 weeks (instead of 37) the relief of an end in sight was really feeling good; though not real.
            So Monday this week I got a manicure, courtesy of Tara.  Tuesday I got my hair cut at a salon, for the first time in over 2 years.  Wednesday I saw the chiro for one last adjustment to help turn baby B (Davey).  That night my girlfriends and I had a movie night and I was extremely uncomfortable throughout.  Monday the 5th(induction) seemed so far!
            Thursday was my last Maternal Fetal Medicine appointment at 9:30am.  I decided earlier in the week to start doing my hair and makeup daily to be ready for go time.  So I got ready, and had the thought to grab my hospital bag too, but I didn’t.  After the ultrasound my tech, Mary, said B’s heart rate was having decelerations and she’d go talk to the Dr.  “Maybe he wants to monitor…” she said.  This is what caused me to be induced with Wade, so it was familiar territory.  Then, when she took a while to come back, I felt like for sure they were going to have me do something.  Mary returned with the Dr, and nurse and the Dr said immediately “Hi, how are you, looks like you’re having the babies today.” Very abrupt and quick.  They asked if I knew how to get over there and pushed me out the door.
            Perris decided to start parternity leave THAT day, but had one meeting to attend.  I called him, no answer.  Called my Mom, Tara; no answer.  Called Cami and gave her the news.  Then Tara called back and I gave her the news.  Then Perris called.  I was shaky—here it was!  I was actually having the babies.  I checked in at 10:30am.  They quickly got me set up and on IV fluids.  I was there alone for 1 hour before Perris and Alex arrived, who was taking pictures for us.
            At the time, we knew B was head down.  My OB, Dr Toft, came in and said we’d start low dose of Pitocin and then break my water (A’s) in about an hour.  She and I agreed it was likely move fast.  Pitocin, even at low doses of 2 and 4 was just like I remembered.  NOT FUN.  I was already almost 4cm dilated and having my own contractions.  They told me to let them know when I was ready for an epidural.  Once the contractions came stronger I was remembering what theyre like and feeling lots of anxiety about what came next.  I also felt nervous about getting an epidural, but ultimately, wanted to get one.  I called them in to say “pump the fluids in!” so I’d be ready for the anesthesiologist.  It seemed fast and soon enough the man arrived. 

Let’s just say sitting on the edge of the bed, legs spread so my tummy could come down as I arched my back and put my head to chest, all while staring at my fat ankles’ circulation being cut off from the ugly hospital socks AND having a few deep contractions with my backside completely exposed was NOT the most feminine-feeling moment of my life.  Yet there I was, doing the most womanly thing possible of giving birth. Funny.

They laid me down for the epidural to work with gravity and that was oh so uncomfortable…UNTIL the warm, tingly sensation started down my body.  Oh MAN, I was loving life.  I kept saying “Wow, I feel so great right now!” and “This is SO awesome!” and “I’m totally present!” and finally “We are having our babies!  This is so exciting!!” (Things I'd certainly never had clarity of mind to say in previous non-medicated births. Those were all focus and concentration. Eyes shut the entire time!)

My nurse, Carlie, checked me after a while and I was 7cm.  So she smiled and said it wouldn’t be long and to let her know when I felt pressure.  That wasn’t easy.  I was on my side, with a towel rolled up between my legs to catch the water still leaking out and I kept needing to move the towel to figure out if I was feeling pressure.
What I didn’t know about an epidural was that I could still feel my legs and feet AND move/control them!  They felt tingly.  I really appreciated that! 
They kept asking if I was feeling pressure but I wasn’t sure.  Then I got the shakes.  Carlie came in and checked me and looked right into my eyes and excitedly said, “It’s time!” I couldn’t believe it!  I looked right into Perris’ face and repeated Carlie’s words and immediately felt a rush of emotion and started crying.  What a moment! It was really special.  I love Perris.  I felt so grateful to be having this family with him.

They put a scrub hat on my head and rolled me into the Operating room while Perris and Alex got into full scrub get-ups and hats.

In the OR they helped me over to the verynarrow steel table and my legs were in harnesses that basically went straight into the air.  Talk about full exposure.  I watched people buzz around and heard the click of Alex’s camera, but I was surprised there weren’t more people in there.  Nor was there an assisting OB, as previously discussed with my OB.  BUT I was calm and still, and my eyes served me well in taking in everything around. 
Carlie was on my left side, Perris on my right.  Alex moving around the room.  3 or so minutes after enetering the OR Dr Toft says “Ok, with this next contraction, give me a push!”  (Perris says Thomas’ head was right there already)  So I pushed and after the second one Carlie said, “Want to touch his head? Reach down!” I did! That was awesome.  One more push and out came our Baby A, sweet Thomas (who at the time was not immediately determined to be Thomas).  And he sure came out hollering…AND peeing! Haha!

They placed him right on my tummy and I got to admire the fresh babe!  I remember Dr Toft saying we had some time before baby B—no rush.  Soon, however, the tone in the room changed.  I was holding Thomas but was still super shaky so someone asked if I wanted them to take him.  I said yes, as I was also becoming concerned watching Dr Toft and hearing her belt out instructions.  Something was not right.  My eyes watched each face carefully, reading their change to seriousness and concern.  Some things were heard about heart rate, his hands are up by his face…Dr T needed “toning” (Pushing on my stomach)…she obviously became increasingly concerned and things escalated quickly.  “Where is anesthesia?”  “Okay, we are really going to try here, but if not…”
Alex was asked to leave the room and I knew this only meant an impending c-section to get B out.  I didn’t ever want that, but at this point all I cared about was my baby.  OH, how I prayed.  The spirit was close, as I felt completely calm throughout all of this.

FINALLY, Dr Toft said she was going to use the vacuum and “if not…” this was the last attempt before c-section.  Things were moving quickly.  Nurse Carlie had full body weight on my stomach…water BURSTS everywhere (I’m not exactly sure when this happened, but amidst all this commotion).
Dr Toft says, “Ok I need you to PUSH WITH EVERYTHING YOU’VE GOT”.  I took a deep breath and answered in my mind “OH YOU BET I’m going to.” I just PUSH and PUSH and PUSH and never stop thinking about anything but “PUSH HIM OUT; COME ON, BABY!”  I’m told to “STOP!” The cord is around his neck and then cut and I don’t remember if I pushed one more time, but out he came.  In silence.

I watched a nurse grab my blue/purple baby and whisk him over to his incubator.  A group gathers around him…and I cannot see him.  Dr Toft was visibly relieved when he came out, but was obviously not fully relieved as she gave baby to the nurse.  Quiet.  Everyone.

My eyes take me to Perris, who towers above the attending women and can see what is happening.  He is concerned and serious, and not moving his eyes off that baby. 
I am praying.  Praying so hard it’s almost coming out aloud.  “Oh, God! Please let my baby be okay”  Such a desperate, painful plea I had never before spoken.
 A short time goes by—10seconds maybe and we all hear a cry.  An audible sigh of relief fills the room, along with congratulatory words to all for the safe arrival of our Davey.

Carlie and Dr Toft are high-fiveing and telling me “great job” but I’m like “I didn’t do much!”  That’s what it felt like—everyone was totally focused and determined to get my baby here and I felt like a bystander!  I am so grateful to all of them forever.
My mind quickly remembers Alex has left and I yell “Someone go and get Alex!” so she wouldn’t miss any more moments to capture with the camera! (Which are gorgeous and I’m so grateful to her as well for capturing these heavenly moments!)  She was back in a flash and soon we were rolling back to the room where we’d stay for 2 hours then head to Mother Baby floor.  Perris and I enjoyed some quiet moments with each babe…I nursed..and it was just a beautiful time.

Then Susan shows up with the big brothers! Hank marched right in with his cowboy boots and was taking it all in, peeking around and curiously friendly.  Wade was very hesitant and took 10-15 minutes to start talking to even Perris or me.  He needed some observation/warming up time.  Pretty soon he was standing by my bed asking questions as he danced his notorious hip-thrusting dance.  What a goof ball.
Pretty soon it was time to head upstairs and Wade and Hank got to go up with Perris, getting “big brother” wristbands along the way, much to their delight! (I write this on 10/7 and Wade is still wearing his.  Hank lasted 12 hrs before wanting it cut off)  We visited a while, said goodbye to our awesome nurse Carlie, ate cheesecake that Alex brought back as a gift after leaving…
Two nights in the hospital were plenty. 

The effects of twin pregnancy:
Swelling beyond belief.  The 2nd night in hospital I woke up and went to potty, saw my face (!!!!) and couldn’t believe it.  SO “Swole” as Perris kept telling me.

My abdomen felt like it’d been punched.  Ouch.  I’ve been wearing an abdominal binder, but my muscles feel like they’ve been ripped apart and it’s just a bowl full of jello.  Like jolly Old St Nick.  Hard to imagine it will go back!

Nursing—started tandem feeding from the get-go.  I’ve dripped like 3 drops of milk.  Usually I’m a leaky faucet at the breast these first weeks, but the supply/demand is more equal this time.  Tandem nursing is quite the art!

Well.  4 little boys are ours.  What a joy. 

What we call a Day

I like reading this blog where a women invites different people to share what their day is like.  I was reading it this morning and paused to think "this is so engaging...yet people are just running through what they do in a day.  In detail." This window into their lives is fascinating, though they don't do anything extra ordinary.  So I decided I need to write my own "Call it a day" for a great record of what life is like right now.

Perris is out of town, so naturally I have stayed up nice and late the night before; usually about midnight, with last night being no exception.  The babies slept pretty well, and I only fed them once in the night--3am.  At 6am I hear the flip of the light switch on the landing--the older boys have risen.  They have really been great and are well adjusted to not being tended to immediately after they wake up since the babies were born.  5 minutes later and I hear the familiar call of "Mom!  Mommmm!  Mom, can you wipe my bum!?" coming from the bathroom.  (When and how do you ever teach your child to wipe their pooed-on bum and actually get the poop off?)
I groggily exit my room, not willing to be fully awake, and wipe the bum, wash the hands and start back towards my room to catch a few more minutes of slumber.  Then I smell the second dirty bum and call him over to relieve him from his own self.  Hank asks for dinner and I say "It's too early, I have to feed the babies first", which bless-his-heart suffices as an answer and the two go along playing nicely.  I crawl back in bed thinking how yummy my bed and sleep are.  The babies last 10 more minutes before needing to eat.  Thomas is particularly sleepy and leaves my right breast fuller than comfortable...but he's fully zonked out.  No burps for either baby, and I set them back in their crib and quickly pull the sheets up for just a few more minutes.  Knock at the door--Wade's asking for "breaf-kast" and I now am willing to comply...I'm not getting any more minutes in that yummy bed.

Oatmeal fils our tummies and I sweep the floor and do breakfast dishes.  It's back upstairs to start some form of cleaning up.  These days I am constantly surrounding by tasks beckoning me.  Everything is neglected, that is, every household chore!  I realize Hank is about to poop again and catch him in the act and we head to the toilet.  He finishes there and gets a huge cheer and a high five.  The boys jump in the tub (literally), and I return to my bedroom for mindless surfing of instagram and my email.  Finally they're splashing enough again to call me out of my bed for good!  Wade doesn't want to dry himself, Hank is running around in his "ehr-wer" (underwear), and then we mousse their hair.  I never knew 4.5 year olds would love their hair so much.  I start some laundry and that pile of socks is more like a mountain to climb.  6 pairs of feet has made our sock pile quickly become my least-favorite activity of folding.

I'm still in my jammies, but start a load of laundry further delaying my shower.  The babies awake and I change them and they join me in folding more laundry.  Hank falls on each baby exactly once, though they were easily and quickly comforted back to ease.  The boys want a snack, and surprisingly Wade asks for his oatmeal from breakfast to be warmed up, complying with my earlier request when he didn't finish at breakfast!  We'll call that one a WIN.

I come up to feed the babies and hear the boys finishing downstairs.  Chairs are squeaking across the floor so I holler down "What are you doing!?" Usually the answer is "nothing" or "finishing our snack." Wade came up and told a form of the truth by saying he found 2 candy cane hershey kisses so he put them back away!  I asked if he ate them, and he said no with a huge smile on his face.  I asked to smell his breath and he ran away.  Dead giveaway, son.  Hank comes up and I asked if he ate a candy cane and he, ever his jolly and silly self, says "Yes!" Wade goes to his room until he's ready to confess and we have the continuing discussion of "It's always better to tell the truth" talk.

The washer stops, so thats my queue to go hop in the shower before starting the next load.  By the time I'm done drying my hair, the alarm on my phone tells me its lunch time.  I have had to do this so I don't continue on through lunch time before I realize Wade misses his window for a nap before preschool.  Today: leftover Indian butter chicken and rice.  And a Christmas cookie for a great finish ;)  Wade easily lays down and I go back downstairs to finish lunch with Hank.  It's a quiet, nice one-on-one time for us.  He is silly, playing at his high chair pretending one piece of cookie is a Doctor to the other.  He seeks confirmation that he can watch Curious George--his daily ritual while Wade naps, and I give the thumbs up.  He cozies on down with George and I begin a long list of phone calls--medical bills, credit card bills that I don't understand, etc etc.  I actually get 2 done and crossed off my list!  During this time I happily receive 2 "bitmoji"s of Perris saying "Thinking of you" with a thought bubble above his head and "Miss you" with his eyes squinting softly and I reply how accurate his eyebrows are in his little bitmoji person.  This app has been a wonderful thing for his emotional communication! I always appreciate those little text message gems :) Then it's feeding time and before I know it an hour has passed and we scramble to load up for the 4 minute drive to preschool.  Wade tells me the whole ride how much he loves preschool and he wants to wake up from his nap every day and go to preschool.  It is magical to see this enthusiasm and enjoyment in his eyes.  These are the daily rewards of being a parent.

I heave the 3 sleeping babes back inside when we return, with Hank mumbling something about his sunglasses as I carry him upstairs, and they all go peacefully into slumber.  I hurry to paint golden tickets for our Minivan express ride Thursday night--our first time implementing what may become a tradition!  A text from Perris in NC: "I have to stay and extra night." That stinks.  Maybe I'll not complain about it since I bought myself a $75 dress yesterday--a very uncharacteristic thing of me to do ;)

A lovely friend brings Wade home from preschool.  Dinner is miraculously made: Chicken Noodle Soup.  I let Wade and Hank watch Wild Kratts while I saunter around the house.  After dinner we finish a book we've made for Perris for Christmas.  A good 10-15 minutes coaching Wade proves worth it as I turned the book around to read the last page to myself: "God gave us families to help us become what He wants us to be" through the beautiful scribble of my 4 year old. Tears spring to my eyes (another reward of the day) and I am touched at the innocence and goodness of these children.  Don't worry, then I go on hollering at them because they keep sitting on our toy cart...every 60 seconds.

We FaceTime Perris and say family prayer over this blessed technology and the boys are off to run around, cry every 5 minutes from one hurting the other, and read books.  "Where's Waldo" is the current favorite.  If given the right moment, they can sit for a good while soaking in all the details.
I linger at the last feeding of the babies for the day as they look up at me with smiley eyes and coo and goo, and I am just in love with these sweet little men!

Somehow, I make it through the day.  Actually, I always make it through.  And it's only ever by the grace of the Savior who literally ENABLES ME to do that which I cannot do alone.  And I could never be a mother without His help!

I am a Mother

I've had some time to reflect on the past year and all the changes it has brought.  In 2014 I was seriously struggling with being a mother.  It was entering the battlefield each morning to referee two small children, their quarrels, and fits...and then to make dinner (I mean, after everything in a day I just can't believe then I have to make dinner! Hah!)  So much so that my sweet Perris suggested I get a job outside of the home.  This suggestion, in all its innocence, only further confirmed I was doing a terrible job.  In my mind, at least!  It was extremely difficult for me and I deeply questioned my desire/ability to bring more children to our family.  I'd often say to Perris, "This might be it.  I don't know if I can have anymore children!"
The only thing that kept me going was the peace I felt as I sought guidance and repose from my Heavenly Father.  I did feel those things, even amidst all the challenge.  Slowly, the months passed, and I felt the Spirit very, very gently start teaching me and preparing me to have another child.  Little insights here, bright thoughts there, sweet moments experienced...  I recognized that slowly, and with subtleness, I was being prepared.  It makes me emotional to think of how tenderly and gently Heavenly Father guided me.  He helped take my fearful and anxious heart to steady clarity.  How grateful I am for that relationship--unlike any other in understanding my heart!  And isn't that my greatest desire; for someone to understand my heart!
Then the time came and I was ready to try.  I was walking into the dark, willing to follow the path, though the uncertainty of what lay ahead was daunting.  Once I realized I was pregnant, I still felt unsure of my abilities to handle this, but what's done was done and it was time to embrace and move forward!
Finding out it was my twins was really joyful.  I joke that heaven said, "Quick, she's losing her cool, we'd better send her two before we completely lose her!" But really.  And I never looked back after that.  My biggest concerns were how to tell identical twins apart, how to take care of all 4 children at once, and how to make dinner with all children at home (seriously, dinner is a daily struggle, i guess!).  I wrote all of these concerns down through pregnancy, and as I re-read them in the past month I have realized I'm doing just fine.  I make dinner.  I take care of all 4.  We never leave the house, except for preschool drop-off (and bless the dear friends who pick up Wade and bring him home every.single.day. Tender mercy, seriously.), but we'll get there.  All the more fun to go out together when Perris is home and make people ask themselves "Are all those kids really theirs?" We didn't need to buy a zoo, we are the zoo!
I sincerely share this to declare that I know Heavenly Father led me exactly the way I needed to be led.  I am willing to follow Him and His plan for me.  Still walking into the dark, not quite sure what else is in store for me and my family, but He's holding my hand and reassuring me through the path.

Happy New Year!


What We Call A Day - 4 years later

A Day In The Life
I wake up sleepy and get to the kitchen table to study scriptures. I’m trying to change my life, you know, and be most intentional about being with the Lord as early as I can in the morning. I finish studying and stand up (not super enthusiastically) to start my workout and a smooshed fly on the glass window catches my glance. I promptly roll my eyes because living with boys can be really gross sometimes. (We have lectures on smearing boogers on walls too often) It’s ten to 7 and still completely silent - not common. I quickly get to exercising in hopes to finish before the silence turns into, well, less silence.
Wade and Hank rise first, I hear Wade making loud sound effects in their room. It’s hard to remember to be quiet when others are still sleeping so I prompt them to come out and sit while I finish. Thomas is up next, and Davey last—Just like usual. There’s a hustle of dirty pull ups and “Did you make your bed?”s and somewhere in between I water the garden and start making breakfast. I love a good challenge of using up and there was one cup of bisquick mix left from when Mom was here and I stretch that to make 8 mini waffles. Only two throwing-egg-in-anger incidents and we’ve started the day!
A text from a friend Talya and we’ve got a slip ‘n slide date at our house, so we rush everyone out the door to Target. I try to be fun and tell them they’re soldiers on a secret mission and must remember the 4 items we need and look at nothing else, but they were SQUIRRELING their lives away at every aisle. I’m sorry to say I have a bad ‘tude afterward and told them they weren’t good soldiers. Yikes. Lucky for me, nothing cures a sour feeling than a gathering with friends. Our outdoor play date is awesome, it’s cloudy and even a bit rainy but we love every minute!
Our friends leave and I admit I’m feeling relieved it’s pouring rain, I love a good sit on the couch, lounging watching a movie. We’re halfway through The Music Man and it proves long still for these wiggle worms. I sneak in a phone call with my dear friend in MN, Alex. We put in a second movie (still pouring rain), The Parent Trap, and keep cozy.  I manage a while longer on that couch, but the requirement for dinner gets me up and into the place I spend most time: the kitchen. A delicious kale artichoke cheese dip + veggies + fruit + strawberry lemonade made for an easy dinner. I enjoy a nice FaceTime chat with Maddy during prep time, and she kindly takes me through her closet to choose some hand me downs. My favorite. Dinner is going well until #2 is given an insufficient number of crackers for dipping and strongly protests by dumping his glass of strawberry lemonade onto his plate. Much yelling and destruction can follow these events, and not by me. We’ve got some serious rage going on sometimes. Perris takes over for approximately 3 minutes before needing me to sub for him. We have really gotten good at knowing when we’ve reached our limit and tapping out! Ten more minutes and Per’s ready to return and I go back to dinner. 
Whilst the child aforementioned calms in his room, Davey and I discuss important answers to life’s questions such as, “Mom, why don’t you get stuff on your lip when you drink?” Many demonstrations ensue, and he, I believe, is thoroughly impressed. No-longer-angry-Child returns with an apology and we enjoy the rest of dinner all 6 of us. Thomas sticks crackers to his eyelid, Hank tries not to smile when I grin at him, Perris devours the delicious dip (he’s been at scout camp so home food tastes extra good right now), Wade expresses how strongly he feels about not dipping his crackers, and Davey is the first one done, ready for his cookie. 

Tub time passes without much incident and we get in a few songs at the piano (we, as in, me), scriptures, and one book before I must leave them to the care of Great British Bake-off for my phone primary meeting, as Perris has again retreated to the beck-and-call of work in the basement. A long day for him. 
I feel great love for the 3 women on the other end of the line and only twice mute the phone to go settle that little herd of wild boys in the living room. An hour later Perris returns and gets them into bed. Nighttime hugs are the best, as somehow nighttime fatigue brings out tender feelings for Mom. I find myself in bed ready to watch some James Corden crosswalk musicals while Perris goes to the living room and finishes a superhero movie that exceeds my intensity limits. 

We have good boys. Most days I find myself hoping they will become good men, wondering what control I really have over that outcome. But I’m holding onto all chance that they will follow the counsel and guidance we offer them because that path is paved in nothing but love. 

Merry Christmas 2019

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